1st grow and im about to harverst pls help with flush question


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, thanks for visiting my thread. I would like to know how to properly flush my plants before i harvest them. I just picked up bush doctors sledgehammer for the flush. now how do i properly use this for the flush? i use 5 gallon buckets so do i put in the sledgehammer like i do when putting in nutes and continue on do that for the next 5 days? or do i put in the sledgehammer with 15 gallons worth of water and flush it like i would if i messed up on ph or excessive nutes? please respond if you can because i need to harvest my plants very soon. thank you


Active Member
ive been doing alot of research and if your using organic nutrients dont flush. so many people say flush flush flush no matter what but if you look online there is scientific evidence that shows the nuts you use dont affect flavor or high of your bud. plus it adds so much weight in its last few weeks of life so dont deprive it of food. now with chemical nutes im not sure but i would flush. chemicals cant be good


Well-Known Member
of course i googled it, i been googling it all day, but i havent found a link that tells u how to flush with solutions such as mine which is sledgehammer.. do i put the sledgehammer in as i would with nutes.. 2.5 ml per gallon, or do i put 2.5ml per gallon in 15 gallons of water, and water it like i would if i made a mistake on ph or over ferting?


Active Member
also think of this. do farmers "flush" there crops before they harvest. No. because it dosent effect anything in the fruit/flower of the plant. plus plants convert those nutes into sugars and such that plants need to survive so no worries man i wouldnt flush


Well-Known Member
did you inspect trichomes with a scope to determine if it's harvest time? a lot of newbs harvest too early


Active Member
i have no knowldge on sledge hammer but i looked it up and it looks like somepthing you would use to flush. everyone i know and people ive talked to on here say that additives like that for flushing are not neccasary. just cut down your regular nutes to a half the first week then a fourth the second week and you should be fine. personaly i think those flushing nutes are bs and a waste of your money. i go with organics since thats how its been grow for millions of years and how its intended to be grown


Active Member
did you inspect trichomes with a scope to determine if it's harvest time? a lot of newbs harvest too early
yea zem has a very good point. post some pics of your plant because it might not be time to harvest. there are many factors involved for a perfect harvest. also personal prefernce. all this info is very easy to find on here. do what i do. go to google type in exactly what your looking for then add rollitup to the end of it. works everytime


Well-Known Member
oh yea inspected the tri's and there about 50/50 on cloudy and amber, i know everything is looking good and ready to be harvested. im just ready to flush and just wasnt sure on the sledgehammer part. and im using chemical nutes in soil by the way


Well-Known Member
50/50 i think just harvest them, give them a good cure and you won't notice difference from flushing. flushing is kind of a debatable issue so you can skip it imo


Well-Known Member
yea i was thinking about just skipping flushing like a lot of people seem to be doing it seems lately.. and it does make some sense on not flushing do to the fact that people don't flush there tomato plants when they harvest so why flush marijuana plants? however, i am worried about the taste if i don't flush, but some people say u don't get that bad taste if u dry and cure it right. so I'm just gonna flush it for a few days straight and not go crazy with flushing like some people do, like 10-14 days worth of flushing. that just sounds crazy.


Well-Known Member
i think that fresh weed flushed or not tastes bad and good cured weed flushed or not tastes good, so i don't think flushing makes a big difference


Well-Known Member
i think that fresh weed flushed or not tastes bad and good cured weed flushed or not tastes good, so i don't think flushing makes a big difference
HaHa what? im sorry man i don't understand what u just said there.


Well-Known Member
read it again it's perfectly clear :D weed tastes bad when still fresh, it has to cure.