1st grow Caramelicious and Freebies going through trouble


Well-Known Member
why would u want to it is cheap go to home depot and get bonide powder for 5 bucks and will do tons of clones

Just wondering.
Clones arn't for another 2 weeks for me.
I heard if you take bark or young shoots from a willow tree and soak it in water it can substitute as rooting compound.


New Member
i heard of that to but why take chances with your cuttings
but if u try it let us know how it works for u

Just wondering.
Clones arn't for another 2 weeks for me.
I heard if you take bark or young shoots from a willow tree and soak it in water it can substitute as rooting compound.


Well-Known Member
I did this whole project from scrap. No money was spent. Except for the seeds of course but if I grow, I grow with elegance.
I move around at night, under moonlight, to get my materials. It sounds funny but I did have to smeegul ninja my way into getting soil and pots. The lights are lamps I found in a mini-scrapyard and the bulbs I got from family members. All equipment is sterilized not just for the plant's sake. I even manipulated my mother into getting my ph testers haha. "First college project on acid rain maa". I would spend money but I'm unemployed as I spend my time going to school and tripping out. What else would you guys expect from a 19 year old?


Active Member
you honestly can just take a cutting and place it in a cup of water and it will root. the sucess rate isnt very high but it is possible and there are people here who do it all the time. clonez only use water also but spray it in a 1 micron mist


Well-Known Member
I just came back from flushing all 4 plants. The runoff ph was acidic in the ranges of 5.0-6.5. Bad for soil? The top layer watering was baking soda water with a ph of about 7.0-8.0. I also added new topsoil as the old was getting crusty and stale.
h202 was used to give the roots some air and prevent any possible buildup. I am a clean freak.

I'll get back as soon as improvement is seen or if crazy shit happens


New Member
ok just dont do to much to them
and im of the same school as u i run hps street lights i salvage and make all my equipment


New Member
no problem just returning the favor others gave to me
and if u ever need help u can add me to your friends and if i dont know i will send out a distress signal for u to some experts


Well-Known Member
that all depends on where he lives some areas use enough clorine u can smell it
and why not be safe then sorry i mean shit how hard is it to fill your water jugs a day before u water and letting sit out is free
i agree most tap water in my area has so much clorine and high ph that plants will show signs of stress almost instantly in hydro. just some growing pains i discovered in my youth


New Member
so true hows your plant problem going i seen your post on that and cloning a top
i tried cloning tops always roted i think to much stem to support and they rooted at stems right above rockwool hope you have better luck reggearican

i agree most tap water in my area has so much clorine and high ph that plants will show signs of stress almost instantly in hydro. just some growing pains i discovered in my youth


Well-Known Member
so true hows your plant problem going i seen your post on that and cloning a top
i tried cloning tops always roted i think to much stem to support and they rooted at stems right above rockwool hope you have better luck reggearican
thanks man, i think i finally got rid of all the bugs in my room but always looking to improve. my buds are always refered to as the best in my circle and at several clubs that sell my meds.. but its hard work to get there. patients and cleanliness is key


New Member
im glad i dont have no bugs on me thats why i went indoors they eat that shit up but can u blame them if i was a bug i would want to be a messed up bug lol


Well-Known Member
Okay so about 24 hours after flush everything looks a little more green. I've noticed the chlorophyl smell has gotten stronger, if that's what it is. The few big main fan leaves on my biggest plant are drooping as if the stem cannot support their weight. It looks like their may be taco curling too

Is is possible for a ballpark range for the yield of a 15'' plant with about 8-10 nodes? The description for the strand was 500g/sq meter.


Well-Known Member
I found a camera that works. I had a big bowl to celebrate.
At about 8:00 the lights come on and the babies will be woken up.

I will be able to show any readers the problem and hopefully they can diagnose it.