1st grow CFL DWC


so this is my first setup ever its a dwc or bubbleponics in a closet box 3ft w 20inch d 6ft h basic set up 3 gal bucket 5 1/2 net pot, rock well and fox farm under a make shift light setup that has 6 cfl 5000k bulbs started from seed about a month ago this was a seed found in a bag that was called purple dragon idk male of female yet also i am only doing 1 plant so far so i was thinking of doing a scrog here are some pics that i have so far tell me what u think ears are open


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I dig your setup ;) Tidy and compact. Should get some decent bushes outta that spot I'd say. Best of luck to you with the mystery sex. What do you have exhausting that box? If the temps aren't too crazy high you could upgrade your CFLz as you go..the bigger ones arent much more $wise but jmo. Good luck and happy growing!
its a 4 inch exhaust fan from home depo lol temp with lights on are 82f not sure when the light are off but i have the exhaust fan on timer so its only on when the lights are on. i have 6 27 watts 5000k on now i want to add some 6500k soon but i think i will have to upgrade my exhaust so it dont get to hot
as far as the sex of my plant when do u think i will be able to find out?

Some peepz on here can tell a female from a male just by looking at it in Veg...I however cannot :/ You'll have to wait it out til it's big enough to Flower. Somewhere around 4-5 Weeks of Veg is when I started seeing preflowers on females. The flip to 12/12 happens and usually within 7-10 days you'll know if it's a girl or not ;) You have to decide first how big you want that plant to be? More veg time = higher overall yield, but a bigger plant demands more of everything as well...light, nutez, etc. Those exhaust fans rated for like 100CFM or something yea? If you got them for the cheaper price then you could just get 2 of em if your temps get over 80-85ish, but yea eventually a bigger exhaust would be the way to go if you're wanting to stay adamant about cultivation Id say. Jmo, but I run my exhaust 24/7. Cooler air temps help bring out coloration of buds, promotes lush/explosive growth, and it also helps keep rid of the mold/algae/pest problems as well. Food for thought...take it as you will ;) I'll be sure to check back later, but now....I must go chop down my ladiez :D
nice setup my man very clean. unfortuantely too early to tell sex right now but just keep an eye out for little balls (male) commin off the nodes usually come out in 12/12 but sometimes you can see some female parts (two white hairs comin out of a calyx) early in veg. but not until like 2 months if at all in vegging
Not sure if this is helpful to you, but a co-op that I frequent helps me a great deal with my growing techniques and they provide great experienced tips as well; when it comes to sexing a plant and you have no desire to spend time and money growing males most of the way through veg before sexing, you can take a lower branch clipping, throw it in ph'd water and place it in a dark cabinet - you should be able to sex the clipping quickly and know where you stand without waiting for the whole plant to express.
here are some pice from today


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anyone know if there is a thread or a how to that will walk me through sexing a clipping and do u think it to early to take a clipping form my plant
fimm or top it!! I would.. if your planning on turning that girly into a mamma for cloning now would be a good time, all that initial growth will stop going vertical and push to the branches in your nodes. Wait till the branches are ATLEAST 3-4 inches before you decide to take "clippings"

topping would be taking that main growth on top and chopping it

I've recently been moving more to fimm instead of taking the whole top growth..instead you very precisely just cut the little bud looking thing on the very top where all the new growth is coming out of.. go way in there and snip that little bud, this wont stress out your girl like topping can do, so she'll recover faster but still get the effect of side branching that your looking for
so i decided on top my plant today i have before and after pics i hope i did this right also pulled the light away a lil bit hopeing it will strech a lil tell me what u think


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Looks good, not sure if that is a FIM or topping though. Personally I like to top just a little later so that I can clone the top. When I start a new mom I generally let her get about a foot or so tall then top her, after that I continue with FIM until I get her as bushy as I need. The reason you let it get taller is so you have more side branches to take clones from later, a vegged taller mom is capable of providing more clones if it has more branches. If you take a decent size clone I find they root a little faster and make for a good plant to immediately stick into flower once they root. This way your not wasting a small cutting and time to get nothing, I mean you can at least get a decent bud out of a cloned top if it is a she. Also when you give them a little more time to mature before taking cuttings, I find that they tend to show sex earlier, sometimes showing pre-flower sex in veg. Just some food for thought though, your plant looks good IMO. Good luck and happy growing.
yeah, kinda hard to tell whether that's the meristem or a hormonal node. what's done is done.

no worries. these plants can take all kinds of abuse.