1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! (yesterday... lol)... hope everyone had a fun night! I didn't even get to my party til after midnight- thats what I get for being the only sober Irish person on the planet... DD for all the Drunks. I made cupcakes with green sprinkles... So yummy!

Time for a picture update... Enjoy

First are 2 good shots of Lucy



Two good shots of Ethel



And here's Shirley... She is fastly becoming my favorite. I think LST is such a wonderful technique!





Oh, and just for kicks, here are the cupcakes! Lol


Sorry, taken with my phone so its not the best picture. No flash!

I am really hoping that this first harvest will be on time for 4.20! It smells so good in the tent, sometimes I just unzip it to get a wiff. Ha ha, im silly.


Active Member
Budlover! Glad to see you back online! How are things in the garden?

Thanks B! I love my tent! Will never go back to countertops! Lol

And, some great news to share, I am becoming an official caregiver to a good friend of mine! Very excited!

Now for some picture udates...

Here is Lucy and Ethel starting week 5... and some of their little budlets

32011 211.jpg Lucy main cola

32011 212.jpg Ethels main cola

and random budlets

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And here is Shirley

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32011 209.jpg


Active Member
Just went back to when I started these ladies on Jan 1st... and I am just floored by how amazing these grew... and continue to grow!


Well-Known Member
everything looks really nice. week five and not a yellow fan leaf in sight? nice...

are you still feeding N? whats your bloom nute npk, im curious. the colas are kinda small, ever think of sprinkling some P on the soil? check out budswell, for the price ($20ish) you cant go wrong. i usually use it in week four so your not too late:)
I think if ur starting from seed u should buy a humitity tray or germination tray to keep them eating from under the seeds until their rootsare fully developed


Active Member
Thanks for stopping by Rzza! I am using Humboldt Snow Storm Ultra... its 0-0-3, but I am really only using it because it was free! Lol... There is some yellowing starting in the leaves, but mostly towards the bottom still. If the main cola is small, thats cool with me, considering this still being random bagseed with an uknown father... I'm just glad they look as amazing as they do! Still won't know how good it smokes until its done, but as is life.

I let the ballsy WW stay in the tent... a few of its balls have dropped and opened up over night... I'm okay with this. I'm thinking if I get any seeds from this, it will be a genetic who knows. Mystery mom x mystery father = whatever my plant is... then take that and breed it with WW... Im excited!

B! Yes, diamonds are a girls best friend... and diamonds growing on my bud, even better!


Active Member
I am seriously bored, can't sleep, and out of meds... so I am gonna post some pics I took yesterday.

3232011 010.jpg This lovely little bunch is under lucy's main cola

3232011 013.jpg Little bit longer of a shot for Lucy... the top views dont do justice sometimes

3232011 003.jpg One of Shirleys pretty little flowers

3232011 004.jpg Already starting to get sparkly!

I realize my grow may not be epic in any measure, but it is for me! I am really not expecting a large yeild from these... not trying to get my hopes up too high, but it'll be enough for me! Lol


Active Member
I noticed that Lucy is def a sativa dom plant, and will probably be done at least a week sooner than ethel, who shows mostly indica dom traits. lol


Active Member
Lmfao! Thats some funny shit! He is very proud of me- esp since i cant even keep perenials alive- and those come back every year! Lol, raspberries are different, they grow like a weed too. But seriously, no impregnation! We dont have the room or the $$$ for another baby right now! Lol- we sure as shit can practice though! Hahaha


Active Member
It's never enough in the sense that I wish to never run out of bud again, and now its going to get real with me becoming a caregiver. What I meant by that before was that I wasn't expecting these plants to make it past a seedling... Lol, so any bud from this plant is more than I could have asked for from the beginning. I really don't even know what its gonna taste like or how potent it will be, but I am hoping its not poop! Lol, sometimes it looks like shit and taste amazing, and sometimes it looks amazing but taste like shit, So I am hoping I get the best of both worlds.

On a side note, smoked some delicious lemony bud last night (of course it didnt come with a name!) But, we found 6 prime seeds, so I am excited to get one of these started!

Sorry for the slight ramble... medicated and feeling good! lol


Well-Known Member
careful planting bagseed, chances are good that those seeds will produce hermies and if your a caregiver now, patients prob wont want seeds:)