1st Grow Journal

Reserva Privada Seeds

Lohan :: Trainwreck x LA Confidential
Real Sour :: Sour Diesel x Chem 4

Soil Mediums :: Started in FF Happy Frog until I put them in 5 gallon buckets and now using FF Ocean Forest.

Water :: Filtered tap water. I haven't really worried about anything water wise, just paid attention to the plants and gave them what they needed.

Nutrients :: Roots Organic Buddha Grow & Trinity, will maybe start adding Buddha Bloom in a few weeks, as I have only been in flower 12/12 since Feb. 1.
I just started adding nutrients a few weeks ago.

Training :: So I tried LST twice and broke stems which healed, but I just learned how to top and FIM on this grow which worked out great. Next grow I am going to focus on LST and Mainlining. As well as creating a massive stem base.

Light :: Started them all under a t5 on my dresser, then about two weeks ago upgraded to 600W HPS light.

Tent :: 4x4x7.5ft grow tent, works great. I don't measure humidity, just use common sense and have a fan going in there along with good circulation of air. Tent is 75 during the light and 68 off.

(Sorry I don't have better time frames, started on November 17th with seeds and they popped 10-15 days later)

The beginning.

Then I learned nutes are bad for little plants.

Then it was time to let them grow a bit more healthy.

The joy of toppings.

I continued topping a few more times as the plants started to grow, the bigger they got I realized lighting needed a change and larger pots.
(these were taking two weeks ago)

Once the tent and HPS were going I saw HUGE movement in the plants, as well started adding nutrients slowly.

These are from their last week in Veg.

This is their first week in flower, started Feb. 1st.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I did this grow as cost effective as possible, think so far I have only spent about $350 total on everything thus far. Possibly next round I am purchasing a smaller veg tent, 1000W HPS and 150W HPS for sprouting, probably mix my own soil.....AND learn how to mainline for sure.

Tried to keep this as simple as can be, didn't worry really about too too much, asked a stupid questions here and there. Then I realized over complicating the grow caused more issues than just letting it happen and to stop trying to get so technical with everything.

Fingers crossed for a good yield, but if not that will be my main focus to learn next grow how to better increase yields through training.

Little update of my ladies in green. They have started their stretch for sure. Seriously think they grew 4 or 5 inches overnight haha.


And then, yeah, so my fan leaves are monsters on my plants.

Looking through the plants I started seeing more and more hairs popping, so getting excited to start seeing some buds in the coming weeks.
Very nice grow so far man I just purchased a 600 mh/hps switchable and hopr to stadt my grow in a month or two aftet i get evetything