1st grow, yield questions day 44 of flowering


New Member


2: 1000w hps
Following COCOTEKs simple drain to waste , while using GH nutrients.
4x8 air cooled grow tent
18 mother plants (strain unknown)
Double Screen scrog

This is my first grow, read marijuana horticulture front to back twice then went from there.

Plants stems were woven through my "scrog" net twice at separate times to keep plants low as possible.

Plants are fed for 2 minutes each hour for 12 hours.

Never grown before I have zero clue what I will yield, any ideas?
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Hard to tell yields but I have gotten anywhere from 18gram to 3 oz off one plant all depends size strain and all that looks good though. Goal is 1 to two grams per watt of light at least


Well-Known Member
My dog is going to have puppies. How big will they be?
But no. Impossible to tell. If you guesstimate 1gram per watt. Could be upwards of 2.5 lbs. But since this is your first time we will say about a pound. You will get better My first yield was like 30 grams. Now its around 800

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
It looks by your pictures like they're not close to being done yet, so estimating weight will be more of a challenge. When do you expect to harvest?