1st grow 150w hps


Well-Known Member
lookin good there. you might want to post how many days flowering, just because thats what most people assume. i was confused at first when i read day 62, but really it was 26 days from flower.

either way, your plants looks healthy - keep up the good work man!


Well-Known Member
thanks evrybody.you can start lst when its like 5-10'' out the soil.

day 69 from seed . i think. 35 days flowering. give or take a day.my friend let me borrow his camera so i was pretty excited about it . although i can't quite figure out how to take good closeups yet. i 've tried the macro but,,, it still f's up anyways . ohh well:peace:



Well-Known Member
hells yeah lol. It'll keep you a nice head stash. I'm thinkin about getting a 400w and using the 150 for clones and a mother. We'll see. I haven't been growing for almost a year. Right now i'm tryin my luck at cultivating shrooms. They're both fun hobbies. Are you gonna lst the entire time? I tried just doing the one cola deal but had to shut down my op so i never go it to go to fruition. Good luck man...let me know how the smoke is I bet it is smoothe and velvety.


Well-Known Member
thanks bob harvey. i don't lst the whole time. i take the wire off as soon as i began to flower. to bad about your op man:cry:

here are some random pics for ya . the first two pics are of my new end table lamp. turns out its also a good mini veg box.it'll do 3 keg solo cups for about a week and a half (estimate).in their currently is an afgooey seed.

the next pic is of 36 days of growth of the female bagseed. not bad if i do say so myself.the only thing bad i will say is that the plant has leaf burn all over. next time around i will make sure not to have the light so close. i was just to worried about the plant getting to high. although i must say that the heat stress does not seem to be hurting the overall bud production.
cheers everybody:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
you should upload your pics resized or something man, this board is hard to read on my computer...haha You could solve your heat issue problem with a fan or something to really circulate the air. My next suggestion is for you to look into a cabinet or something. In a cabinet you could control your temps better as far as sucking heat away from your buds. Another good idea is that you could put a lock onto a cabinet of somesort. If it is just in the closet like that then someone could definitley just stumble onto it... you can never be too careful. Anyways, your plant looks sweet.

What is your plans as far as perpetually growing. Are you gonna cut your clones every two weeks?


Well-Known Member
thanks bob:joint:

its been alittle bit since my last post soo. here are some pics.first one is of the afghooey seed. it is thriving and looking extra healthy so far . hope its a female .. pleaseeee

secondly, is my summertime buddha clone ., which has survived despite being thrown into the flower room (12/12).so yes the answer is , it can be done . this clone was not rooted when i threw it in

lastly is my bagseed plant which is still trucking on. the leaves are very twisted and shitty looking but the bud looks great. flushing starts soon ,, then harvest.. cheerss everybody:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
man, i've been gone a while...the WHOLE site looks different and your babies are almost ready!! Congrats joey! She looks like shes gettin ready for harvest, looking at all those leaves curling up, its a good sign. im in second week of flower now but im out of town, so ill post soon. really good job man, cant wait to see the chop down.


Well-Known Member
how much do you expect to harvest?
my guess would be about 2 oz , but who knows.

so its the end of the line for the bagseed plant. its been a journey that was started on october 1st to be exact.all things considered i think i've done pretty well so far. i 've learned alot of things in this process and i can say one thing for sure. lst, lst lst!would never grow a plant again without doing it.chop day is near . she's had her last water and her final moment is rapidly approaching. stay tuned for the harvest.

afgooey plant is still thriving and lst has begun in full effect contained in an 8 inch pot.

summertime buddha clone is also thriving and approaching week 4. 4 more to go!

cheers everybody :joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
Your plant is looking nice man! I agree that LST is the way to go, it opens up so many more budsites. That summertime buddah clone is going to love having that 150 watt HPS all to herself. Keep up the great work, and good luck

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Your plant is looking nice man! I agree that LST is the way to go, it opens up so many more budsites. That summertime buddah clone is going to love having that 150 watt HPS all to herself. Keep up the great work, and good luck

Tom :leaf:
thanks man i appreciate the love. good luck to you to.


Well-Known Member
the day has arrived so here goes the pics. i don't have a digi camera , so here goes anyway.if i had to guess i would still say 2oz dry .:joint::joint:weed 132.jpg

weed 134.jpg

weed 136.jpg

weed 137.jpg

weed 131.jpg