1st grow - cfl sweet seeds fast bud - rubbermaid


week 4 starts today with some good news plants still growing and getting bushy she doesn't seem to have been affected by the light burn to much 3 nice buds showing on the top, added my light extenders today to help with the lower branches, she smells sweet and skunky - haven't watered to heavily mostly using a water bottle and misting her 2x a day seems to respond well to that give her a heavy watering once a week with nutes trying not to over do it - i have a scrog made but my friend is only about 9-10 inches out of the dirt so i think I'll forgo it on this grow still got another good foot of grow room - well stay tuned i'll try to update a bit more at she starts to flower.... Peace !


Active Member
hey man! Thats one nice lady you got there! Just ordered 3x femenized fast bud, figgured id give em a try, real cheap too, only 26 usd for 3 femenized. Gonna follow ur grow so i know what to expect from mine =)
as promised her she is - she smells better and better every day - tomorrow I'll give her a good watering with bloom nutes she starting show a little more color in her buds think i'll start another one of these ladies soon as I've had a pretty good grow thus far im thinking another 3 - weeks tops cant wait to see her really start to fill out!
BAck again nearing the end of week 6 she's lookin stellar I'd say - a few of the bottom fan leaves are turning yellow and starting to die off - but from what i've read / seen this is normal at this stage, going to take a ph sample of the soil tomorrow let her soke up some of the water i gave her tonight first - anyhow some new pics below enjoy!



Active Member
Wow, subbed for sure! I'm doing a similar-sized grow, germinated a couple weeks after you. Though it's not an autoflower, and the strain I'm using can flower 100+ days, so maybe it'll be done when you're starting your third grow! Yours will be the first autoflower journal I'm following right now, I'm curious about the idea of maybe trying it out myself once I switch my setup from ScrOG to SOG in a few months
Nice good luck man - i had a scrog net made up but decided against it, plant stayed shorter then I thought it would so i still have a good amount of space before she runs out of room - wanted to keep it simple on my first go round thus the reason i went with the autoflower so far so good i'd say - i fed her a half dose of nutes with the watering last night and she already looks bigger to me this morning craziness - ill be postig some more pix this weekend stayed tuned!
Quick update she's into week 7 now trimmed off a few of the bottom fan leaves that had died off, flowering is coming along quite nice i figure maybe another 10-15 days maybe?? Not sure but im getting excited will post photos tonight if anyone has any input on when to chop let me know thanks!
not sure if thats nute burn or light burn on the top leaves - moved the lights back a few inches and I've only given her about 3 waterings with nutes will just do straight water for the next few waterings so we shall see - still like what i see this far!


Active Member
Looking tasty! I'd say hold off another week at least to harvest, I bet those buds have some plumping up to do!