1st Grow: The Autos Under the Stairs- 600w


Active Member
Nice!!!!!! Stealth at its best....seeing how much you put into your grow room lol or your weed club house im gonna say nice job dude....Grow On Bro!!!!!
eek @ second glance those pics fkn suk!!! mybad;)

yall get the jist of it tho... lmao... have a nice day!!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys.. and thanks to RIU, if you can READ, you can GROW great plants, straight up..

n yaa i know theres a lot of cost efective nutes out there and plants are plants, but i wanted to go sorta mainstream so i would have lots of hands on experienced advice if need be via this site... also in a game of limiting factors--- why not reduce them?? (in my uber-inexperienced, barely knows what im talkin about, honest opinion, lol)

ladies were fed an overpriced, and equally over-rated solution of the following hype:
(i got nothin bad 2 say about the stuff, didnt kill em, but nothing to compare them against either... Just fkn around..)

-AN sensizym @ 3ml/liter
-AN b-52 @ 2ml/liter
-AN budcandy @ 2.5ml/liter
-FF tigerbloom @ 15ml/gallon
-AN overdrive @ .75ml/liter
-and 1/2 tbs kelp meal per gallon, just for color.... ;)

super slowly boostin their feed the whole way... its alotta stuff, but i DO get to feel like a mad scientist mixin the shit up lol, so ya kno... win/win.
pics 2moro... thx again for the purr words- always nice.


Well-Known Member
man the only thing that wouolda made the update cooler is if it had pics. ha ive been thinking bout getting the budcandy so lemme know what yoou think about it. what is the b 52 and the overdrice?



Well-Known Member
yaa i lied... didnt get any pics lol, mothers day--- u kno how it is

but look @ the last update with pics, and use ur imagination to visualize more buds, and a little bit fatter existing ones, then youll be satiated...

see ya soon!


Well-Known Member
yaa i lied... didnt get any pics lol, mothers day--- u kno how it is

but look @ the last update with pics, and use ur imagination to visualize more buds, and a little bit fatter existing ones, then youll be satiated...

see ya soon!
haha :clap:


Well-Known Member
eekers, its been a minute.. the holiday morphed into a gambling extravaganza--- which then lead to a rollercoaster of emotions concerning finance.... but then suddenly stopped @ 3 this morning, after 30 hours of play, as i was asked to leave because they had to wake me up a few times when it was my turn to act...lol-- I left +$1640!!! Was up $4900, thas the only reason i was still there...

enuff of the rampant irresponsibility though..


all 16 of em were thirsty as hell, so they gotta good drink of spring water, l provided enough for a solid 20% drainage--- as theyre drinkin like fiends and have a fan rockin below the canopy... im losin a cpl fan leaves real low.. after study i cant imagine a nitrogen deficiency... but theres very low light... some say its natural, but common sense is silly sometimes...

heres a cpl pics!!! :weed: things are gettin mighty frosty around here-- roughly 30 days ta go though... theyre gettin fed tanight--- enjoy!


captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member

all 16 of em were thirsty as hell, so they gotta good drink of spring water, l provided enough for a solid 20% drainage--- as theyre drinkin like fiends and have a fan rockin below the canopy... im losin a cpl fan leaves real low.. after study i cant imagine a nitrogen deficiency... but theres very low light... some say its natural, but common sense is silly sometimes...
when you make em thirsty, they are always bound to lose a few lower fans. no deficiency there. they dry up, pushing water to the top of the plant for bud and new vegatative growth. its sacrificing the lower leaves for the tops. its just the plant being the plant. don't lose too many, you'll need them as a food source for your buds in late flower.

as i have said from the start, nice shit you doing there!


Well-Known Member
when you make em thirsty, they are always bound to lose a few lower fans. no deficiency there. they dry up, pushing water to the top of the plant for bud and new vegatative growth. its sacrificing the lower leaves for the tops. its just the plant being the plant. don't lose too many, you'll need them as a food source for your buds in late flower.

as i have said from he start, nice shit you doing there!
ahh tx 4 the good info-- makes perfect sense.. im going to have to delegate individual waterings because of the fan placement.. the medium exposed directly to the fans are drying up to 4x faster than pots located near the center or back of the plot... it is these plants losing the leaves, i just figured the process was sped up by the fans hitting those leaves the hardest...

once again good lookin out, Cap'n +rep


Well-Known Member
man thats lookin like some dank. how much more vertical height do you have left?

peace bro
id say roughly 0"... lol
the tallest are about 7" away from the lens, ive located them along the perimeter of the grow area A) so they dont get fkn roasted/less intense light, and B) so they dont shade shorter statured sisters..