1st grow: Bagseed + WW, 2 plants LST CFL low watt


Well-Known Member
well, the bagseed lst still looks pretty good to me
doesn't look like too damaged, i wouldn't have known there was a problem unless you said so
so you must have done a pretty good job correcting things
you're getting in the zone where you can begin guessing yields, looks close to a dry oz of bud
but it can be tough to judge from pics


Active Member
well, the bagseed lst still looks pretty good to me
doesn't look like too damaged, i wouldn't have known there was a problem unless you said so
so you must have done a pretty good job correcting things
you're getting in the zone where you can begin guessing yields, looks close to a dry oz of bud
but it can be tough to judge from pics
thanks, this cheers me up m8 :)
A dry oz would be sweet, but I guess I may fall short since the buds in the pictures are yes developed, but tiny... oh well I'll still try to make the most of it, I'm looking for quality (taste/potency) also mostly ;)

I like how you hung the cups from the other pots. Creative...
Thanks buddy! :) I am running out of space and cfls in there, seemed to me the only way to go!!! also the violator will take the bagseed's "seat", but the new WW won't have enough space to develop as a normal plant: it is more of an experiment, I'll leave her hanging here and there, keeping 1-2 main colas only (lollipop/party cup style ;) will have to read SICC's thread!)

alrite trifase ?
hope you dont mind me uploading some pics
this is my wonder woman under 4 20 watt cfls its been fimmed and tied down and is 1 week into 12/12
nah I don't mind :) looks full of life - plus I really like low watts grows, you seem to have 80W total? kudos to you will keep an eye on that!


Well-Known Member
they seem to be ripening pretty nicely, 2 weeks could be the time
at least 1 week i think
so get your magnifier polished up and get ready to scope out the trichomes


Well-Known Member
Yeah definitely start looking at the trichs. I thought mine were done base on the naked eye but a scope proved me wrong yesterday.


Active Member
nice grow looks like cfls are quite efficent,good smoking :D
nice to have you around dennisna - cfls sure are efficient in small environments :)

they seem to be ripening pretty nicely, 2 weeks could be the time
at least 1 week i think
so get your magnifier polished up and get ready to scope out the trichomes
Yeah definitely start looking at the trichs. I thought mine were done base on the naked eye but a scope proved me wrong yesterday.
thanks m8s :) I'll definitely scout for info about how to check if a plant's ready and take a look at it with a magnifier in days (I don't have any right now...)
the sooner the better but sure I don't want to make a mistake being in a rush lol!

c ya!! :)


Well-Known Member
I think I'd rather be late than early with the harvest. If you're early it'll taste like sh@#, but if you're late it'll be bedtime smoke, haha. Going for right down the middle though with mine, good luck with yours.


Active Member
I think I'd rather be late than early with the harvest. If you're early it'll taste like sh@#, but if you're late it'll be bedtime smoke, haha. Going for right down the middle though with mine, good luck with yours.
good point :)
& good luck with yours too!!!


Well-Known Member
i read that too, very nice reference
mostly just makes sense, look at everything, trics, buds, pistils, leaves


Active Member
Here's possibly the best thread on Harvesting that is on site. You really only need to read in about ten pages because after that it turns into off topic conversation. Give it a Lock it may help.
thanks man, repped you uppp!

i read that too, very nice reference
mostly just makes sense, look at everything, trics, buds, pistils, leaves
indeed m8!

anyway I'm not really into that yet: I've decided to start flushing around the 10th of may, so that the plant is clean when I hit 8 1/2 - 9 weeks, and may let her go a lil further if needed.
Also I had many problems with my WW yellowing... and gave my time to reading how to fix that mostly. hope she turns out fine... we'll see :)

thanks guys - will update soon - c ya!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Here's possibly the best thread on Harvesting that is on site. You really only need to read in about ten pages because after that it turns into off topic conversation. Give it a Lock it may help.

That's good info. Wish I'd seen that before harvesting the WW plant. The Skunk plants was definitely done but going by this info I think I should've let the WW go a litle longer. There were still some pistils here and there that hadn't turned back into the buds but most of them had. Makes me wonder if maybe it would've swol up more, IDK. Thanks for the link


Active Member
That's good info. Wish I'd seen that before harvesting the WW plant. The Skunk plants was definitely done but going by this info I think I should've let the WW go a litle longer. There were still some pistils here and there that hadn't turned back into the buds but most of them had. Makes me wonder if maybe it would've swol up more, IDK. Thanks for the link
...we still have to learn isn't it? :)
I'm not sure I'll do harvest properly either!

