1st grow, 5-6weeks in. Are they worthy?


Active Member
6520 lumens per bulb (2700K) from 4x32w (150w equiv) cfl's
+ 2 (2700K) 20w cfl's mid plant to light up the mid/lower buds.
+ 1 20w cool tube to help keep the lower foliage happy.

3 plants total. 2 went into 12/12 about 6 weeks ago.
1 (the runt) joined them about a week later

I don't think there is any hope for the runt. (bottom 3 pics) The leaves look really nice in my noob opinion, but the flowers are weak, though there does seem to be more resin on the surrounding leaves. I'm hoping the runt stays nice and healthy until her more mature sisters stop hogging the lights and leave the house. Maybe it will surprise me with happy bud growth?

As far as the 2 older sisters. The oldest and largest one has the curled tip leaf action atm, and has lost some bottom fan leaves to drying up. The middle sister got re-potted about 2 weeks ago because it was root bound and standing still in the growth dept. She has also been repeatedly attacked by a scissor weilding maniac for the last 3 days. She's giving a nice "high" as opposed to a couch denting stone.



Active Member
Would you say they are all the same strain? Same bag source for all 3. I still can't believe that of 3 seeds planted all 3 are female. Moving on. I was looking at a indica or sativa guide and I'm not sure what I've got here. The runt looks darker and the leaves seem different than the older 2. Maybe it's because the runt has always been the lowest priority when it comes to closeness to the lights. I just hate the waiting, and have a feeling I'm going to snip snip snip the poor things to death.

Today is probably going to be watering day, so I'll try nice clean bottled water with a tbsp of molasses. I really hope I don't have to wait too much longer. I thought 6ish weeks was enough, but I've seen some of you flower for 10+ weeks. Argh


Well-Known Member
I would guess Indica-dominate. They don't seem to be indentical genetics. Commercial Mary is unlikely to be a single strain. This is why some nugs can be fantastic... and others can be a let down.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
indica for sure if the runt is the same as the others (same bag) nice grow/strain/bud!!!!!!!!!!!!