1st grow almost ready??? Need your Opinion.


Active Member
77 days flowering9.jpg

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77 days flowering3.jpgHere is a few pics of my 1st grow. Got lucky and got 3 females from 3 seeds. Strain is unknown. I believe it's getting close to harvest. they are on 11 weeks of flowering. That's right 77 days!! don't know why it has taken so long. I don't think I had the proper lighting for them during vegging. I bought an a 400 watt hps for flowering and seems to work great. I put these babies in shock a couple times. Cold temps., nute burn, nute lock, overwatering, change of soil during transplanting, change of nutes from schultz to Fox Farms products. They almost died on me. But I kept reading all your post and was able to save them. They maybe ready soon, need your expert opinions. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Are they ready???? How much longer?


Active Member
I dunno the hairs look already done on it, did you water them straight with just pure water, flushing them for 1 or 2 weeks takes the chemical out and gives the bud a nice sweet taste. Take a sample smoke it and you will know if it is done right, Premime has a burn to it and taste like shit, done taste good as it gets. my opion later yall


Well-Known Member
Plants look good. A good simple way is to see if 2/3 of all the hairs are red. About 66%. Some people wait till 75% are red. Another way that I heard is wait until all of the outer leaves start turning yellow. That lets you know the plant is almost done its life and is putting all of its energy to bud production. It looks like to me you should be fine and start harvesting now. 11 weeks is a long time lol, but sometimes it will take longer. Make sure you check out ways to harvest and cure. Here is a good link. Good luck!

Drying And Curing Marijuana. This Is What We Think The Best Way To Dry Your Marijuana Buds


Active Member
Looks like 2 of the ladies will be ready within a weeks time to harvest. I started them on straight H20 2 days ago. 3rd one (small gal) is going to need more time. it's looks like a low rider. stands 18" tall and compact. Hairs are still white and trichs are starting to build up on top cola. My next question is that do I need to flush the 2 ladies now? and if so, how much h20 do I let drain throught the pots? and to I then let them sit and not water them until harvest? Anyh feed back would be great! Appreciate all your help. I'm totally new at this and I don't want to mess up. :blsmoke:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Congrats on letting them mature properly! I imagine that those plants were detained in their flowering schedule, and that is the reason for the delay in ripening. They don't look like sativa dominant strains so they should finish sooner.

One thing to try is to remove the main-stem fan leaves on the lower half of the plants, even if still green and healthy. This signals the plant to finish up.

Flushing in soil may not be necessary, unless you've jammed the pot full of chemicals. Just don't feed anything for the last several weeks.

HTH :mrgreen:


I would slow flush it for sure. Unless they are overdone. Get a cheap microscope and check out those trichs! =) How many hours of light did you give your plants during vegging? Just curious... I have a theory lol