1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope


Well-Known Member
Smart phones are real smart huh...lol Well bro I would love to bs with ya, but I have to get up early and make some money in the mornin. I'll catch ya fri or sat depending on when I get back and how long it takes me to get a room set up. Take her easy and if she's easy take her again....lol


Well-Known Member
I let that little casualty nug dry and it in a jar today but not before grindin some of her up! I picked up a new vape. It's the pax by plume and I'll never smoke another way I'm fucking loving it. And my little ice nug s good as hell even before fully ripened! It's a-fucking-mazng . I'm stones as hell right now so im sorry if I'm making no sense


Well-Known Member
Finally got some up close and personal pics!



Well-Known Member
I see a lot of clear trich's on them buds bro, but if they be kickin your ass then maybe their in the neighborhood of being where you like them. Oh btw I'm back,,,haha. Gonna be a busy day today ( later today ) got lots to do now that I have to construct a flower room, but lookin forward to having my own bud to smoke again..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of clear trich's on them buds bro, but if they be kickin your ass then maybe their in the neighborhood of being where you like them. Oh btw I'm back,,,haha. Gonna be a busy day today ( later today ) got lots to do now that I have to construct a flower room, but lookin forward to having my own bud to smoke again..:mrgreen:
How was your mini vacation? Yeah they are mostly clear. Was hoping I'd have some more cloudy by now


Well-Known Member
All I did was eat and smoke and nap....not necessarily in that order..lol I'm high as hell right now..haha my buddy hooked me up good bro, my first night down there I couldn't even talk I was so dang high..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
All I did was eat and smoke and nap....not necessarily in that order..lol I'm high as hell right now..haha my buddy hooked me up good bro, my first night down there I couldn't even talk I was so dang high..:mrgreen:
Ahh those nights huh? Good for you man. You deserve you some good stuff!


Well-Known Member
Come may I'll be havin some good good...just in time for bluegills on the bed..:) AAhhh it's gonna be a great summer..hehe..yeah!!


Well-Known Member
Well tonight/this morning I took the girls out and gave them good drink with some different food. Instead of the 2-3-1 jacks classic bloom booster I gave them some 9-3-6 Dynagro foliage pro.

Also got the purple kush clone (young adult clone) into a 5 gal. pot in pine bark fines. Fed her some of the Dynagro as well. Lastly I transplanted the clones that were in the rapid rooters into some 1 liter pots.

All transplanted girls went into pine bark fine blend, with a little spoonful of mykos at each transplant site. When I ran out of 1 liter pots I started transplanting into solo cups. Now I have 3 clones in 5 gal pots (teenagers), 11 in 1 liter pots, 7 in solo cups, and 3 seedlings still in solos.

I'll begin thinning out the group by ditching the plants that lack vigor. I'm in a bind right now for space though. I have all these clones, the girls in flower, and no drying room... not ask the girls will get the chop together. I'm thinking in around 5-7 days the ice, pineapple chunk, and special kush will come down. The two g13 and two Holland's Hope girls will finish off over the next couple weeks. This means I can't dry in the flower room :(

Not sure what I'm gonna do, just drying some sample nugs from the pineapple chunk and special kush stunk up my whole downstairs and they're only like 2g nugs


Well-Known Member
Looking good, still some time left it looks like. Probably the best trichome pic I have seen on RIU.
Which one?

Yeah very few ambers among all girls. I didn't take any plant pics, I should have, oh well, I will tonight I guess. The leaves are really starting to turn yellow on some, and I was REALLY hoping to see more amber trichomes on the ice, but alas, no luck, guess they gotta get a bit fatter yet :D. That's why I fed them the Dynagro last night (9-3-6). They could use a little bit extra nitrogen to green up those leaves if they got a little more production left in them..

I've heard trichomes can change a lot in as little as 24-48 hours, so I'll be watching closely each day.

Also I didn't mention this yet, but i don't plan on flushing. I plan to feed until harvest day. I know many think this is bad to do, but after reading both sides of the debate thoroughly, I see more benefit to keeping my girls feed than flushing them. Besides that, the nutrients are only allocated to the flower as its needed, and the nutrients are gobbled up and metabolized by the plant extremely quickly. Calyxes do not store nutrients. A solid dark period to purge the starches and nutrients stored in the leaves will be just fine I think. Then an early morning chop.

Btw, speaking of calyxes, the pineapple chunk's calyxes are swollen as hell. Some top nugs are even feeling slightly dry, I'm somewhat confused as the why the trichs are all still fairly clear/cloudy. This girl would be done by every other measure if I didn't have the ability to check trichs. Is also got a unique bud structure. For those that don't know pineapple chunk is a cross of pineapple/cheese/skunk #1. I was talking to jointed and he mentioned his cheese has always had a unique bud structure as well, kind of like several marbles or pods of calyxes tightly packed into a large bud.. so I'm guessing the PCs unique bud structure comes from the cheese part of its genetics. It is kind of a dieselly smelling plant to be honest, don't really get that pineapple smell, will see at harvest though. All I know is she smells dank as hell.

I'm pretty certain I'll be chopping half the branches at a time and letting the lower portion of plants grow lower buds out a bit before chopping entire plant (another big reason for continuing to feed the girls instead of flushing)


Well-Known Member
Should have said "pics", just meant the array of shots gives a very detailed picture, nicely done.

Solid game plan bro, I also gave my plants a shot of higher N about 1.5 weeks before the chop. I think it helped them. No flush for me either, but I use mostly organic nutes which never need to be flushed. Like you said it is an issue that is debated.

Some plants just don't want to turn amber, my Sugar Plum was that way and I have heard similar reports about Purple Kush.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your real close to chop time bro, you might see a little amber show up as she dries and cures. I have had plants in the past that had no amber, and after drying and a week in the jar the buds were about 20-30% amber. I dry pre-trim also, so that may have had something to do with it. I firmly believe the nitrogen in the leaves converts the sugars in the buds into alcohol, thats why I wont ever flush or pre-trim my buds...my .02 cents on it...j


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your real close to chop time bro, you might see a little amber show up as she dries and cures. I have had plants in the past that had no amber, and after drying and a week in the jar the buds were about 20-30% amber. I dry pre-trim also, so that may have had something to do with it. I firmly believe the nitrogen in the leaves converts the sugars in the buds into alcohol, thats why I wont ever flush or pre-trim my buds...my .02 cents on it...j
Agree. I'm confident the no flush decision is the right one.