1st grow fan leaves are dying 11 days into flower need advice


Active Member
my fan leaves are dying buds look healthy as well as the leaves around the buds only 11 days in to 12 12 need some advice from experienced growers my girl is putting pics on for me should be up in a few minutes thank you for all the help

this is my 1st grow
room 6x6x8
light 1000 watt hps
tray 6x4
res 50 gal
co2 1500 ppm
flora nova bloom 4-8-7
general hydroponic (gh)floranectar 0-0-1
gh florablend .5-1-1
gh kool bloom 0-10-10
gh floralicious plus 2-.8-.02
mad farmer nuts
started 12/12 on 9/9/08 floods 7 times during light period once 6 hrs into dark period
temp 77 ph at 5.8 nutes at 1300 ppm



Nute burn. You're using way too much shit! Dude, keep it simple! Floara Nova Bloom would be fine all by itself. Why are you already at 1300ppm? Also, you are over watering it big time!


Active Member
Nute burn. You're using way too much shit! Dude, keep it simple! Floara Nova Bloom would be fine all by itself. Why are you already at 1300ppm? Also, you are over watering it big time!
let me know whats up how many ppm how many times should i water im following a flora nova guide tell me whats up please


It's actually fairly normal for your bottom leaves to turn yellowish brown and dry up when the buds start producing. It's your plants way of telling you its doing it's job. I was more or less fucking with you, lol. BUT, I do think your hydro shop sold you way too much shit for your first grow. Unless you are using R/O water, all you really need is a good bloom nute and some carbo juice. AND, I do think you are watering way too much. Only water 2-3 times every 24hrs. Go ahead and trim off all the dead leaves. If some of them are half dying (e.g. at the tips) and half green, just cut off the dead part. Leave anything green on the plant. Your leaves will turn yellow again nearing harvest time but they wont be as dry and wilted, and that's normal too. Don't cut anything off at that point. When 80% of your leaves are yellow, harvest that shit.