1st Grow Box Grow & Need Advice!


Greetings from His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I. Hello everyone, sorry to bug you all once again. I have finally purchased some decent items to start my first ever Grow Box/Tent Plantation. Purchased a nice 4'x4'x6.5' Grow Tent and started some seeds a few weeks ago ( 1 Hawaiian Snow and 2 No-Name Seeds) that are about 4 weeks old [Also, I have 2 Hawaiian Snows and 2 Oguana Kush that were Germinated (2" tall) and have been placed along with this set for vegging in Water Bottle Hempy Buckets! I may eventually, transplant them all into a Hempy Bucket Medium as buying Fox Farm or Organic or Coco I want is unavailable here in the South and Shipping for Soil is expensive!]. Been feeding 5.5 - 5.9 PH Tap Water for the past 2 weeks until my PH Tester had an accident and cracked the reading diode (will be buying another one, soon). The 1st Hawaiian Snow has been in a 5 Gallon bucket with 25% Perlite and 75% Organic Miracle Grow. The other two (No-Name) are in 1.75 L Trash Cans (with Drilled Drainage Holes) in 25% Perlite/60% Burpee Organic Seed Starting Mix/15% Miracle Grow Mix Medium.

I water them once every 2 - 3 days (Only fed about 1/4 of a tsp of Veg+Bloom [RO] http://www.hydroponic-research.com/products.html into a 1 Gallon of 5.5 - 5.8 PH Water Mixture Once ) and mist them with either distilled water or regular tap water when they look too dry from the leaves. I have had them like this for the past 4 weeks on 24hr CFL Lighting (5x26Watt @ 130Watts Total) and have them about 3" - 4" away from the plants. The temperatures stay around 78F - 85F with Humidity at around 55% to 70% and keep a small oscillating fan blowing on them left to right on low setting 24/7 as well.

What I am worried about is that I have encountered more than a few issues with them as I an a total n00b:

#1 Growth seems to have stopped/halted a lot because they've been about the same height for the entire 2 1/2 weeks (1st Hawaiian Snow @ 2" in height 1 No-Name @ 3" and the other No-Name @ around 7" in height).

#2 I have seen a lot of Yellowing and more than a few leaf burns due to... I have no clue! [Im a noob :-(] as they haven't been burnt by light, it looks more like a different type of burn than a bulb burn, because bulb burn leaves an Orange-Type Color burn.

#3 I am now in the market of buying decent lights for my personal medical grow as I suffer from Nerve Damage and Degenerative Disc Disease; for life. I am looking for a light system that is A) Reliable B) Low Energy Consumption C) Low Heat Factor D) Convenient. I have been looking into a 250 Watt or 400 Watt HPS/MH Setup but they seem to get really hot in these types of boxes and here in the south, the heat wave gets really bad in the summer. So, with that said, I have now been looking at T5 Grows and investigating some more on them.

Basically, I want to light about 10 - 15 (more or less) small to medium sized plants in a 4' x 4' x 65' Grow Tent. I APOLOGIZE for writing a lot as this may discourage some readers because I guess I write a lot since there is a lot I want to ask and want to know! Lol!

Any and All Advice is APPRECIATED as I am in dire need of information to grow my personal medicinal grow; all I get locally is bag Cannabis with a lot of stems and seeds, really dry and with low THC content but thankfully, Jah has provided me with that so far in which I am very thankful for. I will post pictures within the next hour, for sure! :-)



As promised!


Little Hempty (Left): Oguana Kush. Bigger Pot (Right): No-Name
Got 2 Oguana Kush and 2 Hawaiian Snows that I am waiting for to transplant once they come up about 2".
Left and Right: Hawaiian Snow

Middle Pot Left to Right: No-Name and Oguana Kush.




Well-Known Member
Regarding #3
4x4 floor space sounds like a 600W HID lamp (min). I would view this as reliable & convenient.
An air cooled hood would help address your heat issue.
This may not be viewed as a low energy consumption option, but I think HID is still your best option.
You could get a dimmable ballast, and use a lower wattage bulb during the early stages of growth.


Regarding #3
4x4 floor space sounds like a 600W HID lamp (min). I would view this as reliable & convenient.
An air cooled hood would help address your heat issue.
This may not be viewed as a low energy consumption option, but I think HID is still your best option.
You could get a dimmable ballast, and use a lower wattage bulb during the early stages of growth.

Thank you so much, MrWood! I have been watching and reading a lot of HPS/MH Grows and they are indeed convincing. Let's say I went the HID way, would a 400 Watt HPS/MH be enough? 600 Watt would be overkill for me because of the Electricity Bill and I wouldn't want to attract too much attention from my Electricity Company. That and the Heat Factor but like you said, it can be counter-acted with a nice Cooled Hood and then have that heat be carried out with a fan via Ducting. Thankfully, my Tent is next to a window so I can expel that out.

