1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
TMI ..... TMI ..... Let's stick with the edibles and their immediate vcinity .... and not the other end .... ... hahahaha!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bacon butty delivery service :O would this be the significant other taking on a second job, or a fo shiz niz butty delivery service!:O i was up at 2am smoking the house out with some burnt bacon and toasted bread :D you don't know how glad i am there is not central fire system and just poxy removable smoke detectos:D

no wak n bake here until i go and buy either tobacco or a bic lighter :P


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bad start to a great end. :mrgreen:
Iv got f all to do today so Iv started early and Im on my 2nd spliff already
its not even 10am :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
init great waking and baking wen u got fuck all to do but :eyesmoke::mrgreen:bongsmilie:joint::eyesmoke:
lol ive been up since half 8 had a bacon butty delivered a limestone fire surround and had a quick pipe or 3. bloody foodshopping now :(
bacon butty delivery service :O would this be the significant other taking on a second job, or a fo shiz niz butty delivery service!:O i was up at 2am smoking the house out with some burnt bacon and toasted bread :D you don't know how glad i am there is not central fire system and just poxy removable smoke detectos:D

no wak n bake here until i go and buy either tobacco or a bic lighter :P
PLEASE NOTE; WAKEN N BAKEN NUTHINELSE IS BETTER ..... please do it for the good of our society .... it needs help!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

mr west

Well-Known Member
RIGHT Quote:
Originally Posted by welsh wizz
Sounds like a bad start to a great end. :mrgreen:
Iv got f all to do today so Iv started early and Im on my 2nd spliff already
its not even 10am :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

RIGHT Quote:
Originally Posted by mr west
init great waking and baking wen u got fuck all to do but :eyesmoke::mrgreen:bongsmilie:joint::eyesmoke:

WRONG Quote:
Originally Posted by Don Gin and Ton
lol ive been up since half 8 had a bacon butty delivered a limestone fire surround and had a quick pipe or 3. bloody foodshopping now :sad:

WRONG Quote:
Originally Posted by tip top toker
bacon butty delivery service :O would this be the significant other taking on a second job, or a fo shiz niz butty delivery service!:O i was up at 2am smoking the house out with some burnt bacon and toasted bread :grin: you don't know how glad i am there is not central fire system and just poxy removable smoke detectos:grin:

no wak n bake here until i go and buy either tobacco or a bic lighter :P

PLEASE NOTE; WAKEN N BAKEN NUTHINELSE IS BETTER ..... please do it for the good of our society .... it needs help!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Its the only way to fly

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shit thanks for puttin me back on the right track. time for a big fat pipe of mj n off to the bath for an hour.......................................

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i love the simple shit in life sunday morning lie ins with the missus breakfast in bed good pipe of some vintage ak48 n a deeeeeeeep tub of steamy bubbles.

pub lunch and a snooze on the sofa this after... its a wonderful life.


Well-Known Member
I'm jealous... may bath doesn't hold enough water for me to get a good soak going.

Either my bath is too small or I'm fucking huge!

Enjoy your day if rest mate.