1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
Sooo... More than 12 hours after transplant, and she is looking good!!! I'm thinking she LOVES the FFOF (at least compared to the MG). So wilting or color change thus far... hoping she stays healthy. Thanks Barbie and KronDon!! KronDon- Iraq war vet? My hubby is too... 8 years.


Active Member
He was Amry... and I feel ya on the sleeplessness... I'm a bit of an insomniac... I barely sleep... and usually by the time I do, Husband is leaving for work, and daughter is getting up... LOL


Active Member
Thank you KronDon and also Mr. Captbooyah!
Thanks bud :blsmoke:

He was Amry... and I feel ya on the sleeplessness... I'm a bit of an insomniac... I barely sleep... and usually by the time I do, Husband is leaving for work, and daughter is getting up... LOL
Lol I hear ya there is nights Im just sitting there and then its like oh look the sun is up. I am starting to take it as a blessing though gives me more time to get everything I need to get done done


King Tut
As ex-military, how do you view my avatar? I used my WWII grandfather's flag that was displayed at the cemetary on Veteran's Day. I TRULY believe he would agree that we are in a severe state of distress right now. God Bless!


Active Member
As ex-military, how do you view my avatar? I used my WWII grandfather's flag that was displayed at the cemetary on Veteran's Day. I TRULY believe he would agree that we are in a severe state of distress right now. God Bless!
Me Personally I like it it puts your point of view into perspective. Your showing how you feel the nation is right now in a respectful way, putting the flag upside down is not a sign of disrespect and like you said it was actually used in history as a sign of distress


King Tut
Good to hear KD. It was in NO way my intent to disrespect anyone. I figured most military personnel would understand, but since I've never been in the military I couldn't be sure.


Active Member
My hubby said thanks... and also that he would probably run it upside down right now too...

UPDATE: We are down to my 1 plant in a sloppy pot... The other sprouts that grew up look like they are some random weed (the kind we don't like LOL) but I will let them stay in their 6 inch pots and soak up a little light... Keep my baby company. She is getting her second set of leaves!!!



Active Member
LOL, I had no idea... I think that's cool! I have a strange Q for you... I noticed the law is for sativa l. ... so if I can prove it's indica in court, would I get away with it? Not saying I have ever had to deal with that, just when I read the laws it made me wonder. LOL


King Tut
That I don't know. Weed was just weed. There was good weed and bad weed, but it was just all classified as marijuana.


King Tut
Lawyers are a pain in the ass until you need one to represent you. I see absolutely nothing wrong with exploiting a loop hole in the law. That's usually why they're there.


King Tut
LOL... thats what I figured, but me being the smart ass I am, I would try and find some loop hole! LOL
I was watching "Wild Justice" last week and I heard one of the game wardens open a bag of weed, smell it, and say "Wow, that's DANK!". I thought to myself, "Hmmm self, have you ever heard a non-smoker use that term?"


Active Member
I was watching "Wild Justice" last week and I heard one of the game wardens open a bag of weed, smell it, and say "Wow, that's DANK!". I thought to myself, "Hmmm self, have you ever heard a non-smoker use that term?"
LOL, I'm sure that he was at least an ex-smoker... but IMO, once a smoker, always (even if secretly) a smoker!!! LOL

As far as the lawyer thing, I am hoping to never find myself in a situation that requires that advice... LOL

My plant absolutely loves the FFOF and my sloppy pot (bucket- whatever)... the new leaves have doubled in size since this morning (about 12 hours).

I got some reg seeds from my best friends little brother... pretty green stuff so I think I am going to experiment with them.


Active Member
Ok, so I took 4 solo cups and poked some holes... filled with FFOF and a tiny layer of perlite in the bottom. Took the 4 bag seed from my friend and popped them in there. I will keep you updated on their progress... Just want to see how I do without the paper towel. LOL - They are chillin with my sloppy pot. The second set of leaves doubled today (so cool!) and thats about it for now. Oh, got some little ph test strips... my water was like 6.0 the whole time...


Well-Known Member
you might want to put some plastic over the non popped seeds and put the cups on top of a heating pad. this will help them to sprout better. once they come out of the soil then take the plastic off.


Active Member
OH NO!!! My stem is yellowing up and the cotyledon have shriveled up and fallen off... THEN I SAW A TINY LITTLE BUG CRAWLING UP THE STEM!!! I'm assuming it is thrips... which makes me think that the FFOF i got was not sterilized (or other crap in the store wasn't)... So as soon as I can I am going to by this eco-smart organic garden pest spray crap to get rid of these little bastards right away. ARG!!! Of course this would happen to me... LOL, but live and learn right.