And the other thing that draws me back is the "Heat Signature" print that could be if there are Law Enforcement Agents snooping around the place with IR Cameras. I have read that they need a Search Warrant to do that but 90% of the time, they will do it anyways before getting such warrant. I fear for the safety of my family as well and that is why I was looking at other means of lighting but from were I can tell, HPS is Superior compared to T5s like the Sun is to HPSs'.


Well-Known Member
would a 400 Watt HPS/MH be enough?
Sure, it would work. But I think you would have limited coverage for your footprint of 4' x 4'.
I read your post again, but I am unclear on your current (& proposed) activity. Currently 3 plants? 6 plants?? In the future 10-15 med size? A 400W would be a better fit for 3 plants. If you can manage the temperatures, I think 600W is a better fit. I remember some authoratative post that referenced excellent 2x2' coverage for 400W, 3x3' for 600W. If you have a hydro shop near you, get some more input. Or maybe someone else will join this thread !

And the other thing that draws me back is the "Heat Signature" print
I will defer to you on this. Stakes are high with a family involved.
However, I think the risk of a 'heat signature scan' are relatively low. There has to be higher priorities.
In addition, I am unconvinced that the difference between a 600W 'scan' and a 400W scan would be a driver for legal followup. I would be more concerned about discovery from visitors & neighbors due to odor and noise. Heat signature is pretty far down my list.
Buy the right shit the first time. You should really consider the 600 more seriously or even a 1000 with a dimmable ballast, if you can do MH and HPS then make sure the ballast does both. Yield is limited by hundreds of variables but light intensity is one of the biggest. Your temp is up there for just CFLs, you might look at proper air exchange which should help keep your humidity down and possibly avoid mildew. HIDs produce a lot of waste heat, absolutely get a vented hood, ducting, and an inline fan. If you have close neighbors (less than 1/4mi) get a carbon filter. I had a plasma tv that used 535 watts and that thing ran at least 12 hours a day, I dont think the feds are gonna kick in your door over a 1000w lamp running 18 hrs a day.


Sure, it would work. But I think you would have limited coverage for your footprint of 4' x 4'.
I read your post again, but I am unclear on your current (& proposed) activity. Currently 3 plants? 6 plants?? In the future 10-15 med size? A 400W would be a better fit for 3 plants. If you can manage the temperatures, I think 600W is a better fit. I remember some authoratative post that referenced excellent 2x2' coverage for 400W, 3x3' for 600W. If you have a hydro shop near you, get some more input. Or maybe someone else will join this thread !
Indeed, in the beginning I was considering a 600 Watt HPS because I had read about Space vs Lumens, etc.... and the 600 Watt seems to give great light coverage for a 3x3 but I went with the bigger box instead, just to make sure my space wasn't cramped. Well, since I am such a noob, I had Germinated these babies but a lot of them died so, it has come down to 3 Hawaiian Snows [Fems], 1 Oguana Kush [Reg.] ( I will be Germinating 3 more, soon as this is the Strain I am seeking the most for it's medicinal purposes and then clone them) and just 2 No-Name from a bag of Random Seeds. So, basically around 7 - 8 plants, total.... At The Moment.

Also, would be great for more people to join in the fun as I am having some problems and I get very confused with what I am doing and get sorta disoriented in the process.. Like, Lost or Disconnected.. Weird. *Shrugs*

I will defer to you on this. Stakes are high with a family involved.
However, I think the risk of a 'heat signature scan' are relatively low. There has to be higher priorities.
In addition, I am unconvinced that the difference between a 600W 'scan' and a 400W scan would be a driver for legal followup. I would be more concerned about discovery from visitors & neighbors due to odor and noise. Heat signature is pretty far down my list.
Yes, the Stakes are High in this situation, which sucks but once Outdoor Season comes around, that will be my main priority so that the Indoor Grow may take a rest, maybe. :-D But, I am looking around for 600 Watt HPS/MH Kits with CoolTube as we speak.

Now that I think about it, there are many issues at stake that could be attributing to this Growth Stop Deficiency which can be: Not Enough Nutes, Unbalanced PH, Lack of Lighting and/or having the Fan Blowing on them 24/7? Dunno but something's gotta give. It seems like every time I think I am ready to tackle something new in this Cannabis Scene and have Read A Lot... I end up screwing up again and have to hit the books, again. Lol! I appreciate the feedback!


