1st grow {bagseed} 2 plants - 6 weeks and 1 week from sprout


Well-Known Member
Well I cant say there small. IDK All strains are different. I have 4 different strains (at least) going and they are all different. Some have huge buds already and some the buds are smaller. #9 & #10 have the smallest buds, but they also have the most buds so...idk
To tell when they are ready for harvest I'm going to get a 100x mag. scope from radio shack to look at the trichs. Its only 12$ and is supposed to work good for this purpose.
With that mag. scope I'm assuming we are looking at the crystals? What is a good percentage to harvest milky/amber?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, looking at the trichomes.

From the GROWFAQ:
"Harvest timing is a matter of personal preference. When the glandular trichomes are clear with very little, if any coloration, THC levels are at their peak with CBD and CBN both at levels that will not overly influence the THC with their sedative effects. Some prefer more overwhelming narcotic type effects, allowing the resin glands to cloud and begin to amber or darken to increase overall cannabinoid content. The resin glands appear and therefore will mature at different times. A compromise is made when determining the desired overall maturity level to harvest. It depends on the growers preference in effect and palate."
I'm fortunate enough to have more than 1 plant so I suppose I'll harvest one earlier than another and see what difference I can notice in the smoke, if any.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, looking at the trichomes.

From the GROWFAQ:
"Harvest timing is a matter of personal preference. When the glandular trichomes are clear with very little, if any coloration, THC levels are at their peak with CBD and CBN both at levels that will not overly influence the THC with their sedative effects. Some prefer more overwhelming narcotic type effects, allowing the resin glands to cloud and begin to amber or darken to increase overall cannabinoid content. The resin glands appear and therefore will mature at different times. A compromise is made when determining the desired overall maturity level to harvest. It depends on the growers preference in effect and palate."
I'm fortunate enough to have more than 1 plant so I suppose I'll harvest one earlier than another and see what difference I can notice in the smoke, if any.
I'm looking more of a body high cause that high lasts with you throughout the day, plus it doesn't make you lazy or sluggish. A head high normally gives me headaches when I come down. So my Q is which one is which? Do I harvest early for a body high or head high. Or is a body high a late harvest. Ohhhh yeaaaahhhh!!!!! (had to go macho man randy savage) One other question too, which is the best way to harvest/cure? I have heard of the mid-humidity and darkness for 5-8 days, but this way will have shit all super skunky and smell up everything. Anyone heard/tried water curing? Is this a good way to harvest/cure so my apt doesn't get danked out. :D
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Well-Known Member
Yea, I have the same question... I know the white hairs or whatever can be a different high. So you want like a 50 50 mix I believe. Never tried water curing, but I have read a lot of journals of people who have done it. I wouldn't risk it with my buds. I'm planning on sticking it out with the normal hang-dry and jar cure process. Being in an apartment though you might want to try something like water curing.


Well-Known Member
here an update with pics. Going into 6th week of flower and I'm guessing about another 2-3 weeks its chop time. I just gave it nutes, when do you think i should start flushing. the only thing is I'm not really getting a lot of trichs, but i do have some, and when flushing could a add molasses to the flush to add flavor. Not a lot just about 1/2 tablespoon. I have been adding about every third water, and this stuff works awesome, i just don't want my bud smoking like burnt sugar.


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Well-Known Member
Apparently, an early harvest will get you the "heady" type of high and a later harvest is for the body high. Of my 6 plants, only 2 are the same (I think) I'm going to harvest one a little early and the other 1 a little later so I can try to compare. One of the many advantages of having more than 1 plant :)
Your almost there bro .


Well-Known Member
Looking dense there son. Those tomatos make me giggle. I'm only on day 2 of flowering. Im so excited!!
Thanx bro. How many lights you running. I have a fat 105 watter, ( 2 ) 42 watt'ers, and ( 8 ) 28 watt'ers mixed cool and warm. These buds are grwing daily now and they are really taking off. Imma prolly harvest around the 21st of this month, hopefully the hairs go amber before I chop her up and cure. Send me a link to your grow and I'll c wha u got going.


