1st Grow Bagseed General Advice


Active Member
Hi, this is my first grow and I'm just looking for some advice from people who have done this before. I started growing this one in a window was getting about 5-8hrs of sun light a day now I have purchased a HPS 150 watt system and moved it into the closet I have the light about 16inches away from the top of her right at the minute was starting to see some curled and wilted leaves. I started flowering her a week ago she is now 1ft tall and I was thinking of starting nutes next week and seeing how that goes any advice on some good ones for beginners also any other advice on what I might be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.


go ahead and start feeding it the nutes right away, your supposed to after the first 2 weeks because the water flushes all the nutes out of the soil, and make sure you keep it around 50% humidity and around mid 70's temp. Do you know if it is a male or female yet? it has a 50% chance to go either way. make sure you have good ventilation with a fan, and if your wanting max growth check out home-made c02, all you need is a bottle water sugar and yeast. hope this info helps.


Active Member
Thanks, for the reply I do believe it is going to be a female it has been showing signs of little hairs around the flowers coming off the main stock which I'm told is a good sign of being a female. As far as nutes go what would you recommend? I was planning on purchasing some tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big from foxfarm and I was going to follow their feeding schedule on the website starting at 1/4 strength doses or do you think because of my delay in giving it nutes I should go for a full dose first time out?


Well-Known Member
Start off at a low dose and work up. Also, you should lower your light considerably. 16 inches is too far with a 150. I get my 250 to within 6-9 inches of the tops. Also, get a fan on her, if you don't have one already.

I wouldn't expect to yield very much on this grow, since your plant doesn't have many nodes at the moment, but it is too late to rectify that as you have already started flowering. For future grows, get your light nice and close during veg, and employ some form of training (topping/lst etc.)


Active Member
Thanks for the info I do have a fan for her and I found that when I had the light about 8 to 12 inches from the tops the top tier of leaves started wilting is why I have it at 16inches. Yes, I wasn't expecting to much from it but I already have 2 more seeds germed and planted its all just a learning experience. Keep the info coming all are welcome :D


this is a great start.... don't expect to yield to much as said before your plant is a stretched which happens when the light is to far away.... for a complete legit grow your going to need to buy a lot more supplies.... are you using regular soil from outside? you definitely need to nute but start off low strength and work your way up... but lower your light considerably and use your hand as a guide to how close it needs to be to the plant... if it hurts your hands then it hurts the plants

good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the info much appreciated I'm not using just regular soil from outside I am using a brand I found at big lots called Black Magic. I have also started giving her nutes Foxfarms big bloom and tiger bloom I just gave her the first dose yesterday I started them off at 1/2 strength and wet the soil till it was running out the bottom a bit seems to be responding well no signs of burns etc yet the light is about 8in from the top set of leaves and when I put my hand in between the plant and the light it doesn't burn. Keep the info coming any help is great :)


Active Member
Small update on my girl have been giving her nutes for 2 weeks now and she is really starting to show signs of flowering few pics. Been keeping the light as close as possible its only about 6in from the top right now.S5031302.jpgS5031298.jpg


Active Member
Another update on my girl she has been having a few yellow / white spots show up on a few of the leaves any help would be greatly appreciated. S5031303.jpgS5031307.jpgS5031305.jpg


Active Member
I'm just using regular tap water that I leave setting under my grow light for a day or so before I use to try and evaporate some of the chlorine out of it. I'm mainly concerned that it might be spider mits or something like that but I haven't seen any webs or black things running around the leaves and its an indoor grow.


Active Member
Have another question for anyone who is interested in answering it my girl is now a few weeks into flowering and I was wondering is there any type of trimming or pruning that I can do to it during flowering? Here are a few pictures my main concern is that it will become too top heavy when the buds start forming more she is now 38in tall. S5031309.jpgS5031310.jpgS5031313.jpg


Well-Known Member
everything looks fine man, it stretched big time when you put it in flower..might not be a bad thing. i read the thread and like the fact that your first grow you have an hps and fox farm nutes.
how far into flower is she? and dont worry man, those nodes will start filling out big time. if it wasnt your first grow i would suggest super croping the main stem because you didnt train it at all (again not a bad thing man, she looks good :wink:) supercropping is when you snap a branch down at the bottom to a 90 degree angle, and then snap the branch again towards the top back up towards the light, you can tie it up to support it till it can stand back on its own. if i were you i would just keep doing what your doing man and get ready for some nuggets +rep man


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice guys yea she did stretch a bit was working out how close I could keep the light without burning her I do believe I got it just right now and I have a fan that I let blow on her most of the day to keep the tops cooler. She started showing flowers on April 13th so I would say she is about 2 weeks into flowering. I already have 2 more planted that I plan on doing some LSTin to them and trying to keep them a bit shorter and fatter, but again thanks for all the advice guys I'll keep you all updated as she gets bigger :)


Well-Known Member
no problem dude, ALL plants stretch going into flower, its normal. plants will atleast double in size everytime they go into flower brother. my first grow went from 11" to over 30" before she was done.
lst is good, you should try topping as well...its when you pinch off the start of a new node before it starts growing there for 2 grow in its spot
this is what i do dude... https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/151706-uncle-bens-topping-technique-get.html

and i will never turn back, i also do lst to blow up the side nodes


Active Member
You will need a good cal/mag sup... I use magical. also you need food for your plant... nutes are great but she needs more then that. read read read read is the best advice to give a new grower, good luck and pm me if you have any questions :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks for the guide NewCloset I have read that one a couple of times and was leaning towards using that one. I have foxfarm tigerbloom and big bloom I'm using currently I'll do some looking into find a good cal/mag sup yall keep the info coming no such thing as too much knowledge + reps all around.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the guide NewCloset I have read that one a couple of times and was leaning towards using that one. I have foxfarm tigerbloom and big bloom I'm using currently I'll do some looking into find a good cal/mag sup yall keep the info coming no such thing as too much knowledge + reps all around.
Botanicare has a good cal/mag sup for a good price. no problem man, let me know if you need anything else


Active Member
If anyone could help me identify whats going on with a couple of my fan leaves here that would be awesome. The first pic I'm pretty sure I might have just splashed that with the tigerbloom this morning while I was giving her nutes. The other one has something that looks almost like dust on it but want wipe off and those yellow little spots. I might just be an over worrying parent, but better safe than sorry thanks in advance for the advice.S5031322.jpgS5031318.jpg

