1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow


the strain is og kush its a clone i got from a friend he gave it to me with soil so idk what kind it is n since its in veg i have it under a coupple of cfl's ive grown plants with my friend told me not to use nutrients untill 3 weeks n today is da 3rd week


Active Member
Ok well that could be your answer right there. Sometimes clones take a little bit to recover from being cloned and transplanted. They almost look like they may not make it sometimes. After they get through the little shock period and start receiving nutrients, Id say it'll start growing nice. Keep me posted.


every 3 days or whenever the pot feels too light
da soil idk a friend gave it to me in that pot cause he didnt have space for a plant


Active Member
You should be sure you get some good soil. Fox Farm or Pro Mix. If you plant the clone in good soil and water it like you say you do, the plant should grow very nicely. If it doesnt, you need to start considering that the clones he's giving you arent cut properly.


Active Member
You dont absoluetly NEED nutes. I know someone who uses Fox Farm Ocean Forest. His first grow he didnt use nutes and harvested some killer bud. He used hygrozyme on his 2nd grow and it gave him a little better yield.


where do u order from?
i live in cali i was told from a friend not to order growing products online to avoid running into trouble


yeah ive grown some plants be4 without nutrients but my plants never looked like dat clone dey would always stay green in veg stage but not this clone but since its kinda bad i thought maybe i wud by it nutrients to help it


Active Member

I only have about 8 inches between the top of my plants and light. They have more than doubled since putting them into flower. Do you think I should top them? My light is as high as it can go.


Active Member
Clone looks bad bud much better than a few days ago. Starting to stand up and look more alive.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
flowering room is full man great job@:!:

the clone will start to look like that when it takes energy from the leaves to make roots thats why some people dont leave lower fan leaves on i believe .