1st Grow. 100% Make Shift. Not Spending A Dime.

Hey everyone:bigjoint:

I recently grew tired of dealing with asswipe dealers for my bud. So now I will attempt to supply myself. Other then whats on the electricity bill. I will try not to spend any money. Im going cheap.

Okay heres what Im working with.
3 bag seed from decent mids.
3- 60 watt CFL.
A 120 watt "high penetration" UVB tube,
A 75 watt UVB tube.
A 22 UVB tube.
A random fan I found in the garage.
A no name organic soil.
No name nutes my mom used to use for gardening in everything from roses to pear trees.






My ladies (3/4 are female. Disposed of my male) Are on the 8th day of 12/12 .Vegged for 28 days. The single potted one is showing a bud on top. and trichome production on some leaves.Plants range from 10"-12". And I just recently added the UVB for flowering.

And other then slight nute burn. How do my plants look? What could I do to improve. And is there anything you strongly recommend me spending some money on? I hope im not coming off as an ass. All imput would be greatly appreciated. :)

I will also try to edit the thread and make it look nicer when I have the time.
thats a lot of light if you arent going to be paying a bill. and you mentioned nute burn, do you make your own nutrients, as you are not spending a dime.

People need to understand it takes time money and patience to grow cannabis. It isnt cheap for good product and better results.
thats a lot of light if you arent going to be paying a bill. and you mentioned nute burn, do you make your own nutrients, as you are not spending a dime.

People need to understand it takes time money and patience to grow cannabis. It isnt cheap for good product and better results.
Well, I did mention I will be paying the bill. My Mom knows what I am doing and is letting me use this past summers gardening nutes and soil she has left over. I also understand your point. I will spend what I have to and see how the results come out.
I know the more money and the more you invest on a set up the better quality buds you can potentially produce. But this is just an attempt to take what ever I can find in my own house that would probably never have any use, and try to "recycle" it for growing plants. If the results are nice, I hope to inspire other growers to do the same and maybe cut down on their expenses with older stuff they have lying around.
Hopefully im right by saying a little ingenuity can go along ways.


Well-Known Member
wow man your awsome.. mostly i like your idea of inspiring other growers it is very selfless and also i like how you are kind of recycling.. Genious. GL and your very creative!


right on dude... im doing the same with my grow just using shit from around the house.. it seems to be working really good!!


Well-Known Member
If you don't put a dime into the grow don't expect anything more than a dime bag in return
If you don't put a dime into the grow don't expect anything more than a dime bag in return
Haha I hear you man, I guess not spending a dime is more of an expression. But I think I entered growing with a very ignorant mindset, Not spending any money is almost out of the question in most cases. But I will still go for the cheaper route as my first grow. Thanks for checking the thread out!
wow man your awsome.. mostly i like your idea of inspiring other growers it is very selfless and also i like how you are kind of recycling.. Genious. GL and your very creative!
Thanks Dude, I appreciate it.
Its really all about helping others actually, I will be giving most of the harvest to friends so they can save money for better things.
Not to sound naive, but Ive seen alot of people say well "You have to invest a lot of money to grow yada yada yada", and these other growers get all serious about it. Im not here to boast or try and prove that my methods are just as good. I know they lack the benefits of an expensive set up. How ever I think anyone who has the basics to grow shouldn't be shunned away because they can't invest in a big or expensive set up.I think if you don't care about getting a couple of grams from a grow you did as something on the side for enjoyment or the sake of trying something new. Go for it. To me this Isn't about supplying my self for months at a time or making money, or gaining bragging rights for my home grown dank. This is about helping other people. The mentality around growing/smoking is just as sickening from everyday people as some of the propaganda the government feeds us. Seriously most of you who flame people for their cheap/bad grows or how they get ripped off on pickups ect. should feel ashamed. You should be helping people who are new at this. Because going in depth, even when someone has their own small grow, that's less Marijuana funding gang violence, and other crime. The less chance of someone getting short ended or hurt over marijuana transactions. Plus there will be more focus taken off the negative general perspective about this plant, which quite frankly is the total opposite of truth. Encourage/Inspire new tokers and growers alike, let them see the truth and beauty behind this plant instead of them coming into this game and leaving with negative feelings over being ripped off by some scum bag dealer or their first failed grow. Because you never know, one of these potentially serious tokers could become an important lobbyist or political figure some day with the balls to speak out against propaganda and make a serious change. Sure that scenario is a long ass shot too, but good turns deserve another and the same applies with negative turns to. How you affect this cycle is up to you.
Consider what im saying. Stay open minded and let we as people take steps together to reveal to the world the potential positives of this plant.
Stay tuned,

Very Very much love to everyone.

Ps. my long winded speech was not directed to whom i originally quoted or any person in particular.



Active Member
Uhummm electricity the last time I checked isnt free so its costin sumthin lol I say get a 4ft fluorescent light fixture with 2 4ft 6500k spectrum bulbs at walmart for 25 bucks and get friggin serious wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!