Anyways, here we go with a major UPDATE:

- bagseed: just hit 6 weeks flowering
looks like it is NOT nitrogen def on this one with yellowing (that wouldn't have been a problem) but more like nute-lock or wrong ph (I'm guessing after some research) so I flushed it today instead of giving her her beloved junk food (...bad, bad baby!!) we'll see

- WW: 3 weeks and 3 days flowering

plenty of leaves removed on this one :( so sad and painful as if they were mine, if this makes any sense ahahah lol! - But at least it looks like I got what the problem was: damn magnesium (and/or sulphur) deficiency, since yellowing really has stopped in 24 hours with 1 tbsp/gal of epsom salt yesterday.

- Violator Kush and WW, 4 days old and barely visible in the pix... nothing to see here :)

So I Hope I'm finally back on track :) Njoy!!! ;)



Well-Known Member
it's funny, i look at yours and it's like looking at my plant, very close in many ways
i see the nips on the green leaves, those could be some issue
but the yellowing down lower may not be a problem at all, just the plant sucking nutes from those leaves
my PPP is more dramatic in that respect, fan leaves are being sucked dry very quickly
but your buds look pretty good to me


Active Member
it's funny, i look at yours and it's like looking at my plant, very close in many ways
i see the nips on the green leaves, those could be some issue
but the yellowing down lower may not be a problem at all, just the plant sucking nutes from those leaves
my PPP is more dramatic in that respect, fan leaves are being sucked dry very quickly
but your buds look pretty good to me
I was just there in your thread :)
don't be fooled by its looks anyway: my yellow leaves died superspeed so they're not there anymore, that's why she looks quite fine I guess. Plus, I looked at pics of 2 weeks ago - not that much difference in bud density/dimensions, I lost sooo much time :(
...yeah at least resin is definitely there, plenty of it - but I think I have to forget about the Oz - 20 grams is more of a correct figure maybe
oh well :) next time I will be flushing faster, and feeding them with rocket fuel & unicorn blood lol!!!

Old Goat

Say Trisafe, Thanks for the rep.
You have a great following here too. Too many grows turn into BS and too much praise while trying to ride somebodies coattails and not enough good info. I thankfully I don't see that here. Thanks to all that contribute here too.
I'm now 67 years old and no longer growing for fun as I did in the 70's and 80's it's now for Med's. But as I see why not have fun too.
You may have converted me to CFL although I've 400 & 430 HPS already in the grow area.
There is a very good link to LST that I'll give a shot no matter the lighting system. I've 5 ' of height to work with. any way the link is


Now to a question or clarification from your valued thoughts. I've found some TCP (brand name) 300 watt equivalent using 68 watt with 4200 Lumen's with 27K spectrum. They are standard base & dimension 9.5 L / 4.1 D the ballast is too big for a reflector also. At $20.00 it seems a good deal or is it a waste? But using your formula it seems to fit adding a couple blue for the final stage. Three of those vs 830 HPS & heat?
Thank You all for making this one fun and I'll stick around until the lights go out..


Well-Known Member
Say Trisafe, Thanks for the rep.
You have a great following here too. Too many grows turn into BS and too much praise while trying to ride somebodies coattails and not enough good info. I thankfully I don't see that here. Thanks to all that contribute here too.
I'm now 67 years old and no longer growing for fun as I did in the 70's and 80's it's now for Med's. But as I see why not have fun too.
You may have converted me to CFL although I've 400 & 430 HPS already in the grow area.
There is a very good link to LST that I'll give a shot no matter the lighting system. I've 5 ' of height to work with. any way the link is


Now to a question or clarification from your valued thoughts. I've found some TCP (brand name) 300 watt equivalent using 68 watt with 4200 Lumen's with 27K spectrum. They are standard base & dimension 9.5 L / 4.1 D the ballast is too big for a reflector also. At $20.00 it seems a good deal or is it a waste? But using your formula it seems to fit adding a couple blue for the final stage. Three of those vs 830 HPS & heat?
Thank You all for making this one fun and I'll stick around until the lights go out..
Hey Old Goat,
I have two of those bulbs and they worked great for me. I got mine for $16 from Home Depot though (different brand maybe). I planned to use CFL only but bought too many clones and ended up with not enough light for the amount of plants and went HPS. I used a mix of Kelvin ratings like Trifase, a handful of 6500K 26watt and a handful of 2700k 23watt bulbs in conjunction with 2 of the 68watt 2700K CFLs. The first link in my sig is to the thread for the grow.
I honestly wish I had only purchased one clone for the second round and stayed with CFL but since, like you, I have 7' of headroom the heat hasn't really been an issue and I will just grow big,tall plants from now on.

Hope this helps...

I love the avatar BTW.