1st grow, quick question

Hi everyone.

I am working on my first grow, and I am exactly 5 weeks in on 12/12 light schedule. I did so much wrong already before finding help online, but things are going okay.

I used Miracle grow potting soil, which I have learned is not good. I am feeding it a 50% flowering food and cal mag, rotating, fighting to keep PH down but it is close.

3x3x6 tent and a mars 1000w LED - 5 gal HD bucket - I got some heat burn when lights got close while on a 1 week trip, I have adjusted

I am fighting spider mites right now, using seven spray, keeping fan on, and trying to keep temps at mid 70s. I have heard mixed opinions about lady bugs, but I am adding some to try anyway.

This was a bag seed, and I let it veg for about 3 months before flower on weak lights. I def will start flower earlier in the future.

***My MAIN question is, should I trim any leaves to allow more light to the lower buds. I topped, but did not train well, so there are alot of buds but at different heights.

I added some trichome pics since I just got a microscope, I will check them again at 8 weeks I guess but I thought they look kind of cloudy but I have never seen any except online.

Any other advice would be great, but I am reading up as much as I can!



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

I am working on my first grow, and I am exactly 5 weeks in on 12/12 light schedule. I did so much wrong already before finding help online, but things are going okay.

I used Miracle grow potting soil, which I have learned is not good. I am feeding it a 50% flowering food and cal mag, rotating, fighting to keep PH down but it is close.

3x3x6 tent and a mars 1000w LED - 5 gal HD bucket - I got some heat burn when lights got close while on a 1 week trip, I have adjusted

I am fighting spider mites right now, using seven spray, keeping fan on, and trying to keep temps at mid 70s. I have heard mixed opinions about lady bugs, but I am adding some to try anyway.

This was a bag seed, and I let it veg for about 3 months before flower on weak lights. I def will start flower earlier in the future.

***My MAIN question is, should I trim any leaves to allow more light to the lower buds. I topped, but did not train well, so there are alot of buds but at different heights.

I added some trichome pics since I just got a microscope, I will check them again at 8 weeks I guess but I thought they look kind of cloudy but I have never seen any except online.

Any other advice would be great, but I am reading up as much as I can!
It's not 1000watts. Probably 100. You could use more light.

The ladybugs might wind up in all your fans and stuff, so be aware.

I wouldn't worry about removing leaves. You can tuck them if you want though.

Plants are never done at the breeders said flowering time. Usually around 2 weeks more or so. Sometimes longer. Your plants need probably another month or so. Or likely more like 5 weeks.

Looks good so far though.
Did you misspell sevin as seven?

Sevin's active ingredient, carbaryl, is in fact a potent neurotoxin and suspected carcinogen.

You're going to die. Anyone you give this weed to is going to die. Throw it all out now.

Okay, maybe a little hyperbole. But really, throw it all out.
What do you recommend instead. I've used this in gardens for years anyway so I'm dead I guess
It's not 1000watts. Probably 100. You could use more light.

The ladybugs might wind up in all your fans and stuff, so be aware.

I wouldn't worry about removing leaves. You can tuck them if you want though.

Plants are never done at the breeders said flowering time. Usually around 2 weeks more or so. Sometimes longer. Your plants need probably another month or so. Or likely more like 5 weeks.

Looks good so far though.
Do I just need a better quality light that is actually higher power? Or more lights? I guess the Mars is overrated Amazon stuff? Thanks


Well-Known Member
What do you recommend instead. I've used this in gardens for years anyway so I'm dead I guess
The problem with neurotoxins is they are accumulating in something that you'll be smoking.

Edible use is way different. Either way the allowable levels in edibles I believe is three parts per million, and when commercially produced pot with professional growers chose to use this chemical it kept on coming in way too high and they had to throw it all out. There's been very specific studies on the problems with that specific chemical with pot.

Do you really think you're capable of producing an output in the level of three parts per million?

That's the edible level. Smokeable should be less. Edibles work through your liver which help detoxify, smokeable goes straight to your bloodstream than your brain.

I'm sorry. I'm not taking pleasure in telling you this. I hope you take this opportunity to clean out your room. If you choose to keep going, fine it's your lungs and your brain. But tell anybody that you share or sell this pot to that was treated with this chemical and let them look it up and make the decision.
The problem with neurotoxins is they are accumulating in something that you'll be smoking.

Edible use is way different. Either way the allowable levels in edibles I believe is three parts per million, and when commercially produced pot with professional growers chose to use this chemical it kept on coming in way too high and they had to throw it all out. There's been very specific studies on the problems with that specific chemical with pot.

Do you really think you're capable of producing an output in the level of three parts per million?

That's the edible level. Smokeable should be less. Edibles work through your liver which help detoxify, smokeable goes straight to your bloodstream than your brain.

I'm sorry. I'm not taking pleasure in telling you this. I hope you take this opportunity to clean out your room. If you choose to keep going, fine it's your lungs and your brain. But tell anybody that you share or sell this pot to that was treated with this chemical and let them look it up and make the decision.
I appreciate that info. I'll look into what I want to do. Is this a sticky thread somewhere bc it should be if not. It's the most common garden bug fighter I'm aware of


Well-Known Member
There are a variety of threads on it from around 2013 I seem to recall. But people argued and there wasn't really a lot of science in. There has been some science since then with various testing done in California grow rooms and dispensaries. Either way I would stay the hell away from that particular acetylcholinesterase inhibitor s***.
Awesome. Appreciate it. That's why I am here. Luckily it's a test this time around. May i go ahead and ask what is a preferred cleaning product between grows?


Well-Known Member
Everyone's got their preferred method. I like bleach, UVC light combined with an additional ozone generator and just nuke the s*** out of the tent for a couple of days.

But I used to grow mushrooms so I see the world a little differently than most people


Well-Known Member
One thing I'm looking forward to for my next grow is UVB lights. Shows they cut down on mold and mites dramatically without having to deal with chemicals.