1st Grow. Top 69 Feminised CFL Stealth. Open to advice!

Cheers buddy, you doing a Top 69 grow aswell? And yeh thatd be awesome doing a comparison :) ive got to fix my fans aswell as almost all of them have broke :/ Temps are staying around 75-80*f
So ive just finished soldering the fans so now i have 2xbox fans(12 between them) for intake, a CPU 12v at the top for outtake, and a case blowing air directly onto the seedling.
I think I know what was the browning, probably some seed casing stuck like on mine :D
It can only be heat if the soil seems realy hot if you put your hand on it.
Mine is outside now, almost got freezed yesterday, It's a bit f'd up because of bad water ph. Gonna try fixing it sunday with some better water flushing.
Oh well , I knew this isn't going to be ideal :D

Edit: good with the fans, but if it's blowing too much air directly , it's not good, the seedling can get dry. Make sure it's not too powerful. Cheers.
Yeh it could be, the soils not hot. Its an ideal temp when i put my hand under the lights. It sucks that you had to move outside tho, hope she stays alive and does well buddy :) and i thought of that already, so i switched from a 12v to a 5v adapter on the case fan thats blowing air onto the seedling, do you think thats ok?
yeah it'll be ok, you can step it up later. I ran my box exhaust at 7v :D Tho it seemed too slow for an exhaust, but it was quiet as hell.
I watered her today and after a few hours i checked on her and she was drooping... Guess ive watered her abit too much, ill have some pics later but the quality will be bad as my cousins took her itouch back so im stuck with my crappy cam for now
If I remember correctly, this is the day 3 or smthn? yeah you don't need to water much now.
LOL, wanna hear a good story? The critical mass seed was germed for about 2 days, then put in a shitty soil and taken out, germed for 2 days again, put in a good soil, watered, Also i sliced in it with a knife or something( while trying to take off left on seed casing) , so One of the cotydoleons severed in two parts,one part broke off. IT'S ALIVE And getting greener, almost no sun on my window sill tho, I hope next days will be sunnier. :D
If I remember correctly, this is the day 3 or smthn?

Today is the 7th day :L I havent had any pics up but will definately add some tonight :D Shes got her second set of leaves, i can see ever so slight pale-ling of the leaves but that should sort itself out... ithink?
I hope so, my problems started like slight bad looking, but i really hope your plant stays well. Damn, I'm sick, I'll have to ask my friend to check the top69, If I'm not well till thursday
I haven't been to the top69, I'm sick, I'll go friday.
Critical mass, alive, day 3 and still very little growth of first real leaves, but hey, it was stressed as fuck, It has a few months to veg, It'll be good.
ah get well soon :D yeh what happened to your cm's leaf, howd it get cut off? And what lights are you vegging it with?
I don't want to tell that...I'm an idiot :D Tried to help it open the cotydoleons. (Tried....) It's on my windowsill. It's gonna be a full outdoor grow, No limits, I'll get her to my summer house after a week probably. I'll see how she goes.
Here's a pic :D
04012009275.jpg04012009274.jpg You see the little hole? It was a first almost a half of the leaf, not it has grown andd it's just little piece. The 1st set of leaves is almost fully white/transparent, at the stem its green little balls ( So just starting to form in a leaf). Pretty slow. I guess, After the harvest I can laugh at all the people who said: OH i killed a seed while putting it in soil :D
oooh shee's been through alot then. I hope she brings you a bountyfull smoke :D And what media are using in them pics?
yeh, it's critical mass, so it would be realistic to get 300-500g. Then i'll probably won't grow for a few years :D:D:D
i'm using soil (Ph'd 6.0, that's good, cause my tap is probably at 8, tho i don't know)
N - 12,5 mg/l
P - 15 mg/l
K 27 mg/l
If your tap waters ph is too high leavee a jug of it out in fresh air for around 48hrs that gets rid of alot of the dissolved salts within the water... also alot of people who i know add baking soda for ph up and lemon juice as a ph down.
Ahah, trying to be a pro ?:D
It gets rid of chlorine. Salts don't evaporate at room temp. If they would, noone would sell distilled water, everybody would just leave it in fresh air.
Beside I leave the water to get rid of chlorine.