1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
looking beautiful as always!!!yummy loving those hairs cant wait till my plants r to that point!keep up ur good work stoner barbie


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoner Barbie, lostfedexman here. I just changed accounts because of some "security" issues..... Hahaha, anyways, just wanted to stop by and say that everything is looking nice! Loving all those hairs! And I will be keeping up with your journal again, from this name tho! Lostfedexman is gone forever!....


Well-Known Member
hey guys, well i have not posted for a while because i was embarrassed to and i was trying to see if ginormica was going to make it after i cooked her. somehow the timer got turned off ( i think it was the cat, dirty biatch) so the light stayed on for 24 hours for 3 days and it pretty much cooked her. but the clone is really starting to come along so i am going to chop down my cooked plant and focus on ginormica Jr.


Well-Known Member
OH NO!! damn. Cats are so mischievous. they cannot be trusted. they will always sneak behind your back and do something dirty like that, no matter what. the other day i was movin some things around, my cat came in from outside through the cracked front door, he went straight for my grow room, saw the flapping leaves and commenced attack, knocked 1 plant straight to the floor and bent the stalk a bit, but it survived.


Well-Known Member
okay ya'll we are basically starting over. but the clone is in soil this time. the yellowing and the brown spots are from when i tried to cook this one too a couple of weeks back. i thought that she was dead for sure. but as you can see she is coming back nicely. i took the ag tank out so that i could utilize the lights.

any advice PLEASE! i don't want to loose this one too.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm gonna say, she doesn't look to bad, just don't over do anything right now, lol. If the siol is moist, LEAVE her!... lol, just let her do her thing and grow... Wait a little longer for any nutes aswell... How long has she been rooted and growin in the soil?.. Sorry about the big girl, that's incredibally sad! But at least you have the clone. AND it's in siol! :) Much more forgiving! And IMO tastier product! Nice lookin little clone!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm gonna say, she doesn't look to bad, just don't over do anything right now, lol. If the siol is moist, LEAVE her!... lol, just let her do her thing and grow... Wait a little longer for any nutes aswell... How long has she been rooted and growin in the soil?.. Sorry about the big girl, that's incredibally sad! But at least you have the clone. AND it's in siol! :) Much more forgiving! And IMO tastier product! Nice lookin little clone!
she has been in soil for about 2 weeks. she actually rooted while in the soil.


Well-Known Member
SICC";3730899]Damn sorry to hear about the loss :cry: hope the clones works out said:
i have like 27 seeds left bwahahaha....... but i will be putting the house on the market soon, soooo.....i have to grow this one quick.[/COLOR]


Well-Known Member
clones can be flowered as soon as they root.☺ if you want to go ahead and flower, re-pot it in a two liter bottle, and it should yield nicely.


Well-Known Member
im sorry to hear about the plant hun,that sucks it truly does the plant was so beautiful,good luck with ur clone im praying for u


Well-Known Member
did you at least dry her out and taste the premature buds, or make get hash?
yes i did dry her and she is now curing. there was red hairs all over her so i think she was ready anyway. i forgot that things grow a lot faster in hydro than in dirt. i did smoke a tiny bit and its CREEPER WEED! i was totally baked. so its not all at a loss. its a few grams. i have not weighed it yet i want to wait until its cured.