1st grow 1st roadblock

Hi guys,

This is my 1st grow and with the obsessive search for knowledge I have read just about everything I could before I invested my time and money in a setup.
The problem Im having is the tips of all most of my leaves are getting yellow stripes up them usually toward the tips. Now some people are saying its a deficiency and others are saying its nute burn (according to the beginner handbooks). Im using maxibloom with the lucas formula. They re only in week 2 of flowering but it also seems that the plants toward the edge of the t5 are growing more like a indica opposed to the middle plants who all seem to be forming tight little colas and bush growths. They were just bag seed but all were the same bag.
Any suggestions? Thanks

OH PS.... How long can you keep a clone in a bubble cloner because mine are 2 weeks old and turning yellow.... Sorry for my noobness


Michael Sparks

Active Member
It is a deficiency need some more info, grow media, light distance, lighting hours. as for the bubble cloner i keep mine until roots are strong then i transplant into bigger pot.
Hydroton and rockwool. Light are 8-12 inches from the tops of the plants (scrog). and 12-12 lighting.

So this is a lack of nutes not nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Calcium def starts off that way then forms interveinal damage . Nute burn would also cause your leaves to curl . What type water are you using . Any lime in your soil? Cal/mag supplements?


im thinking nute burn... maybe flush your plants? and half the nutes your using? also use your hand to check and see if the light is to close if your hand get uncomfortable in 2 mins then its to close.