1st grow - CFL's - Top 44 and unknowns


Well-Known Member
Once again, everything seems to be fine.

Recent changes:
I added 2 more 23 watt CFLs (2700k).
I added 1 tbsp of Hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of their water last night to see if they would like it - so far no obvious differences, but doesn't seem to hurt.
Also, I had a bucket of worm compost that I have been making, I had used half of it for the soil during transplant before flowering. Today I ran 3 gallons of water through the compost and got some good worm juice draining out of the bottom. I will water the plants with this in the future to make them happier.
Also going to try adding molasses to water.

Anything for the benefit of the bud right? :weed: And of course since it is my first time, I am open to experiments.



Well-Known Member
yah my last crop was looking primo all the way through the first month

then i hit some root bound problems and phosphorous def. that shit sucked

make sure you have plenty of room for the roots thats all i can say


Well-Known Member
So the plants have stopped upward growth and the buds are filling out nicely. I can see the little resin glands growing all over the place.

On the down side, a problem I had a few weeks ago came back. I am having necrotic spots appear on lower leaves, which eventually kills them. It's happening very slowly, but the issue is starting to affect mid level fan leaves now.

Attached are pics of the good and the bad- have you seen this spotting before?




Well-Known Member

I have been battling pH problems and nute burn apparently, as well as the latest - extremely high humidity in grow box, up to 80%.

I have pH and nute burn controlled, the humidity is lower, at 68% - but working on lowering it more - i don't want bud rot. :(

will get new pics as soon as things look up.


Well-Known Member
So the battle continues. This is all good experience for my first time. I have been watching the pH and the nutes, so my leaves have been good lately.

The only problem is the relative humidity (RH).

The weather will continue to be between 70 - 80% RH for the next week or so. My grow box has similar humidity. The dehumidifier, heater and fans help to keep it around 68-72% when lights are on, and 75-78% when lights are off. I really can't do anything else but pray i don't get mold, fungus, or bugs.

On the bright side, growth is continuing, and buds are maturing - especially the Top 44 - very fast.




Well-Known Member
top 44 flower time said to be 6 weeks, how tall when you started to fower the top 44? i am waiting for my top 44 to arrive =D


Well-Known Member
I was LSTing them to keep them short - but next time i will let them be, they are short and bushy naturally. They were about 8 inches tall when i flowered them, they are definitely way ahead of the sativa.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update - I have been patiently waiting for the last 3 weeks for my flowers to mature - meanwhile I battled pH problems, and nute deficiencies. I also made KILLER cannabutter from my dead males and some female fan leaves that had fallen off. I cooked 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies and all you need is 2-3 cookies and you are in outerspace for a long time.

Anyway below are pics - turns out one of my plants is California Orange. The one on the left and has a big branch stretching to the right. The top 44 is in the middle rear.

These are the top 44 buds that are going to get harvested in a few days (trichome pics below)



Well-Known Member
So I have to harvest Jan 12 - cuz on the 14th the housing dept is coming to inspect all units for code.

The Top 44 is definitely done - but am leaving it for the hell of it - the california orange is pretty done - and the other sativa is finishing up .

i am pretty pleased with the results - top 44 has the fattest buds and densest. cali orange smells diff than the others.

we'll see final results soon.




Well-Known Member
How much has this affected your electric bill and what are you doing for smell? Looks killer btw.
Thanks merlin - smell isn't THAT bad - it seeps from under the pantry door into the living room - usually when the lights are on. So no big deal if you live there, you get so used to it you forget the plants are in the house. But if you invite parents over (like me) i would open all the windows for a few minutes, light a couple candles, cook something quickly, or brew coffee before hand, and make sure the lights were in OFF cycle. the never knew.

as far as electric bill - it rose about 12 bucks a month.


Active Member
Thanks merlin - smell isn't THAT bad - it seeps from under the pantry door into the living room - usually when the lights are on. So no big deal if you live there, you get so used to it you forget the plants are in the house. But if you invite parents over (like me) i would open all the windows for a few minutes, light a couple candles, cook something quickly, or brew coffee before hand, and make sure the lights were in OFF cycle. the never knew.

as far as electric bill - it rose about 12 bucks a month.
Did the mylar help prevent hermies?


Well-Known Member
I harvested the plants and cured them. The Top 44 was amazing, a pot aficionado friend of mine was very impressed with the smoke. The California Orange was ok, very hairy buds with harsh smoke, the other plant was awful in every way, it became cannabutter. In the end it was 2-3 oz per plant. Fun project but don't think I have time to do it again.