Well-Known Member
hey there i like your journal its funny :) im a new grower and have been paying attention to your progress your plant looks nice looking forward to more info. - GirlDatGrows


Well-Known Member
hey there i like your journal its funny :) im a new grower and have been paying attention to your progress your plant looks nice looking forward to more info. - GirlDatGrows
Why thank you girldatgrows, I've been known to be somewhat of a comedian, especially when people try to act sooooo tough tony/rough ricky across the net wire. But send me a personal link or reply link of your grow so I can see wha you have growing. Oh and by the way for everyone else. I have started flushing last night and the last gallon had 1/2 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses in it. Supoosed to flavor the bud, I don't know? But the only thing is that the hairs haven't even started to turn amber. I mean there are some that have started (5-10%) out of all the hairs on my buds and they are close to the bud. I'm too lazy to get a mag scope to check the trichs, but imma have to finish this thing up before the end of this month. I hope this thing can hurry up because I'm on week 7 coming this thursday, I thought I would have been close to done but I guess not!!! Imma upload pics later tonight or tomorrow so show some trich developement and bud growth. Until then happy token, hehehehehehehe haaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
hey there beharp ur plant looks nice plz dont pick it too early lol! heres my post i think im starting off pretty good lemme know what ya think GL


Well-Known Member
Hey bee, here's that molasses info I found. I highly recommend reading anything and everything you can find by "Ohsogreen" in the organics forum. Good luck!
Molasses is a sweet nute
Originally Posted by Shredder111
How do you prepare molasses so you can feed plants? I will be using 1 tbs. per 2 liters of water. Do you boil it? How often do you feed?

Thanks a lot:joint:

Here is how you do it. - by Ohsogreen
First use only unsulphured molasses, like Briar Rabbit or Grandma's Molasses (brands). Mix one ounce to one gallon of chlorine free water. If you only have tap water, let it set for two days & 99% of the chlorine will evaporate. Then you can add the molasses.
You can bubble (oxygenate) it using a cheap aquarium pump & air stone for at least one day. Or just pour it from one clean container (jug or bucket) to another a couple of times a day, for at least two days.
This provides extra oxygen to the good micro-beaties, they then eat, mutiply, & kill off - the not so nice micro-beaties. The longer you oygenate this mix, the more good guys you end up with. Their eating & pooping out the NPK (bioconversion) is what make it highly soluble. Over time their bioconversion reduces the N and pumps up the P & K slightly. Not a big shift, just a point or two.
This makes a good growth stage fertilizer (that's cheap).
Just mix it light the first time & water in lightly - like one quart per plant.
Start low & build slow. This prevents overfertilizing.
Use this mix one week & plain water the next.
You can add nutes to the mix, but remember your adding to a mix with a NPK of about 5-1-3 already.
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Well-Known Member
Hey bee, here's that molasses info I found. I highly recommend reading anything and everything you can find by "Ohsogreen" in the organics forum. Good luck!
Molasses is a sweet nute
Originally Posted by Shredder111
How do you prepare molasses so you can feed plants? I will be using 1 tbs. per 2 liters of water. Do you boil it? How often do you feed?

Thanks a lot:joint:

Here is how you do it. - by Ohsogreen
First use only unsulphured molasses, like Briar Rabbit or Grandma's Molasses (brands). Mix one ounce to one gallon of chlorine free water. If you only have tap water, let it set for two days & 99% of the chlorine will evaporate. Then you can add the molasses.
You can bubble (oxygenate) it using a cheap aquarium pump & air stone for at least one day. Or just pour it from one clean container (jug or bucket) to another a couple of times a day, for at least two days.
This provides extra oxygen to the good micro-beaties, they then eat, mutiply, & kill off - the not so nice micro-beaties. The longer you oygenate this mix, the more good guys you end up with. Their eating & pooping out the NPK (bioconversion) is what make it highly soluble. Over time their bioconversion reduces the N and pumps up the P & K slightly. Not a big shift, just a point or two.
This makes a good growth stage fertilizer (that's cheap).
Just mix it light the first time & water in lightly - like one quart per plant.
Start low & build slow. This prevents overfertilizing.
Use this mix one week & plain water the next.
You can add nutes to the mix, but remember your adding to a mix with a NPK of about 5-1-3 already.
Rep +2 for that one man, good piece. I've been adding this stuff and it works wonders. Its me and 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses from here on out. Plan to harvest in about 3-4 weeks with good tresult for a first timer. Me and my boi just got some "God's Gift" clones and I'm moving my set-up over there. With the space he has and my experience and those close. Shhhhhaaaaazzzzzzzaaaaammm, this is gonna be a good christmas. :D
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