1ST Grow 65W CFL and Autoflowers, any advice appreciated


10 65W (300W equiv.) 2700k CFL

5 Green House Big Bang Autoflowering Feminized
1 Pyramid Tututankhamun Autoflowering Feminized
1 Green-O-Matic Max GoM Autoflowering Feminized
2 TH Seeds Burmese Kush Feminized
* all ordered from herbiesheadshop.com

MG Organic Choice Garden Soil
*had 2 bags leftover from outdoor garden, so used them instead of spending $
1 Burmese Kush is in Aerogarden to compare soil and aero

BC Boost
BC Grow
BC Bloom
Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Green
Sugar Daddy
Awesome Blossoms

This is my first grow. I am trying to get the most yield. I chose 7 Autoflowers and got 2 free feminized seeds, so I started those too. They all germinated in about 24 hrs. I put them all in the dirt on the 8th. Today is the 26th. i have fed them the veg formula according to Technaflora one dose on the 7th day, and one dose of the Flowering formula the next week. The Big Bang were very sensitive to the Flowering formula which caused some minor yellowing and tip burning. The other 4 plants handled to formula fine. The temp stays about 75F and between 50-60 humidity. I put them on 12/12 from seed since the autoflowering will flower on their own and I would like to harvest the Burmese Kush close to same time. I got a lot of rain over the last week and have a couple of Tubberware 23 gal containers full of rainwater that i am planning on using for water feeding in between Nut.s. I have attached pictures. Let me know what you think or any advice you have. Please remember be kind as this is my first grow and I have a lot to learn. I will check back daily and update picture weekly or so



Well-Known Member
10 65W (300W equiv.) 2700k CFL

5 Green House Big Bang Autoflowering Feminized
1 Pyramid Tututankhamun Autoflowering Feminized
1 Green-O-Matic Max GoM Autoflowering Feminized
2 TH Seeds Burmese Kush Feminized
* all ordered from herbiesheadshop.com

MG Organic Choice Garden Soil
*had 2 bags leftover from outdoor garden, so used them instead of spending $
1 Burmese Kush is in Aerogarden to compare soil and aero

BC Boost
BC Grow
BC Bloom
Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Green
Sugar Daddy
Awesome Blossoms

This is my first grow. I am trying to get the most yield. I chose 7 Autoflowers and got 2 free feminized seeds, so I started those too. They all germinated in about 24 hrs. I put them all in the dirt on the 8th. Today is the 26th. i have fed them the veg formula according to Technaflora one dose on the 7th day, and one dose of the Flowering formula the next week. The Big Bang were very sensitive to the Flowering formula which caused some minor yellowing and tip burning. The other 4 plants handled to formula fine. The temp stays about 75F and between 50-60 humidity. I put them on 12/12 from seed since the autoflowering will flower on their own and I would like to harvest the Burmese Kush close to same time. I got a lot of rain over the last week and have a couple of Tubberware 23 gal containers full of rainwater that i am planning on using for water feeding in between Nut.s. I have attached pictures. Let me know what you think or any advice you have. Please remember be kind as this is my first grow and I have a lot to learn. I will check back daily and update picture weekly or so

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Hey man. Setup looks good. And I love the assortment of CFLs you got there. I would say in the next few days you can start lowering those lights about an inch or two above the plants. Check them daily as you will have to raise them as well. Every thing looks good man. Keep it up. Subbed and Rep. STAY HIGH!!


Thanks Penyajo, I actually have had all the lights about 1-2 in above plants. I just moved them up for pictures. Good advice though. Looking forward to all advice I can get and I'll be sure to.post updates


65 views, only 1 reply :( maybe if I would have put 650 Watt cfl grow as my title there would have been more hits? Any advice still appreciated.... I think I am going to use half the recommended dose on the next feeding to help the Big Bang out . The other 4 plants will be fine I'm sure with half dose as well. I will work back up to full dose in a couple weeks. Any agree/disagree?


Active Member
Okay so because you are running Auto-Flowering strains, from my understanding you can run the lights 24 hours essentially the entire grow. Auto Flowering strains take this trait from the Ruderalis strain, the plants will flower based on maturity not light cycle.

Also, new growers CONSTANTLY have problems with nutrients/nutrient burning..of which i see you have quite a few of. Dont just go pouring everything you can into your plant based on what the back of the bottle says...take it easy at first until you find out what your plants can handle. If you just start pouring shit in you will have no idea what helps and what hurts. Just some friendly advice.

That's pretty much what I can tell you from what you posted..respond to me with any other specific questions and i will certainly do my best to answer them.

Good luck bro.


Cool, thanks for the advice ABROWNMN, from my understanding autoflowers will flower based on their maturity and not the light cycle but I was not aware that any plant would flower under 24hr of constant light. I have read 16/8 or 12/12 is fine for autoflowering strains. Now based on that info I am running the 2 strains of Fem TH Seeds Burmese Kush along with the autoflowers on 12/12 because I would like to bypass the veg time on the BK so that my harvest time for the whole grow will be somewhat about the same time. If I did not do this, I would be looking at 3-6 weeks longer just for those 2 plants and that wouldn't be practical for me.
I believe you to be correct on the Nutrient overload. That seems to be the number one reason of failure among new growers. I bought the " Recipe for Success Starter Kit" from Technaflora and followed directions included on the measurements. I should have went about half strength or better yet I could have even waited a week or so before starting them on Nut.s. Did you read about me saving the rain water in 23 gal containers for future waterings? Is that ok or should I just use distilled? I am also going to start using Tonic Water mixed with the Thrive Alive B-1 Green instead of tap for the foliage spray. I read it somewhere its is a good supplement using the carbonation in the tonic water. Anyone else hear of this?


