1st grow Blueberry- right track?

marilize legajuana

Active Member
So here's where im at:

I have one 24w T5 fluoro day spetrum 2 foot light.(6500k/2700lumens) and two cheap wal-mart grow lights that are like 17 w a piece...

8 blueberry seedlings that are almost a week old.

I know I need more light and im in the process of getting another T5 2 footer.
(Will this be enough light for 4 to 5 weeks of veg?)
anyone have experience with T5's??

Ill have pics up in a day or so to show..

any advice is welcome.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
post some pics! :D (always appreciated!)
should be enough light for veg.
I'm pretty sure blueberry would do better outside if thats an option for you. but I'm not 100% sure.
keep up the work!

marilize legajuana

Active Member
This is pissing me off :cuss: I cant find out how to post my pictures!! I click on the insert image thing and i dont know what to put as the URL for the image. errrrr

please help... I have some good pics.


Well-Known Member
where did u get ur blueberry??u dont want to veg long with t5's.. i did a 4 foot mother under a t5 4foot 8 bulb and got 5 oz's .. with a skunk which has a simular bud structure to my dp blueberry..anyway.. the plant produced great buds but not as dense as they would have been in a sog or with a couple week veg max.
and no thats not enough light...i would veg two weeks with that set up

marilize legajuana

Active Member
I got my seeds from a sack...

heres the main plan.. i have a little shed on the side of my house which i will ultimately bud in with a 600-1000 watt HPS.
but im growing with fluoro because i cant afford to run a MH for veg too.

i want to veg for about 4 to 5 weeks.. so what is the best solution lights wise.. i plan to go to the hydro store today. should i get another T5 or blow up my growspace with cfl's? if cfl's.. wattage? how many?

I have some pics for you guys, but i cant seem to find out how to post them.

thanks for the replies.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
your good at 4 to 5 then... watch 4 hermies.. your plants will show sex in veg ,,one good thing about vegging longer..
get another t5 theyre bad ass for vegitative growth.. ya got veg bulbs??

marilize legajuana

Active Member

so today like i said i got some more lights.. i bought 2 23 watt warm white cfls and placed them on both sides and except for a slight temperature change (70 degrees to about 82 or 3) they seem to be sufficient until the plants get a couple weeks older.

i have mad pics but this shit is hard to figure out when your stoned.......:eyesmoke:

marilize legajuana

Active Member

i got my pictures set up.. smoke a bowl and check em....

this first pic is of the lineup

a couple close-ups...

this is the setup so far. im pretty stoked to see what happens in the next couple days. i have these small 17 watt lights running 24/7.

and this is with the new cfls on!

and after a couple bowls...

and cocktails...

i noticed a seed in this trainwreck my homie just bought...random. so we are gunna throw it into the mix!! (germinating as we speak).

thanks for the replies so far and ill have some more pics to come.

marilize legajuana

Active Member
no they aren't feminized.. i wish haha.

i have 8 blueberry seeds growing and 1 trainwreck seed which hasn't cracked open yet.

how many females can i expect??

what would be better a 600 or 1000 watt HPS for when i flower in about a month?

respect for the replies.


Well-Known Member
you can expect 4-5 fems from nine seeds. so a 600 would be great. im runnin a 600 and had 7 large plants under it. if you want though, i'd keep a fem in veg (that is if you have an extra space for veg) and use it as a mother. itd be wonderful to have a bb mother, once ur plants are harvested, you can just fill up the space with clones if u want


Well-Known Member
You need to get those lights closer man, you're getting some serious stretch. If there's room in the cups add a little soil to bury some of that stem.

I'd say a 600 HPS will be fine to flower the 4 or 5 females you will hopefully get from those seeds, but a 1000 might be good if you plan on growing more in the future.

marilize legajuana

Active Member
yeah i thought about keeping a mother, but im only gunna be in my place for another 3 to 3.5 months, just enough time to get a harvest. i dont want to have a mother and nowhere to put her once i move.

i thought about taking a handful of cuttings and possibly letting one of those clones be a mother later down the road at my new place. not sure yet though.

im thinking more on the 600w side too. i think 1000w would get scorchin especially in months to come.

one of two questions:

1. would it be that big of a difference in yield if i used a 1000 instead of a 600 watter?

2. i know it's early, but everyone wants to know how much they can expect.. oz's per plant??

Let me know if anyone has delt with blueberry before.

thanks for the posts and i will have more pictures up in a day or so. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
with only 4 or 5 plants I don't think you'll see any difference in yield between a 600 and 1000 HPS, the difference is more in the area of coverage. 600 will be easier to manage heat-wise too.


Well-Known Member
well you for sure will have a higher yield with the 1000w. it gives off waaaaay more lumens and has waaaaay more intensity. but 600w is more than sufficient for what you want. it wouldnt be worth gettin a 1000w for you

marilize legajuana

Active Member
Sorry its been a while since ive posted, ive been busy.

ive done lots of things in the mean time.:blsmoke:

Oh and i have some flickers too.

first is one of how big they're getting.

up close and personal.

smoke break...bongsmilie

TRANSPLANT. I decided to move to a coco medium with some hydroton at the bottom of my pots for drainage so i can get these puppies really boomin. im going to start feeding this week. i bought house and garden nutes today with some free root xl and added 2 more 23 watt cfls which makes 113 total watts total.:weed: moved all 8 to bottom of closet. (my TW seed was a dud and never germed.)

let me know what you think..:blsmoke: