1st grow, is there a problem with this?

Yeah growing does get addicting, especially when you grow plants like that :weed:

this is normal. thoughs leaves will fall eventually anyways you should switch to a slittly bigger pot in a couple of days
this is normal. thoughs leaves will fall eventually anyways you should switch to a slittly bigger pot in a couple of days
dude! i'm chopping her in a few days and no leaves are falling off. that was like a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago. lol read all the way to the end next time brother. but thanks for the info any ways.
I caught that too, and laughed my ass off.

Yeah, a stoner calling a stoner lazy would be hypocritical, but as a stoner we'd forget that we were lazy too!!
okay ya'll i chopped her down. all of the nugs are hard as a rock. you know its funny, i thought that they would be all fluffy feeling but i put it in my hand and started to squeeze, that shit is hard! she is really sticky and i think i got high from just trimming the buds. lol so here are the pics for ya'll
she has no idea whats about to happen..........


poor thing, its just a stick now.

just got done


all the pretty little nugs


i weighed the bud in my little food scale.......


and got 1 oz of wet bud


outside of drying chamber. notice the holes for air circulation


inside of drying chamber


the roots after i shook out all the dirt.

Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhh


Nice harvest jade, cant wait for the final product.
What do you got planned next?

what ever happened to your other seedlings, have you spoke to that guy?
Sweet, enjoy ur fruits!

So will u be starting another grow? I remember u stopped the 5 seedlings cause of the rental thing. Just curious if u would still b able to keep one going.
[QUOTE="SICC";4134246]Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhh


Nice harvest jade, cant wait for the final product.
What do you got planned next?

what ever happened to your other seedlings, have you spoke to that guy?[/QUOTE]

i won't (unfortunately) be growing anything else until i move to my perminant house next year, then its balls to the wall!
i gave the seedlings to my friend who gave them to his dad who is an old school grower. i am just waiting for him to get off his ass to go out to his dads and take some pics for me. i may just make him take me out there tomarrow so that i can have a looksy at them myself.
Oh ok :cry:
That would be cool if you can get some pics of those seedlings.
Idk if i could do that long with out growing lol, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Best of luck with everything :peace:
bwahahahaha. yah i am letting it dry and cure. just smoking the little popcorn buds. i did not include those with the weigh in. this stuff knocks me just plain silly. I LOVE IT! probably the best smoke that i have EVER had. nowadays it seem like you can only get shake and ragweed. so even though its not a huge harvest, i am really going to enjoy it. plus i think that i really do have a handle on the science of growing in soil so my next grows (in about a year when i move) will kick ass!