Well-Known Member
Nice setup you got going there, just to comment on lighting schedules for your autoflowers though, you need to run them on a 20on/4off schedule for the best results. IME I tried your method once and got plants that were 9 inches or less. YMMV but I would definitely get the light schedule changed ASAP.

My advice would be to run your auto's through their course and continue to veg your regular seeds using LST for space concerns maybe topping to slow them down some and bush them out. Then once your done with the auto's flower your regular seeds. Also you may want to look into scrogging because with all the time (also with using cfl's) you will have to veg your regular seeds you could develop one hell of a screen.

Not to rain on your parade man but your setup looks pretty good and I am not sure why no one else has commented on the time yet. Also I would never run an auto on 24 hr light IME it makes them stretch and also prolongs their natural flower time. Good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
I reccommend just going out and buying a ph meter for your water..be sure to test after adding nutes if your feeding them.

I have heard of the tonic water being too much and harming the plant but that there is alternatives..the name of it escapes me at this time but you can find it on the forum.

I belwive your referring to the tonic water creating Co2 for the plant, i have heard that it has a very helpful effect from some and fron some that it barely makes a difference..maybe something you have to test on your own?

I also agree with the post above on the 20/4 not "24" that was a mistake in my last post (sounds the same in my head)

Alsi agree with him about the LST on your autos and to scrog those two fems..theres some awesome threads about both on this forum. one called "lets talk serious scrogging" which is very helpful..theres a pic of two plants on there with a huge canopy! LST is basicslly tying down the plant in veg to get it the most possible amount of light and keep the plant bushy and short.

One last thing, You should be happy with the amount of help your getting haha, ive certainly had much less help on my threads before...just a thought ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey abrownmn where is your thread? I wouldn't mind stopping by as I really just like reading and enjoy helping when I can. Mostly I just post stuff that I have experienced though and my experience growing indoors is limited to a little over a couple years but a few setups, outdoors on the other hand I have more experience.
Op sorry for the thread jack but I hope your changing your timer. Good luck guys not trying to step on toes and of course happy growing.


Active Member
Hey abrownmn where is your thread? I wouldn't mind stopping by as I really just like reading and enjoy helping when I can. Mostly I just post stuff that I have experienced though and my experience growing indoors is limited to a little over a couple years but a few setups, outdoors on the other hand I have more experience.
Op sorry for the thread jack but I hope your changing your timer. Good luck guys not trying to step on toes and of course happy growing.
It's lost to me now haha, got most of my questions answered by other threads/research. About to start a new bathtub grow indoors this winter.

Most of my questions now are about what growing method i should use with my set up...im gonna grow 5 or 6 plants in a bathtub under a 400watter...any ideas on what method would work best?...ex" lst,scrog etc etc

Also, if i should start flowering 12-12 from seed just to get one grow down in this set up or just go through the whole veg...still deciding..any info will help.

Sorry for following thread jack :P but this info will help you too so read up ;)

By the way, +rep to you for being so helpful and kind, i love that shit hah..too much hostility on the web.

ONE MORE THING, There is a designated sub-forum for CFL growin...maybe it would have been even better to post it there? The more knowldegable CFL growers will probably respond there...just a thought.


So I just looked at the grow this morning and decided to just lift up the pots and sure enough they ask have roots growing through drainage holes. My first instinct is to transplant them to 5 gal paint but I just watered them all yesterday. Wouldn't my soil be too wet to transplant? If I wait for it to dry out some them what damage is going to be caused? I feel like this matter is urgent, so help please. They are all doing so well, The Big Bang Autos have already started showing pistols now at week 3! Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Hey scott just curious if you checked out what I said about the light cycle or if your going to run 12/12 on those auto's? Can you cover the roots for the time being? I don't think it's going to kill them to wait a day or so to dry out before the transplant but if your worried you can transplant them now just be really careful not to damage the roots.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i herd that auto flowers grow best under 18/6
and also most people i see growing autos has some 2700k and some 6500k so the plant can get both light spectrums


I did read what you said about the 12/12. I mentioned in post before I was trying to harvest all including the non autos around the same time. I am moving in November/December and need to be done growing by then. It wouldn't be practical to go to 16 or 20 on and wait the 2 BK plants out past the autos. Would it not cause stress taking them from flower to veg after they are already starting to flower? I will stay on 12/12 and just gain the experience. What is the best time of day transplant? I am thinking I can be careful our even wait till tomorrow. I just don't want to do any damage. Should the new soil be nutrient soaked or water? Thanks


Hey dank smoker. Thanks for the info. I have 4-6500 26 watt cfl here as well so I will put those in there too. Green House info lists the Big Bang Autos are grown best under 16/8 or 12/12.


Hey dank smoker. Thanks for the info. I have 4-6500 26 watt cfl here as well so I will put those in there too. I just figured HPS is for flowering and you can go your whole grow with only that so why not only 2700 cfl?Green House info lists the Big Bang Autos are grown best under 16/8 or 12/12.


Going to transplant to 5 gal paint buckets today with lots of holes drilled in bottom. Hopefully the plants are dry enough. All have roots growing through drainage hole so I feel like this needs to be done asap. Burning one now then off to start. I will post update today with pics