1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
what up friends... yes ive been gone for like a week but Im back with some pics for everyone
since the burning of 1 plant last week she has recovered nicely. Both ladies are perky and the main cola's are stretching away from the plant, they both are filling in those stretch spots with flowers! wooo
it was 2 weeks yesterday that I began the 12/12 and they both are much thirstier than before.
last night I fed them with a 1/2 dosage of bloom nutrients, and thinking about stepping it up to a full dose next week. any thoughts?
Im gonna go take pics now and Ill be back in a few to post them!!


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics 2 weeks into flowering (5weeks total)

1. Top of tall girl
2. Side of tall girl
3. Side of shorty
4. Both girls
5. Both girls from top

Hook me up with any questions, comments, crit, ideas... ect.
I could use it... thanks ya



Well-Known Member
haha yea the short one mostly for some reason. id say they've been smelling for a good 3 weeks now haha.
they smell great but its a lil conspicuous when people come over


Well-Known Member
PT those came out sweet dude
keep up the good work
u think the full dose is ok how about puting another 1/4 so all together ull have 3/4 not the full then move it up to the full dose
i dont know what ever u think i heard thats its good to introduce it to the plants and get them used to it


Well-Known Member
Yah man I agree with cloudy, nice and slow with the nutrients. Dude your plants look fucking great. Basically ideal height for the light you're using, nice and bushy, and they look very lush. Bravo +Rep.


Well-Known Member
yo thanks everyone, yea clowdy you pose a good point ill prob will give them 3/4 next time.
any idea on how long I should be giving them bloom nutes?
I was thinking on 1 feeding a week up til the last few weeks of flowering?
should I cut it to every 2 weeks? Ive only fed them twice and so far so good but Im just winging it i guess.


Well-Known Member
** PT **

DAAAAAYUM Dude! Those are lookin sweet as hell! Ur only 2 weeks into flower and u got twice as many flowers as I got and this Thursday they'll be 4 weeks in flower.
I think the sativa is comin out in them now. The leaves are longer and thinner now than when they started. Probably why they are takin so long to form those beautiful little buds. But I have no worries, I know they are gunna give me what I want.

I agree with clowdy- def only give them another 1/4 tsp next week, then the following week add the last 1/4 so ur at full strength. Gotta give them a chance to grasp what it is ur tryin to do for them. Give them too much too fast and u'll burn them for sure!

How bout that Mint Chocolate I got goin? U like that huh!?
Just don't forget ur pin-LOL!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yea they have a bunch of flowers each but I didnt top or prune anything so Im sure Im gonna have alotta small bud sites. IDK why mine are big for their age, my buddy is like a week behind me and his plants are like 3 inches tall still... either way Im lucky or I have some of my grandmothers green thumb haha... ill guess its luck.

hahaha yes! I read that and yea Ive been jealous ever since. but no worries cause by the way youre talking it sounds like my back round check went through! sweet! ill still be 1st in line hahah
but anyways congrats on that plant it sounds like its gonna be so sweet


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yea they have a bunch of flowers each but I didnt top or prune anything so Im sure Im gonna have alotta small bud sites. IDK why mine are big for their age, my buddy is like a week behind me and his plants are like 3 inches tall still... either way Im lucky or I have some of my grandmothers green thumb haha... ill guess its luck.

hahaha yes! I read that and yea Ive been jealous ever since. but no worries cause by the way youre talking it sounds like my back round check went through! sweet! ill still be 1st in line hahah
but anyways congrats on that plant it sounds like its gonna be so sweet

Hahahaha- yea!Ur free and clear- no three day waiting period-LoL!

I just hope it keeps that smell all the way thru flowering! I figure I got about 4 to 5 more weeks left before they're done. So I guess we'll see then....... So far I can only hope that it keeps that smell and that it gets better with age!

Man talk about anxious!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good words... keeps me going knowing that people think my plants look well.
Haha yea Ive been breezing in and out of your journal, its pretty sick man


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to update today, I just watered both plants with about 2quarts of water each. The buds are starting to thicken up a bit with each day. Tomorrow will be the 3rd week of flowering and I want to start giving them mollasses along with my bud bloom nutes... any suggestions on dosage?


Well-Known Member
Looking really good for a CFL grow. Good job, looks like your going to get some nice dense buds.

Stop bye my grow if you have the time. I am probably 2 weeks behind you. Mine are just starting to preflower. Found one male and destroyed him.

Keep up the good work man. I am subscribed, and gave ya some rep


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to update today, I just watered both plants with about 2quarts of water each. The buds are starting to thicken up a bit with each day. Tomorrow will be the 3rd week of flowering and I want to start giving them mollasses along with my bud bloom nutes... any suggestions on dosage?

1 TBSP of Molasses per gallon of water, and u can mix that in with ur nutes as well-- Just don't let it FERMENT! HAhahahahaha! Hate to see u suffer from the same thing I just got over!


Well-Known Member
1 TBSP of Molasses per gallon of water, and u can mix that in with ur nutes as well-- Just don't let it FERMENT! HAhahahahaha! Hate to see u suffer from the same thing I just got over!
haha thanks Ill add some tomorrow when I water, Ill try not to let it ferment hahah. Thanks for the advice Don.

I'll add some pics tomorrow with a little update. weeee


Well-Known Member
haha thanks Ill add some tomorrow when I water, Ill try not to let it ferment hahah. Thanks for the advice Don.

I'll add some pics tomorrow with a little update. weeee

No Prob man! Anytime I can help I will!

Oh and I got my seeds today! Hahahaha Watch out now! 50 seeds for 60 bucks! And they all look super sweet and viable! I didn't have my hopes up cause of all the reviews I had read AFTER I ordered from them, but they look good to me.....
We'll see how they germinate and grow....then I'll know for sure if they have a steady new customer.......


Well-Known Member
No Prob man! Anytime I can help I will!

Oh and I got my seeds today! Hahahaha Watch out now! 50 seeds for 60 bucks! And they all look super sweet and viable! I didn't have my hopes up cause of all the reviews I had read AFTER I ordered from them, but they look good to me.....
We'll see how they germinate and grow....then I'll know for sure if they have a steady new customer.......

Haha sick man thats gonna be a crazy grow soon. I havent germinated my seeds yet that I got, I need to build a seperate box for veggin/clones... expand this operation a bit haha

I bought 2 more lights today. 45w (150w)