1st Grow. Fem. Cheese


Well-Known Member
nice. never been, only been to LA once, casino, island of capri. forgot the city name lol, i was blazed off white russian or rhino cant remember, then i got drunk at the casino. lol dont remember much of the night.


Active Member
just out of curoisity... how many auto flowers could a mini cap with 42in Height, 36in Wide, and 18in Deep measurements produce?


Well-Known Member
just out of curoisity... how many auto flowers could a mini cap with 42in Height, 36in Wide, and 18in Deep measurements produce?
Quite a few I would imagine. Really depends on pot size.

@ Jaydro

Man, those places in LA suck. I'll go out on the boat every now and then, but LA ain't nothen like Vegas. Once you've gone to Vegas, it's hard to hit up those casinos in LA again. Kinda like smoken dank, once you've had it, you no longer want the swag.

/init 6



Well-Known Member
just out of curoisity... how many auto flowers could a mini cap with 42in Height, 36in Wide, and 18in Deep measurements produce?
like Grn said, it will depend on potsize and how many females i get from the 10pk of regular seeds. im hoping i can get like 4-5 females then i should be just fine in the minicab.

@ Jaydro

Man, those places in LA suck. I'll go out on the boat every now and then, but LA ain't nothen like Vegas. Once you've gone to Vegas, it's hard to hit up those casinos in LA again. Kinda like smoken dank, once you've had it, you no longer want the swag.

/init 6

yea man ive been wanting to go to vegas forever, someday i will!!!!! but yea, no shwag for me, im done with that shit! lol headaches and scratchy throats.:evil:


Active Member
i kind of feel there not bulky or dense enough for almost 5 weeks in, but is is my 1st grow and i dont really know what to expect, but hopefully since today i introduced the ladies for the 1st time with beastie bloomz and some molasses, they will begin to bulk up. my biggest plant continues with the yellowing on some of its fan leaves but it seems to be doing just fine so i dont know.
Hey there Jay just read ur journal from the start btw nice plants.:leaf::leaf::leaf: My best guess is that there not seeming as bulky or dense enough for there age is probably because you were not able to veg. them for as long as recomended.
I've had the best luck when veging for at least 45 days or more. However, they do look damn good now:mrgreen:...
Cant wait see em when your done!:weed:....:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey there Jay just read ur journal from the start btw nice plants.:leaf::leaf::leaf: My best guess is that there not seeming as bulky or dense enough for there age is probably because you were not able to veg. them for as long as recomended.
I've had the best luck when veging for at least 45 days or more. However, they do look damn good now:mrgreen:...
Cant wait see em when your done!:weed:....:joint:

thanks for stopping by mrwhite, appreciate the compliments as well bro:joint: as far as the vegging goes, i know vegging them for less time will have an impact on yield, never really read much more about it than that, i was guessing the nugs didnt look as bulky or dense because i didnt introduce beastie bloomz when the ff schedule said to, and it being my 1st grow i really dont know what to expect. but they do have 2-3 more weeks left so hopefully the end result will be decent:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Man The Cheese Is Looking Good!!! When I Moved In Here From A Townhouse, In Own Home Now.... I Moved With 3 Chopped Monsters At The Stock, 3 Monsters In Tubs, And 2 6" Potted Ones I Wanted To Keep The Blood Line... Now That Was Crazy...!!! Im Sure We Can Fig. Somthing Out If Its At All Poss. Db.~tlb! :) Nice Porn. Mister.!!! :):):) Dark And Stanky!


Well-Known Member
And Three Chopped At The Stock... Hanging Upside Down In Hefty's For The Trip Of 50 Miles... And To Foot Tall Babies...!!! It Was. But Being Legal They Cant Doo Nothing. Lolololololooolollooloolloollo Snort' Db.~:)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
DO you think people driving by saw em popping out, that would be hillarious

"look mommy, that man has giant plants in his car"

"ooohh dear god tommy, turn your head, that man has DOPE in his car, what a sinner!"


Well-Known Member
Lol "sinner" No Tommy Just Heavly Medicated.!!! Lmao It Took A 27 Uhaul, And Took Up Half, The Rooms All Went At Once, It Was Loaed At Night And The Truck Was Back The Hell Up To The Garage Door... As Not To Let Any See What Was Beeing Moved...lol All Sneaky Like...the Truck And The Door Were One.!!! Lol! Db.:)


Active Member
Yeah totalybongsmilie
Hey have you considered using any Co2 in your grow? Maybe sence you werent able to veg. as long as recomended you could try using some Co2 in the final weeks of your flowering stage. For my first grow i had a real cheap Co2 setup and in made SUCH a big dif. in my yeild!:leaf::leaf::leaf:
anyway just a tought...:peace:


Well-Known Member
for sure it would!! at any time they will be happy for a lil co2, Im pretty sure better late than never is good here as well.


Well-Known Member
so today marks a full 6 weeks completed in flowering. (Day 42). i have gone out of town for the weekend so i hate to say i will have no pics today like i usually do when they finish a week. so i will have pics on sunday/monday for sure. as far as the co2 goes, i might make a couple DIY'rs and throw them in there for the last 2 weeks or so. time to look for co2 diy threads.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats where I got my co2 system.... I did the simplest thing I could find! sodium free seltzer water I mist with 1-2 times a day with all air off and let sit with no air for 30 min... Dont know if it is helping but my bud looks better every day!