Buy the right shit the first time. You should really consider the 600 more seriously or even a 1000 with a dimmable ballast, if you can do MH and HPS then make sure the ballast does both. Yield is limited by hundreds of variables but light intensity is one of the biggest. Your temp is up there for just CFLs, you might look at proper air exchange which should help keep your humidity down and possibly avoid mildew. HIDs produce a lot of waste heat, absolutely get a vented hood, ducting, and an inline fan. If you have close neighbors (less than 1/4mi) get a carbon filter. I had a plasma tv that used 535 watts and that thing ran at least 12 hours a day, I dont think the feds are gonna kick in your door over a 1000w lamp running 18 hrs a day.
Totally Agree. The reason why I have been unable to acquire everything right at the fist time is because I am using the money that I get from my Worker's Compensation as I am disabled due to a Work Related Accident that has also led me to start growing my own for personal use. So, spending money on the right equipment has been really crucial as I have a family of soon to be 6 in total.

I am looking at a few 600 Watt HPS/MH Bulbs through Ebay as we speak and the prices aren't shabby compared to 400 Watt Kits. I am also pricing an Inline Blower with a Carbon Filter and Hose because if I plan on getting one of these Cooltube deals, I want the Cooltube to have circulation so that it may cool off and not crack due to lacking circulation.

I watched a video regarding Hempy Growing and I may have found a new way to feed this babies... or Nutrients to feed, I meant. I have fed them Veg + Bloom twice only and all I noticed was discoloration and some burns the fist time. Then the second time I reduced the nutrient intake to 1/4 of the recommended feeding regime and still saw the same results. I have found these new Nutrients and I may go this route and they are found in this video below:



Seeing as my area gets really cold during the Winter (It's at the low 30F outside) and it does get quite chilly inside even with the Heater On around the house.......

Would a 600 Watt HPS/MH get TOO HOT in my 4' x 4' x 6.5' without Cooltube Hood if I ordered the Vanilla Hood like this one?


Also, could I get away with buying a 600 Watt HPS/MH WITH COOLTUBE but without buying the Blower Fan to Cool the Bulb? I am skeptical since I don't have a lot of money to spill at once with the pricing of these two kits put together, which comes close to the $400 mark.


Sweet! Already purchased those lights! 600 Watt HPS/MH HID Setup with Ratchet Hooks, Timer, Regular Hood and Diimmable Ballast! I can't wait til they arrive here! So Excited! :-)



Alright, last night I watered these two bigger plants that I've had 'vegging' for about 3 weeks with 1 Gallon of Luke Warm Pat Water with Veg+Bloom at recommended seedling feed for both, which is at .25tsp per 1 Gallon of water. I couldn't check the PH because my PH Pen is broke but they needed the water, since they were dry. Fed half a gallon of water then waited 40mins later to feed the rest. After about 3 hours, they finally began to look MUCH GREENER. Although, there is some discoloration going on, I am glad they are this darker color because ever since they were born, they had been this much much lighter green color. So basically, they were each watered 1/2 a Gallon of water. Do they need more?

I also have the other seedlings in a separate place, where I am training them in their small Hempy environment till their roots get accommodated to that sized to train them into a bigger Hempy Container. Fed them about 1/2 a gallon of tap water with .0.125 of the recommended Veg+Bloom Feed Strength per gallon. They looked the same, even after they were watered because they were already showing healthy green colors. I will post pictures on those, later.

Finally, I topped the bigger one last week (Picture Highlighted with Red Circles) and it's growing more tops! I accidentally F.I.M.'ed and lost one top in the process but I now have 3 new tops growing and they look healthier in color than the rest of the plant! I will start LST soon as to give these tops more light but we'll see.

Finally, I am still concerned about this Light/Pale Green color on these leaves a bit and any input is totally appreciated. Thank You for Your Time!

Day Temps: 75F - 85F
Day Humidity: 60% - 80%

Night Temps: 72F - 80F
Night Humidity: 45% - 74%

MS Plant.jpg
Notice the lighter yellowing on the bigger leafs to the right.

MS Plant Topped and Lollipopped.jpg
Lollipopped last week and lollipopped last night.

MX Plnat 1.jpg
Same Light Green Discoloration

TX Toppped Popped1.jpg

TX Topped Poppedburn.jpg
Yellowing leaves. I cut the burnt parts as well.

TX Plant.png
This is the smaller one next to it. This is the one that stopped growing and has not gone up at all since 2 weeks ago. Although, the color changed to a little darker tone when I fed them last night. What can it be? Any advice? I apologize for my n00bness. :-D

This is the one growing 3 extra tops! Yay! ;-)

TX Plnat Topped Popped.jpg
This poor baby is only about 4" in height and has remained like that for a good while; I am still surprised it's still alive! Cannabis is such a beautiful and sacred plant!


Well-Known Member
Sorry - don't have a lot of insights into your plant condition. You might want to start a thread in the 'plant problem' forum.
Good luck with your grow !


