1st grow need advice

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
hi if the leaves are dead then take off if not leave them they will soon sort its self out i have 3 plants in my friends garden which are over 6 ft tall big and bushy as fuck some of them leaves have been eaten. your plant looks very healthy keep up the good work by the way what are you feeding your baby and what soil are u using . check out my grow 1 st and 2 nd its gonna be a wicked grow thanks widdow
i feed it some 9 17 9 fert plus weed preventer because i used soil out of my garden and also i did something real stupid and put grass in it stoned and thought it was a genious plan but now tips of my leaves are browning and yellow spots are forming

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi if it was me i would use baby bio or get some a and b nuits or you can use baby bio which is good i found the leaves to go a lovely green and give your plant the right food it needs as for yellow spots im sure they will go when you use nuits stop using the fertilizer thats obviously the problem with the yellow leaves and dots i would try and see how you go thanks widdow

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
hi a bottle of coccoa a and b nuits is about £12 from any grow shop or use baby bio that has all the right things your plant needs thanks widdow

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi you can get baby bio in any diy store like homebase b&q or you can order some nuits from ebay. mind you saying that my friends one in his garden is only watered with normal tap water or when it rains and it is over 6 ft tall and now flowering looks wicked. hope your grow goes well thanks widdow


Active Member
Yes theere is natural ways to get nutes into your plant check out the organics thread you can find lots of ways to not use chemicals.
Remember decomposition= Nutrients.

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
no you should be ok try to be as gentle as possible when transfering you dont want to stress the plant. I checked on my friends the other day its well big started to flower now and thats in his garden he just feeds from the soil he may water if it needs it otherwise its rain water. it smells well strong if i take my camera down there il get a photo youl see what i mean its huge try to be as gentle as poss when handling your plant treat her good she will look after you. hope it goes well sweet widdow.
when your plant gets healthy enough, what i mean by healthy is that your plant has at LEAST 2-3 pairs of large healthy leaves, then in this case u look for the BABy start of the new growth of incoming leaves and take CLEAN scissors and snip the entire tip tip top off. what this will do is cause your plant to develop multiple new tops and become bushier and more productive, it does set your growth back by about 2 days tho. use the link in my signature to see how mine turned out outside and after i correctly "topped" them, they got multiple bushy new tops. as for nutes, they are something worht dropping a few bucks on the web for. although widow says that his friend doesnt use nutes nd get results so if u want to gamble go ahead. btw how did you secure ur plant in the tree?


Active Member



Grow big you can probably do with out, as it is right about flower time. Big Bloom would be great. It will leech the soil too, removing any salt build ups, or extra nutes you don't need. Basically clean the soil. Tiger Bloom works great. You can use both. Start with 1/2 cup Big Bloom, mix with one gallon of water, and water the plant. Next time it needs water, give it plain water. Third time it needs water, mix 1 TBLSP of big bloom with 2tsp of Tiger bloom. Then continue to use the third step ( 1tbsp Big Bloom and 2 tsp Tiger Bloom) throughout the grow. Feed with every other watering.

Hope that makes sense and helps you some. Good luck with it, and happy growing.