Legalize plz
viagro does that mean you dont have to have ventilation if you have a yeast/ fermentation thing in your grow closet?
Amazing first grow! I really like seeing ppl using LED's. Its becoming more and more popular and I am sure I will switch once the price comes down a bit. Should be a pretty good weight on those beauties! I have a few autoflower seeds that I am going to start up pretty soon! Lemme know how it smokes, good job man! Great first grow!
Amazing first grow! I really like seeing ppl using LED's. Its becoming more and more popular and I am sure I will switch once the price comes down a bit. Should be a pretty good weight on those beauties! I have a few autoflower seeds that I am going to start up pretty soon! Lemme know how it smokes, good job man! Great first grow!
... I'll try and post a pic of my Harvest jars later tonight. Not sure though cause UFC is on so I'll be prepping for the ppv. Anyone follow ufc?
I'm a lover, not a fighter. (righhhtttttt) LOL
Interesting post.
I love to watch fighting! Lol. Hmm interesting post huh?
That's cool just wondering. Another thing I have noticed is that I really manicured my onyx. Got rid of most sugar leaves in between the nuggs. I've noticed that the medicine I just bought is not as manicured. Not saying it's bad just an observation. Well I'm drinking a beer prepping for some ufc tonight. About the only time I drink is watching ufc. I prefer smoking over drinking fo sho! When I drink I don't smoke bud. Definitley don't smoke if I am drunk it makes me spin and puke. Lol. For me bud and drink don't mix. Never has.
Come on Rampage!!!!!!
I pity the FOOL!
I used to love to smoke and drink good scotch. I really miss that. I can't drink, anymore.
A few sugar leaves doesn't hurt a thing, in my book.
Yeah man, I divided my attention between good scotch and good sour mash bourbon. Generally a Wild Turkey man and sometimes Jack, but when I felt like mixing it with coke, Jim Beam fit the bill nicely. Hell, it even comes in cans premixed here. Soaking sun leaves and trim in bourbon makes for a nice liquor. Try soaking some for a short while, strain and and mix coke or something (if you soak it too long it'll get too rich, like a tincture). It's a fine mix of mood enhancers. I can't compute not mixing pot and alcohol. I just can't do it. THERE'S GOT TO BE A WAY!