1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


Active Member
Okay, so when I was trimming I decided to keep a couple of the popcorn buds (I threw the others in with the trim) and let them dry out so I could sample them while the other buds are curing and getting that REAL taste :hump:

I still enjoyed the smoke, but I am biased... It still had the grassy taste but also a citrus taste to it as well that came through, excited to see how that comes out tasting after the cure.

Smoke was pretty smooth, a bit harshy but I think that's just cause the buds weren't cured, so I am pretty confident that it will be smooth after the cure as well.


Well-Known Member
Curing can take a few (about 5) days to a couple weeks. Put the stuff in mason jars (preferred), any tupperware, even a brown paper bag. Put the lid on, or roll up the paper bag, leave shut for a few hours 3-5, this should bring the moisture out of the bud, so your dry buds are now damp. Leave the jar/bag open until the nugs are dry again, putting them on news paper to air dry will speed it up, but the slower the cure the more flavor. So once dry repeat entire process until they don't get moist again. If you dry them out to much you can add a piece of orange peel to add moisture back to the buds. Hope that helps you.