1st grow Wild Thailand Ryder (LST)


New Member
This is my first grow. The plant is around 30-40 days. Not exactly sure. Trying low stress training as it supposedly yields the greatest due to more colas. Using an airy soil as well as very low doses of miracle grow plant food. Im aware it isnt the greatest for mj but its what I have. It is a auto and fem. Any comments on the bushy growth in the middle? Any comments at all?



It looks pretty good man. What size pot is she in? And are you planning on transplanting her before you flower? Are you getting any runoff when you water/feed her? I know you said you have an airy mix of soul but I really don't see any perlite in there which would really help your roots breathe would be my only advice.

I got an afgani that's just reached about 30 days I can post a picture if you'd like to see how I've been stress training her. Best of luck fellow grower.


New Member
There's no petite but a small amount of vermiculite, there js runoff. She's in a smaller sized pot mabye a gallon. Any idea how much longer itll be before she flowers and buds begin to form. Also I have her on a 24/0 cycle. And yea lets see some pics. Im always up to see other grows.


Yeah I've heard about people using light for 24 hrs but I've personally haven't. They won't begin to flower till you switch it to 12/12 and even then you'll have to wait a week before you start seeing see ( in my very limited experience).

So I'm personally doing half ffof and ffhf soil with perlite for this round. I took this like 4 days ago. First time I've trained one this hard but it really seems to respond well. My advice would be to make sure you get in there everyday and tuck down older leafs so you allow new growth access to light. I could literally see changes overnight just from doing this.

Have you considered transplanting into at least a 3 gallon? A plant can only get as big as the bucket you get for it. I'd personally recommend the smart pot I'm using in this picture. Very hard to over water.

Also my bad as I just read your growing an auto. Yeah I can't really help you there as I have no experience. Hopefully something here was useful to you anyhow. Cheers mate.



Active Member
How was it in the end?
By the way, it's an auto so it will flower after ~2-3 weeks regardless of light schedule
I kept my last autos on 24/0 for the entire grow and they were fine. Although I'd recommend 18-6 as 24/0 feels like overkill especially for the electricity bill.
I'm growing the photoperiod version of wild Thailand.
I let it veg for around 5-6 weeks I believe
Good grow so far and it has responded well to a tonne of low stress training. It's developed 8+9 main colas and tonnes of bud sites everywhere.
I also have a massive amount of bushiness in the middle.

It's quite an easy strain to grow, and if I had the correct nutes from the start I think mine would like even better

(13.5l pot, canna Terra pro soilless 40%perlite, was using random nutes like max feed but changed to canna Terra range. Totally worth imo)

