1st grow attempt, advice would be appreciated!


Hi people,

I started my first grow at the end of November, dont really have any experience and am following instructions found on the net, I am growing 4 x AK47 lowryders, 1 x white dwarf (auto) and 1 BB Cheese. I have attached photos (qaulity isnt that great) as they dont seem to be anywhere near completion even after 8 weeks, autoflowering plants i thought were 10 week lifespan, please any help and advice is welcome.

Peace Out




Hi, its been a while but here are the latest pictures of the girls. One of the plants the leaves are beginning to turn a bronze colour im not sure why this is but it doesnt look good. They are now in the 12th week of life but look as though they have a while to go. Again all advice is very welcome.
Temperature is between 15 -20 during day and 5 - 10 at night I know this is not ideal but would this be a big problem?




Well-Known Member
In the first set of pics, I'm concerned about your watering method. From the looks of it, they are only getting watered in the center, rather than wetting the soil all the way around the pot. I don't know if that's how you water every time, but if it is, it would limit root growth, and possibly be the cause of the slow maturation of those autos.

I'n the second set of pics, it's really hard to tell, but it looks like there could be a couple different problems going on. Some pics look like N overfert, some look like heat stress, and that purple coloring on some of those leaves look like a molybdenum deficiency.(could be the strain, IDK, never grew those before)

Also, those daytime temps aren't real bad, but those nightime temps are too low. 10* should be the absolute lowest temp they should ever encounter, and not on a regular basis, let alone 5*. I'd say you better add an electric heater or something, and try to bump up those temps. That's likely why they are taking so long to mature, I can almost guarantee it. The watering could be an issue too, so check that out also. :)


Thanks jawbrodt, my watering is pretty much in the centre of the pot so will change that from now on. As for N overfert I have only been giving them water, never anything else, PH all seems ok. The only nutes they have had are the ones in the soil and the soil was a formula designed for this type of grow. Could this problem still occur in these circumstances? As for the temp I will put an electric heater near them, Thanks again your advice is appreciated.


Hi people.

Well here we are at week 13, I have changed my watering habits and put a heater near them to keep them warm at night which has proven to make a massive difference. Ive had to pull the white dwarf out because it didnt seem to flower properly and was pretty much on its way out, let me know what you think of the others. Cheers :)

