1st grow, 244w CFL closet bagseed

So I decided to give it a serious go.

2' 40w floro bulbs (warm)
4 26w cfl's (daylight)
5 20w cfl's (warm)
Used two power strips for side growth.

Hung a pair of cfls on Y adapters on both sides with zipties attatched to the 2' floro strip above my lady (Anastasia).

used a nice 3 outlet timer to time all of it by.

Made a swamp cooler to put in the other end of the closet.
Painted the closet in white roof coating. probably going to give mylar a go next time.

hung a fan in the top corner of the closet above Anastasia. Had too much trouble with heat in this grow... I want a nice exhaust fan for the next go. I even have a spot in my closet routed for venting directly to the outside.

Used some MG soil for the first grow. Mixed it with perlite. Was cheap and easy for the first test grow.

Used 30-10-10 MG nutes for veg. At times I played around a lil bit of roast beef blood from the deli for fun lol Seemed to like it.

Got the free sample from Bio-Bizz for flowering. So I have been using 1ml Bio Grow, 4ml Bio Bloom, and 4ml Topmax. She exploded when I got decent nutes!

So heres some pics. I just got a camera so these are current 8 weeks into flowering. I'm happy with what I got with what little money i put into it. Look like a good yeilder to you guys and girls?

Seems like i have lost a lot of leaves but I pretty much just let her do her thing growing. Didn't top or anything etc.


Active Member
Not too shabby. The first grow is always going to be your worst one.. The next grow will be so much better.

Good job though. If you can get an HPS, definitely do it for round 2.

good luck
yea I plan on getting a 250w hps for flowering on the second try. Also going to use the right stuff from the start.
Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil
Going to stick with Bio-Bizz for one whole try again.
adding a decent exhaust fan
getting a temp/humidity guage
Ph tester

It looked great in veg, but as I gave it more light I got more heat. So the heat problems took a toll on alot of leaves. Swamp cooler helped alot, but I think a good exhaust fan will do my closet fine.