1st grow bag seed all comments welcome good or bad!


Active Member
well this morning i decided to take just 1 more girl and put her outside this will be the last one...i cant help it they just love that sun ..plus i still have 6-8 weeks left and i just think that the closet will just get too over crowded plus its a bitch to water..next time if i use this closet i will just do 4 plants and ill do some supercropin



Active Member
well so far i have 8/8 plants are female thats a 0.4% chance im not sure me getting 8/8 is a good thing or a bad thing too good to be true or what? ive decided to put 1-2 plants outside to finish off in natural sunlight probably 2 of the stretched ones
I feel you. I started with 7 plants and 5 were girls. I could not believe it. I cut clones off of the oldest because past bagseed experiences told me i might have a lot of boys. But I am stoked to have girls.


Active Member
Looking damn good my friend.
thank you very much machnak ...my 1st grow i cant get enough compliments from people makes me feel like im doing a good job and all... i havent had to many set backs so far but i still have 6-8 weeks left so who knows what could happen .... im just taking my time and not over nuttin em


Active Member
well here are my containers for my 2 other girls that are outside ...1 lady is in the ground ill try to get out today and get some pics of the one in the ground....that one is close to the house in an open spot in the woods ...The other 2 girls are still in 3 gallon pots im pretty sure they wont grow anymore untill i get them in their 18 gallon tubs which ill be doing in about 30 min ..going out to the field and tansplanting them ..ill get pics of them after im done

the mix i used was just Fox Farm Ocean Forest and a layer of rocks at the bottom for airation and around 13 holes in the tubs...Im keeping it simple on the soil for now untill next year ...remember this is my 1st ever grow indoor/outdoor grow ...brb lights just went out time to close the door and light seal them up...

well ill be back with more pics of the girls outside in a couple hours

dont mind the mess i took all my Old ladies stuff out of her closet for this grow she aint too happy but she will deal with it


Active Member
Well transplant is done for the year 3 outside and 5 inside i think if everything goes good for the next couple months ..im pretty sure i will have enough for awhile
plant #1 Elenor

plant #1 Elenor


Plant #2 Grace with broken top

Plant #2 Grace with broken top

Landscape shot

Plant #2 Grace with broken top

Plant #2 Grace with broken top


Active Member
well today is watering day ..but my Old lady has my damn camera today so no updated pics ...But i do have some funny ass Pics of some cops which i know everyone will LIKE...

STOP do not NOT proceed without taking a hit from the PIPE 1st ...



Active Member
Well here is a little update for everyone that has been watching and newcomers to my journal....yesterday i fed them 4 TBS of Big bloom and 3 tsp of Tiger bloom per gallon ...every plant gets a gallon of water per 5 gallon pot indoors...ill be going to my secluded feild later on today to get some pics ....the one that is in an open spot in the woods by my house is doing some crazy stretching ...the ones outside i feed only Grow Big Untill they start showing more flowers ....The only thing i can think of is why she stretched so much is maybe stress or because she was in the closet and she started to preflower on her own...right when that started i put her outside im guessing she went back into reveg and decided to stretch ... i was thinking of breaking her top so everything would catch up...what do you guys think




Active Member
well todays update is very sad :mad: I knew it was too good to be true but today i found dreded nut sacks on one possibly 2 of my bitches and maybe a 3rd...the only thing i can think of is that its bad genetics from the seeds i got from a bag and thats why it had seeds in the buds in the 1st place or i stressed it ...my closet is light proof so that cant be it ...I dont feed it too much nutes only recommended by fox farm ...so i dont know what else to think of any ideas from you guys ..ill take anything !!! soo 1 deff have nut sacks so she is going to get thrown out and shot in the f'in head ...:(BOOM!!!
what happens if one plant only has like 2 sacks can i rip them off or will they just keep growing back x2... soo i took them all out of the closet and inspected all of them 2 are still outside ..1 im stillnot sure of its too soon to tell if it is ....the sad thing is that 1 of them is my Lst plant which is a big bummer damnit she was very promissing....so i am unsure what to do from here i cant keep them in the closet ...so i might just keep them outside to see what happens ...Maybe i can still get bud from her ...what do ya think...Damn YOU NUT SACKS >>>F'in Males ....I just dont get it though man she has buds all over them both but only a couple lil sacks WTF oh well its my 1st grow ill just be ordering real seeds next grow feminized most likely.....

1st no sacks yet but who knows just yet
2nd no sacks yet but who knows just yet
3rd nope just a small bud shot
4th Lst nut sacks like 2-4 of them grrrrr....
5th same as above
6 No sacks
7 no sacks
8 Nuts
9 Nuts
10 Nope

no sacks yet but who knows just yetno sacks yet but who knows just yet

no sacks



Active Member
well just a little update Lots of pics ill get more up when the lights go off .I wasnt able to get any pics of the ones outside yet ..I went today and my damn camera battery died as i was going to take the 1st pic .The Hps does no justice at all on these pics ... Watered today ...

well here is some more pics for all you guys that have kept an eye on it ...stay tuned for the next grow which wont be in this closet anymore



Active Member
Day 24 of 12/12

mmmm more pics !!! LOTS more !!!dont laugh at some of these pics expecialy the one that I LST'd she went stretch crazy cause the light was too far away cause she was lower than that of her other sisters ...she look like shit but whatever my 1st grow shoot me in the head ... I have my fingers crossed that she starts to fatten up ..Im thinking of using some bloom enhancers soon ...ANYONE have any thoughts on some good shit ...Only been using FF Trio pack ..I need another bloom enhancer!!!!! At the start of September 1st keep an eye on my next grow that im in the middle of building right now ....Ill throw a little teaser out there its a 12x12 sealed Co2 shed ..shed is almost built but im taking my time since im doing it all by myself ...4 1000 watt lights are already purchased and i already have a 600 watt that im using now ...thats all im saying for now ....Well i hope you guys enjoy the pics PLease leave comments it boosts my confidence on my 1st grow



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just a little up date fed them on friday with 2 tsp of grow big 2 tsp of tiger bloom 1 tbs of big bloom fox farms flower schedule
what do you guys think
