1st Grow With Big Bud And Crystal

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Topping will alter the growth above the topped point but you will still have really long, skinny stems at the bottom. Are you going to put them in bigger pots with hydroton or something? You could just plant them deep and bury part of the stems but I would definitely do LST and start soon when the stems are soft and bendable.


Well-Known Member
I was planing on toping but do you think it would be better to LST? I switched cause I figured plants could use a little dark time and keep temps down

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I was planing on toping but do you think it would be better to LST? I switched cause I figured plants could use a little dark time and keep temps down
You can do both no problem but LST will help most with the stretched stems.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I should start it 2night and leave them over the break im gone Also where on the stem do I tie the string 2 bellow and leaves or what?


Well-Known Member
Condolences, PP.

Mix a fresh rez. lower pH to 5.4 right before you leave, its going to come up by itself, 5.4 won't precipitate or burn your roots, should probably be ready to give them a flush when you get back.
I'd go 15min watering, first one, lights on, then every 4 hours, you can make the last one like 5 hours before lights out.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
What the fuck low less what... no i think traing stresses out plant's just as mutch as toping... just what i have see on test plant's that was toped then not toped..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
haha hey plant doc take a quick trip over to the FAQ and check out LST its a method that can increase your yield and help controll plant height

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
NO i no it can but i just dont like bending and cutting my Plants... See if you have to b-cuz it will hit the light then yes that differnt... but i cant see just bending it for the fuck of it... that just Dum if you ask me... well i have done testing on plant's that's been super craped... and that's just what it is... crap... i dont care what people say brakeing your plant in half is just not good for the plant... it stunts it growth by a few week's... just like topping... i have 23 plant's i toped 1 and it stoped growing for a week... the rest are 28 day's and are bushes all ready...
da plantDOC
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Well-Known Member
cool, is that a good thing that the "journal guy" plants are long? cuz i got a starter like that as well.................. yup another journal might start from scratch

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
IT'S NOT THAT AM HATEING AM JUST SMART I NOW HOW BAD IT STRESSES OUT YOUR PLANT'S... YOU MUST BE DOING THAT METHOD RIGHT... i have bean growing cannabis for 10 year's... i do so meny test on plant's that i no my shit...i dont grow cannabis just to have weed... i do it for learning and testing... dont hate b-cuz you made a mistake... tell da plantDOC what's happing man...lol lol haha
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
That's how you spell hating... just like it isn't scrapeing... it's scraping... and it isn't bakeing it's baking... grammar.