1st grow.... leaves look weird



recently decided to try to grow indoor... started off w/ 2 4' t12 fluro for like the first 2-2.5 weeks.. did some research found a good deal on a 430w hps which i installed last week and set to run 18/6... ive got a problem now where the leaves are curling upward and the newest leaves have a glossy/waxy look to them....the temp in the room is between 80-84 light on, and 76-80 light off(thats the temp at plant level)... not sure of the humidity i have 2 cups w/ rags coming out to help bring the humidity up

i have read that it might be due to heat/light stress but my light is 20-24 inches from the tallest plant and the leaves are starting to look glossy/waxy but the shorter plants have the curling problem and the glossy/waxy prob

any and all help would def be appreciated
Other than the curling it looks good to me. The only thing I have to say about it is I hope you are planning on transplanting those soon, those little pots aren't nearly big enough for a cannabis plant.
You are doing great man. I also don't have humidity measurements in my room but I am not too worried. As long as you have good air exchange in your room, preferably 5 changes of all air in the room per hour, you are great. The leaves look pH related to me, especially to low ph. Don't focus on the light. Hps at 24 inches away is great. Look at other factors, nutes and ph.
yea air exchange is fine.. i leave door open to room most of day w/ fan blowing 24/7.... when i bought the hps i also bout some general hydroponics MAXIGRO 10-5-14 which i add 1 teaspoon/gal... i water twice a week, with 1 watering being straight water (no nutes) and the other being w/ nutes.... i use 1gal to water the 6 big plants

i didnt think it was heat/light stress bc they seem to be growing just fine, ive seen amazing growth in 10 days its just the leaves have a glossy look to them at first and then as they get bigger they tend to fix them selves w/ a slight curl upward at the end of the leaves. with it being my first grow also, im prolly over worry also which could be causes of plant probs, but before i act/react to any issue i wanna make sure i know wat the prob is and the best solution...

broken, if the ph is too low, what would u advise me to use to help get it higher
gdh thats what i thought at first, but the plants that are closer to the light are showing less issues than the ones that are shorter... which make me think that if it is too hot then wouldnt the taller plants be first to show signs of heat/light stress and not the smaller ones... my thermometer is at the plant canopy and it shows 78 which is fine for heat and i have a slight breeze over the top of the canopy to keep it cooler while promoting stem growth

i have worried about the nutes, that seems to be where im least experienced, and being on a budget i cant just run out and pick up 3-4 different nutes that "might" fix the prob, and normally i read and research to find the answer before i post, but i dont see alot of ppl w/ the same prob as me, nor do i see ppl offer much more advice than "heat/light stress, so raise light" which i dont think is the problem... and TBH id rather them curl a lil than stretch
Too hot, and hps is for flowering metal halide is for veg. Your either gonna need to go get a metal halide bulb or continue using you t12 for veg
i do have a fan in there, blowing 24/7... and the door open to allow air flow.... temp wise it works like this - when the light is on its 78-80 degrees while the doors open, if i shut the door the temp in the room can get as high 88 but normally stays 84-86 range (hence why i leave door open).. when the lights go off at nite i shut the door and in the morning when the lights come back on the temp is 74-78... so if it should be cooler in my room, what temp range should it be at?

side not about the hps... ive done alot of reading on hps light and most ppl say i can grow start to finish w/ no problem w/ a hps light... the only ppl who i see that say to go w/ mh and hps are the ones w/ huge grow ops and/or have the funds to spend on both... which im neither, so imma stick w/ the hps
Yes, you can HPS entire cycle.

Are your temp readings taken at canopy/top of plants? How are they looking now?
It seems like things are going pretty well. I know that everyone has a different system, but I wouldn't be using nutrients on plants that small. I generally start my plants in very small containers and they have enough nutrients in the seed to get them to about the 3rd or 4th node without any problems. At that point, when I first start to see signs of N def. because it usually shows up first, I transplant to a larger pot with FFOF or another good quality soil and it has enough nutrients to get them through the rest of my veg, about 3 or 4 weeks worth. When the plants are so small it seems like using liquid nutrients to feed is too tricky and I see more people struggle with this than not.

I'm not saying it's your problem here, just an observation. In your case I would consider a transplant to their final pots with some good quality soil and just water them from here out. Maybe add Cal Mag+ if you using RO water (which is how I roll). The key is not to do something drastic or very specific to get your plants back on track. If your environment is good, your feeding is good, and everything is working properly the plants will bounce back and get themselves in order.

Your ph isn't likely to be off yet, but you'll want to watch out for that too.

I've never been a big fan of filling pots half way with soil. The airflow on the bottoms of your plants is going to be pretty poor with big pots that aren't filled surrounding them. Next time, make sure to fill to the top.