Lol! Praise Jah! My plants are amazing now, ever since my 600 Watt HPS Kit arrived almost 2 weeks ago! They TOOK OFF! They might have been light deprived, so I believe that is why they were the way they were. As for the yellow looking one? Well, it's healthier than ever before and is taking off really strong! I found out that the problem was that it was missing nutrients. I had read online that Coco doesn't have any nutes and I had missed about that part when I was planting these up. I added full strength Nutes instead of adding the recommended dosage, ONCE and then she took off! Been feeding them their correct feeds now and they are looking awesome!

I will be taking clone cuttings soon from the bigger plant (No-Name-Strain) because there are about 3 - 4 branches from it with about 3 - 4 nodes, so I believe it's the perfect opportunity. The only issue for me at the moment is finding Rockwool Cubes nearby because nobody seems to carry them and I live in a Non-Medical Cannabis state as well, which makes it more difficult because all of that is found only during the 'season.'

Are there any more methods or other 'Clone-Medium-Friendly' instead of Rockwool Cubes? I might have to buy some of that Cloning Formula; Clone-X, soon.

Thanks for your time!
Bless and Love!


Active Member
I am curious about your current reflector. Looks like stove pipe, but what is the inner surface? Is it covered with anything?


I am curious about your current reflector. Looks like stove pipe, but what is the inner surface? Is it covered with anything?

It has nothing. Actually, it's ducting that I purchased at The Depot. I cut it long enough to fit 2x 6 connector Power Strip. I then got adapters for the bulbs to screw into the power strip's plugs (5 of them @ 26 Watts). Then, I made holes on the ducting to accommodate zip-ties to hold the power strips and that was it. Since the ducting is reflective [sort of], it works well; specially if you can get a hold of CFLs with higher Watts. Lemme know if you need to see it more thoroughly and I can pull it out for me to take pics for you to see. It's pretty simple and it was the first time I had done anything like that.


Well-Known Member
... I wouldn't want to attract too much attention from my Electricity Company.
I'm not sure about the police with FLIR cameras, but for sure you don't have to worry about the power company as long as you pay your bill. They only get involved when people start stealing power. Otherwise, you're a great customer!! It just doesn't make good business sense to have your customers arrested.


Bless and Love to InI in the name of the Almighty God, Jah Rastafari.

Hello guys! Well, it has been quite a journey trying to grow my medicine because of my Spine and Nerve Ilnesses but even through all the trials, I have been blessed all the way! So here we are and by The Will of God, I have been doing good, mostly. After Veging for more than a month (Maybe 2), I finally got 4 babies to Flower since MKL Day. Five days into flowering, two of the No-Name Plants came out Male... bummer. Hawaiian Snow was taking a long while to grow but she all of a sudden took off once she finally received the right treatment she needed and rooted into the 5 Gallon Bucket right.

Out of the 10 Oguana Kush Seeds that I acquired, only 1 survived, because my germination skills still suck. Either way, I placed the ONLY Oguana Kush that survived into Flower last, one week after the first batch, because I needed it to grow a bit more for my LST Experiment (First Time I LST) and she is doing fine. It's been only 3 days for her and she still hasn't shown gender, because these were regular seeds. I really really hope it is a female, because she is the main reason why I decided to grow Cannabis, because of all the pain it relieves, specifically for my back problems. Hawaiian Snow is something I would love to smoke (Never Have) when I meditate but I'll leave that for another time and place. Also, out of the 3 No-Name (shwaggy) plants, one of them kinda looks like it's budding. I have called her "LP" (random) and have kept her flowering since Hawaiian Snow started flowering, 10 days ago. I have placed more than a few pictures below to see if you guys can help me rule out if she is Male or Female.

I also took clone cuttings from Hawaiian Snow and Oguna Kush about a week before flowering, just in case Oguana Kush turns out to be Female and they have been doing great in their own little vegetating environment that I created in a cleaned up closet. So, I leave these pictures with a few questions:

#1 How much heat would a Cooltube or Cool-hood reduce in a a grow room?
#2 How do they look? Are they doing just fine?
#3 *This Question Can Be Found on one of the Pictures.*

The Babies
Hawaiian Snow

Hawaiian snow.jpg
Hawaiian Snow
Oguana Kush

Oguana kush.jpg
Oguana Kush

"LP" Is She Male or Female?
"LP" Is She Male or Female?

"LP" Is She Male or Female?

"LP" Is She Male or Female?

"LP" Is She Male or Female?

I will try to update as much as I can. Jah Bless InI.

-Grow Tent: 4x4x6.
-Light: 600 Watt HPS with Regular Hood.
-Odor: 440CFM Centrifugal Fan with Activated Carbon Filter.
-Medium: 20% Perlite / 80% Burpee's Organic Coco Seed Starting.
-Pots: Hawaiian 5Gal., Oguana Kush 3Gal., "LP" 1.75Gal.
-Nutes: Veg+Bloom w/ RO Water
-Day Temps: Up to 88F.
-Night Temps: 68F to 72F.