1st grow. looking for feedback

Posted this originally in the design/setup forum, but the tent is now running perfectly and I could not figure out how to switch forums so I'm re-posting here (as I'm looking for input on my ladies).

So here is what I am working with:

GrowLab 120 (4'x4'x6.5')
6" Hydrofarm Raidaint AC reflector
1000w Mh bulb
1000w conv. ballast
265 cfm squirrel blower exhausting hood
165 cfm inline fan (w/ hepa filter) for fresh air intake into room
165 cfm inline fan blowing air through hood
125cfm fan exhausting tent
oscillating fan
fox farm ocean forest soil
2 and 3 gallon smart pots

All of the ladies started as clones, and are now between 3 and 4 weeks old. I lost 3 plants due to mite damage (too much damage on too young of a plant so i threw them out), but have been mite free now for almost 2 weeks.

As you can tell from the first pictures I was having a pH problem, but have since picked up a digital pH meter and have been keeping the pH at 5.9 and watering every 24 hrs. I'm using Humboldt Roots and Botanicare Pure Blend grow pro (3-2-4). I fed them at 1/4 strength last week and now have started them at 3/4 strength. The light is running on a 20/4 cycle.

Suggestions/questions/comments welcome!!

Cheers! :joint:



Well-Known Member
looks like in some of the pics i can some some leaf dropping, maybe could be over watering. is it just me, or did you notice this already/?


Well-Known Member
Everything looks wonderful except for the droppyness of the leaves. I always wanted to try smart pots. Keep up the good work!!!


Well-Known Member
You only need to be watering maybe once a week... If this is not the case, and you have to water like you do, transplant immediately into bigger pots.

Your girls will show "ph" like problems if you overwater all the time.

Good luck :)
looks like in some of the pics i can some some leaf dropping, maybe could be over watering. is it just me, or did you notice this already/?
If you're talking about the 2nd, 4th or 6th picture its because the pH was off during those weeks. When you enlarge the pictures they are labeled in the bottom right corner what strain/week they are. Hope that's what you're talking about, otherwise i'm not too sure what you're seeing...
You only need to be watering maybe once a week... If this is not the case, and you have to water like you do, transplant immediately into bigger pots.

Your girls will show "ph" like problems if you overwater all the time.

Good luck :)
I've been watering them every 24 hrs b/c they seem to need it. the day after watering the plants start becoming droopy. After I water them they are very perky until the following day (then whenever they show signs of drooping I water). And yea I'm going to transplant the plants in the 2 gal pots to 3 gal ones, but i'm not too concerned about going bigger than 3. And the ladies haven't been showing any signs of problems over the last 2 weeks...


Active Member
Watering every 24 hrs? That seems a bit excessive for plants that size. In 3 gallon pots soil, I water once a week for plants that size, sometimes less. Are you saturating the plants to a point where you are getting at least 10% runoff? With soil you have to be patient when watering and let the dirt absorb the water over time. At first it will pour right out the sides and little will actually be retained in the soil until you break the 'seal'. Add a little, wait some more, add a little more, etc. until the plant is heavy and saturated throughout and water is coming out the the bottom freely and evenly. This will ensure you have roots expanding to all the pot and not just concentrated at the base of the stalk. I also recommend adding perlite to your Ocean Floor mix. It aids in water retention.

They do look healthy! What strain are you running? The stalks look a little thin, but the leaves are broad, so I am guessing you have some hybrid sativa with a kush?


Well-Known Member
every 24 hours? not cool dude, like the other guys said once a week is fine. and the droopyness is probilly because of over watering for sure if you water everyday. i water every 5-7 days. but one way to tell when its time to water too is stick your finger like 3 inches into the soil, and if it is completely dry then water, otherwise wait. nbut i always wait till pretty much all the soil is dry, helps the roots get mad oxygen. and you said the seem to need it daily, what are the signs that they need it? is your soil getting dry fast? if so one reason could be the lights are too close and evaporating the water in the soil.
Watering every 24 hrs? That seems a bit excessive for plants that size. In 3 gallon pots soil, I water once a week for plants that size, sometimes less. Are you saturating the plants to a point where you are getting at least 10% runoff? With soil you have to be patient when watering and let the dirt absorb the water over time. At first it will pour right out the sides and little will actually be retained in the soil until you break the 'seal'. Add a little, wait some more, add a little more, etc. until the plant is heavy and saturated throughout and water is coming out the the bottom freely and evenly. This will ensure you have roots expanding to all the pot and not just concentrated at the base of the stalk. I also recommend adding perlite to your Ocean Floor mix. It aids in water retention.

