1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror


Active Member
That plant is gonna be sooo tall man. Looking good tho. I'm gonna try LSTing my next plant like yours, just less stretchy :)
they really didnt stretch till flower but i didnt top or fim, and i didnt start lst till a few days into flower. overall i feel ive done rather well and now have a better feel for my next grow. i dont really expect much more vertical growth with these ladies....theyre already around 25 days into flower. in fact ive only had to raise/lower minimally within the last week and a half. what i do know is that jock bud is looking soooo tasty and im gonna have to wear a jacket in my grow if Lexy gets any frostier....ha. peace!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
some new pics....im only a couple weeks from chop but i think i might have to make an early harvest. my sativa's fading quickly and the rust spots/leaf decaying on the NL hasnt slowed either. im pretty sure i started nutes a little late so ill adjust for the next round. IF i have to chop early i think the NL will still be pretty good....smells fantastic when you rub up on her and super sticky. the jock on the other hand just keeps swelling but is losing leaves quickly....i think due to lack of nitrogen. one thing i did notice in this grow was the different needs the 2 strains showed. both had same medium and water/nutes, but the Jock showed nitro def. and the NL showed mostly a mag. def. if im wrong on the possible early chop please let me know. PEACE!!!


Active Member
I wouldn't, they don't look ready. Are you having nutrient deficiencies or something?
yea...check previous pics. pics 1,6,7 are of the sativa who is losing leaves rapidly. the rusty leaves are still taking over the NL but it looks in better shape. ideas?


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding her? That looks like it should be able to be cleared up with a ph'd nutrient solution


Active Member
i started feeding a little late in the game but theyve had approx. 4 ph'd nute feeds and they seem to be getting worse, esp the sativa. what kind of def does it have...can you tell? my guess on the sativa is a nitrogen def. theyre still standing strong so im not gonna chop unless they get worse....id still like some bud, immature or not. i could prob chop the NL today and still get some decent bud...its finishing quickly and red pistils are close to outnumbering the white pistils.


Well-Known Member
I can see where you would say nitrogen, although I'm leaning more toward potassium or magnesium. It's one of those 3. If I had to say 1, it would be potassium. You look like you're getting close. These are hardy plants, the flowers will still grow even when the leaves are dieing. I would suggest keeping it going until you think it's ready. Look at my grow. my Blue Mystic's leaves are the worst you'll find but here flowers are still filling in. What nutes are you using by the way? I know it can be hard to determine what's new damage and what's old.


Active Member
potassium sounds like it could be it due to the fact that i didnt start any nutes at all till week 3 of flower. and then im just using mg bloom and molasses. im at the end of week 6 now so how many more nute fedding should i give?


Active Member

ok....its been eight weeks of flower and i went ahead and chopped the jock horror. i had not seen any progress and about 80% of pistils had turned dark, also showing no signs of trichomes....that i could see anyway. had a slight smell when handled and when i trimmed i found a fully developed seed, with stripes and all. i guess it turned or got pollenated by the couple males i had(thought i got em out early enuff). if it is hermied, will a seed from said hermie be a hermie plant also? im hoping it was a cross pollenation between the jock and the northern lights male i had. hmmm......yum! im gonna let the NL flower for a week more....it looks a whole lot better. i dont have a scale so i cant give an exact weight but id est. about an O total between both plants. i know its not much but the way prices are ive already broke even and some...ha! there were many things i didnt do on this my first grow, due to inexperience, so the next go round should be much better. i have decided to eventually upgrade my grow with a HID system but just dont have the cash at the moment, so im gonna cont. with what i got but using some really good bagseed i recently had. ill post some more pics when its dry and some of the NL too. PeaceOut!


Active Member
im back....ok, my first grow and i believe i managed to hermie my first plant. ive found three fully developed seeds and a bunch of small broken white premature seeds from a couple of small sample buds. i didnt notice any pollen sacs but the buds did appear strange, as if they were pods. i could be mistaken, it could have been pollenated by my large male northern lights that i thought i got out in time. thing is the female NL i got is showing now signs of seeds and looks totally diiferent-good. who knows...but i dont think the bud from the chopped sative is gonna be any good. it NEVER showed any crystals, which from my understanding is where most of the THC is. i tried the sample i took, kinda fucked with my eyes but no real high. oh well, live and learn. the NL will be coming down in a week or so and im certain it will be good.....cause its so frosty and sticky! PEACE!


Active Member
100_2493.jpgView attachment 1216724View attachment 1216723View attachment 1216722chopped this sticky little girl yesterday. maybe a bit early but it still looks good. im on a little timeline so i cant harvest some bud before my bday in a few months...i found an effin seed already...immature. my guess is they both must have been pollenated by my NL male. oh well...hope i get a couple mature ones outta this one too then.got some decent bagseed gem'd already and will be going good in a couple days....new thread and personal experiment with lst/fim/top methods. after cure ill post some pics of nugs and let ya know how it was! see ya........


Active Member
done with the drying and....found a couple seeds, one good one. good timing too. blew out a hammy yesterday rollerskating. im old. northern lights and darvocet make a great combo. must go lay down.