1st Grow!(Clone!) Need help! Pics!


Well-Known Member
its atleast 20" from the light to the top of the plant.

the room gets in the high 80s/low 90s. Its in a 3 and a half foot tall cabinet with 2 doors that open in the front. I have a fan on the side with a hole cut in the cabinet so the fan can blow in, but I cant maintain the heat at 80. I've also put holes in the top so the air can vent out.

and I took the reflector off!


Well-Known Member
get a blower, and have it connect to your light if possible, if not close to it. and it will suck out all the hot air and move it anywhere but that room. i use a 6'' blower hooked up to my 1000 hps and mh and it does a damn good job for a 13x6 room keeps it between 84 and 70 at all times


Well-Known Member
Only have had it for 3 days, but I give it water when needed and have been trying to keep it as humid as possible since its a clone and the humidity in the grow box only gets up to 40


Active Member
If you can't vent the light directly, try cutting a hole in your box and using a computer fan in the hole to vent the air out. You will also need a second hole somewhere in the box to let fresh air in. Mine is on the bottom. You can also go with a "duct fan" that connects in line with metal ducting. Look at your hardware or HD, it would fit perfectly in a hole in the top of your box.


Well-Known Member
lol just get a small desk fan and put it upsidedown and it will help blow out the hot air. and get another for the bottom like smelly fingures said. but blowers are the best and very strong


Well-Known Member
So.. the bottom leaves have fades and are fooly drooped down. The top leaves are still looking nice but they have brown/yellowish spots on the edges of the leaves. I'm assuming this is from the over heat/burn that occured to the plant.


Well-Known Member
Any good medication for this sucker?

oh and ive switched back to the lowes light I bought, its pretty bad but it gives off a good amount of lumens and keeps the room at 80 degrees unlike earlier when I opened the box in the morning it was at 105 F. I'm going to try to get a 150w instead to see if it helps the heat situation :/



Well-Known Member
ok so I've switched it around. I took the roof off the box along with the doors. I raised the hps(250w) light up about another foot. I now have the hps going on it with a temp of 83/84 which is improvement from 105... I've got a fan on the bottom on the outside blowing in and I have the side where the door was being covered by a towel and i have it slightly opened for air flow. The top of the box is covered by the ballast and runs along perfectly on the top edges of the box. I dunno if I should put a hole in the top of the box and put a CPU fan there to make sure the top isnt getting too hot even though its reading 83/84. I also put a wet towel at the floor of the box so the humidity rises since I'm sitting at 40% right now


Well-Known Member
ok so I've switched it around. I took the roof off the box along with the doors. I raised the hps(250w) light up about another foot. I now have the hps going on it with a temp of 83/84 which is improvement from 105... I've got a fan on the bottom on the outside blowing in and I have the side where the door was being covered by a towel and i have it slightly opened for air flow. The top of the box is covered by the ballast and runs along perfectly on the top edges of the box. I dunno if I should put a hole in the top of the box and put a CPU fan there to make sure the top isnt getting too hot even though its reading 83/84. I also put a wet towel at the floor of the box so the humidity rises since I'm sitting at 40% right now

you might want to put a fan in even though. just to keep it extra cool. and as far as the towel goes for humidity it works, but they dry out quick and you have to change them out or it molds. use paper towels and just throw them away, or a glass of water works also. and if you want some CO2 you can mix baking soda and vinegar to get some.


Well-Known Member
Ya i think im going to stick with the towel because the paper towels got so dry so fast. and I'm going to probably do the co2 idea. Anyone ever use dry ice instead of yeast/sugar and had good results?


Well-Known Member

I have the towel on the floor with the tip of it being put in a bowl of water. It gets dry FAST! I have to refill the bowl every 6 hours about. The humidity is at 58-60 and the temp is 85. Any help on how I can bring the temp down a bit more?


Well-Known Member
get a blower to suck out all the air from the light thats what i have, but i also have 1000 watt hps in right now so it gets hot thats why i definately need it lol