They do look healthy! What strain are you running? The stalks look a little thin, but the leaves are broad, so I am guessing you have some hybrid sativa with a kush?
I've been using 2 gallons (approx. maybe a little less) to water all 9 of the ladies, so I guess I'll water them a little more until I see more runoff, and start watering them less often.

As far as strains, if you look on the bottom right of the pictures when zoomed in it says what stain/how old they are.


Active Member
As far as strains, if you look on the bottom right of the pictures when zoomed in it says what stain/how old they are.
Oh, did not see it - quite the assortment!

For 3 gallon containers I avg 1/2 gallon minimum for each plant when they are full swing in flowering. Being young like they are in your pics, you will probably be adding more than 1/2 gallon each since there is not a ton of root mass in there taking up the volume. This probably goes without saying, but be sure to place your pots in a larger container to catch the runoff when you water, or you will have a hell of a mess in your grown room/tent. I never water in place under the light, but instead take a pot, flip it upside down inside a large basin and set the plant being watered onto it. I water it until the runoff flows evenly for about 10% and then move it back after it stops dripping. Raising it up high like that allows me to inspect, prune, foliar treat, etc. while its drip drying. It also helps me a get a good sense of how much water is being retained by the difference in weight (dry vs. wet), and I use that to gauge when to water next.


Active Member
As far as strains, if you look on the bottom right of the pictures when zoomed in it says what stain/how old they are.
Oh, did not see it - quite the assortment!

For 3 gallon containers I avg 1/2 gallon minimum for each plant when they are full swing in flowering. Being young like they are in your pics, you will probably be adding more than 1/2 gallon each since there is not a ton of root mass in there taking up the volume. This probably goes without saying, but be sure to place your pots in a larger container to catch the runoff when you water, or you will have a hell of a mess in your grown room/tent. I never water in place under the light, but instead take a pot, flip it upside down inside a large basin and set the plant being watered onto it. I water it until the runoff flows evenly for about 10% and then move it back after it stops dripping. Raising it up high like that allows me to inspect, prune, foliar treat, etc. while its drip drying. It also helps me a get a good sense of how much water is being retained by the difference in weight (dry vs. wet), and I use that to gauge when to water next.
Oh, did not see it - quite the assortment!

For 3 gallon containers I avg 1/2 gallon minimum for each plant when they are full swing in flowering. Being young like they are in your pics, you will probably be adding more than 1/2 gallon each since there is not a ton of root mass in there taking up the volume. This probably goes without saying, but be sure to place your pots in a larger container to catch the runoff when you water, or you will have a hell of a mess in your grown room/tent. I never water in place under the light, but instead take a pot, flip it upside down inside a large basin and set the plant being watered onto it. I water it until the runoff flows evenly for about 10% and then move it back after it stops dripping. Raising it up high like that allows me to inspect, prune, foliar treat, etc. while its drip drying. It also helps me a get a good sense of how much water is being retained by the difference in weight (dry vs. wet), and I use that to gauge when to water next.
Thanks for the tip! Will def start doing this! +rep

Will post some new pictures in a few more days when the growths a little more noticeable.

Here are some new pictures from 4-30! Its now been 7-10 days (varying by plant) since I FIM'd all of the ladies... comments/suggestions appreciated!!


attempted to show tops of ladies where I FIM'd, but I'm not sure what you can really tell from the pictures....


Just beginning flowering today! I've been running on a 20/4 schedule (light off from 11am-3pm) and now will be running 12/12 (light off from 9am-9pm). Plants have now been in veg for almost 7 weeks. I'll post some new pictures later tonight when the light turns back on