Well-Known Member
A shot of #6
Thanks guys. I've got 25 cfls (all 2700k) and 10 40W tubes(mostly cool). Most of the CFL's are 24W but there are a few 42 watters as well.How many lights you got? All CFLs?
Thank you Blazin. I'm not exactly sure of the effect on my electric bill. I havn't lived here for very long so i cant compare to last years bill. But its not a ridiculous amount. About a dollar a day. Its hard to say. When the lights were on for 18+ hrs I had less lights than I do now that they are only on for 12 hrs.Dude this is sick!! i was just wondering as i stayed up all night reading your thread; how much has your electric bill increased? I am starting a similar set-up and wondered if the LARGE amount of CFL's were still fairly cheap to run. I wouldnt need nearly that much but was wondering if you had a general idea.. but the Bitches look Beautiful!! Very Nice work, have you read Buds for Less, i believe thats the title its beeen a long day so im not sure but its a good CFL book and i beilve it was writtin by Garden Knowm.. anyways BEAUTIFUL JOB!