1st Grow. [OUTDOORS] BagSeed {PICS}


Hi as my title stated this is my first grow. Its been transplanted in the outdoor soil now for 8 Hours and is still looking healthy. its actually a little larger of a grow but this is the first seed i transplanted. Ill have more pics of the full garden in a bit. and better res pics. Sorry bout the poor resolution of my picture it was taken on my Iphone. My partner is emailing me pictures right now. These are the ones i have. Btw Go Ahead and Comment I need everyones opinions. =)



Hi as my title stated this is my first grow. Its been transplanted in the outdoor soil now for 8 Hours and is still looking healthy. its actually a little larger of a grow but this is the first seed i transplanted. Ill have more pics of the full garden in a bit. and better res pics. Sorry bout the poor resolution of my picture it was taken on my Iphone. My partner is emailing me pictures right now. These are the ones i have.
Forgot to mention that this is day 2 since it sprouted above the soil.