1st Grow, Water Farm 8-Pack and Flora Nutes W/pics


Well-Known Member
Thanks Big Guy, Hey Look on the bright side. You got the SUN
That I do and we're getting more of it these days and my last three plants haven't even died yet lol.
Just drooling over your setup, I'll get there someday after the last of the kids move out.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Harvest Day​

62 grams 315 grams 284grams 350 grams​

Well here we finally find out how we did. We started with eight clones on 12-1-07
Now we ended up with four plants. 3 Dutch Dragons and One Atomic Haze.​

We manicured the buds and weighed them​

This was the biggest one 62 Grams. I guess the average was 19​

Then hung them on a 4x8 frame we were using to hold up the mylar.​

Pretty Cool huh?​

We ended up with a little over 1000 grams wet weight with the stems.
I figure we should net about 300 grams for our first grow.​

The plant that actually gave us the highest Yield was Atonic Haze at 350 grams.
In a couple days when the stems snap We will try smoking a joint. If it burns ok
then they go into jars. I plan on checking the jars after 6 hours for moisture.
Cure for however long it takes.​

Take a look at one of the root balls.​

I sure have learned a lot about Hydroponics and its been a blast. I have to admit the
best part of the whole thing was the Harvest. I will be back with the final net weight
in a couple days..​



Well-Known Member
Very nice.. I just finished building my cabinet and have my clone ladies going for week 2 of rooting i guess.. heheh... check it out and see if you can give me some pointers... Good grow man... really interested to see the final weight... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great pics cruzer, it's harvests like these that help keep the vision alive in me until my future forest of buds is ready.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great pics cruzer, it's harvests like these that help keep the vision alive in me until my future forest of buds is ready.:mrgreen:
Hey Big Guy,

No Problem man, I enjoy taking them. I post only about 1/4 of the pics I take.
The best ones of course. I see you are a bit of a photographer yourself.

Not much luck with Nirvana eh? I am looking at placing an order this week.
10 fem seeds for my veg cabinet, 3rd grow I ought to get six to eight out of that.
Thinking PPP. but summer will be here soon and I am indoors so maybe I should get something that can take the heat.
Any comments?


Weighed a couple of the buds today, we are at about half the original weight.
That only three days of hanging. I hope they are not drying out too fast.



Well-Known Member

After 5 days of hanging we are at 25% of wet weight. We have 285 grams.​

I put the buds in 4 quart jars with attached lids overnight in the refrigerator,
checked them in 6 hours and saw no moisture on the jars but after opening
the jars I found they got slightly moist again. They have a cut-grass smell to them.
I took them out of jars and hung them again.​

Today they are dry again. The weight hasnt changed I believe they are just
transferring moisture to the outer portion of the buds. They are starting to
smell like the killer buds they are. I will repeat this curing process once
more and then finish them off by putting them in paper bags. Once completely
cured Buds will be stored in small jars long term.​

Well that about does it.
Looks like we got plenty of meds. California laws state a patent can have eight oz
of dried marijuana so we are going to see if we can donate a couple oz's to our local dispensary.
Not sure how that works.​

I want to thank everyone for there comments and advice. We sure needed it.​


Well-Known Member
Good job cruzer, looks like some nice buddage.
Just an assumption on my part, but maybe you should check w/ fdd about getting rid of your excess. He does seem to know the ins and outs of that scene.
Someday maybe I'll move back to CA and can enjoy the clubs myself.
I've lived in N. Cal. (Sacramento area) and S. Cal. (San Bernardino area), loved it (except the smog and gridlock), moved back for family obligations.:joint:


Active Member
Awesome, i'm building a water farm too, seems like the way to go! Is there a way you can post pics of the drip ring and riser column.


they all look really good dude, just one thing u see how u have green roickwool thats from overwater / over wetting the rock wool, u shouldnt wet so much or cover up the rockwool with foam inserts so they get no light, algae cant photosynthesize without it,it could end up giving u major root issues


Well-Known Member
good job on the grow and all the info as well very well put together throwing well derserved rep your way buds look great WHERE DO YOU LIVE? LOL

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
they all look really good dude, just one thing u see how u have green roickwool thats from overwater / over wetting the rock wool, u shouldnt wet so much or cover up the rockwool with foam inserts so they get no light, algae cant photosynthesize without it,it could end up giving u major root issues
I thought you were supposed to cover up the media and that algae growth on it was bad?? Very nice and easy to follow grow though my man! +rep:leaf:


Active Member
Id love to see a litte more on converting the waterfarm's. I have six and have it setup in typical waterfarm with circulation but my numbers are way out of wack and I'm about a day or two from making a change before I start losing babies. I know you had a diagram on there but I'm not really getting how to set it up.

Thanks! Great grow!