1st Grow


Active Member
This is a simple closet grow room (gr) I set up under my stair case, this is only a temp gr as I am in the process of seting up a nicer gr in my basement which should be rdy tomorrow and I'll throw some new pics up then. For lighting I have 2 42w CFLs, 2 23w CFLs, and 2 Sylvania Gro-Lux 18in floros. I also have a carbon scrubber and an ozone gen for the smell and for fresher air in the gr. My air circ right now is pretty weak, only a little desk fan but that should change tomorrow once my new gr is done. Below are a couple pics of my current gr and my plants. And to help monitor my baby's environment is a digital thermometer w/ humidty gauge. Any help is gladly accepted, so feel free to post any advice you can give me.




Active Member
Here are some pics of one of my plants the leaves arent looking that great and im not sure why (all 3 other plants look fine). Also it is the only one that still has visibly damp soil after i watered them a couple days ago, and I noticed that it was stretching for light (could it be over-watered?). Now I have them all staked and tied to make them grow straight, and I was going to let that one dry out b4 i water again hopefully this is the problem and it resolves itself. I really dont want to lose a plant this early, if anyone thinks it may be something different plz let me know asap.




Active Member
I decided why waste my time with a strain ive never smoked, have no clue if its sativa or indica, or wether its even a good smoke. So I decided to order some White Widow from Nirvana. I'll continue to grow these until the WW comes but once its here sadly these will be burned and tossed. I'll proly just start a new grow journal once they get here.


Well-Known Member
that's sad to hear! why don't you continue with this grow? why kill the plants? once you started, give them a chance. you won't regret when you'll finish harvesting, and smoke the first joint of your grow. that will be verry usefull for your grower experience, and the next strain you will grow them more easy. i'll tell you those plants are indica, and the reason they got stretched, is the light. same thing happened to me, and this is why you should lower the light to the leaves. i did keep them to 1 cm. keep in mind that CFL's don't give to much heat, so there won't be heat stress, but if use HPS, you'll upper the light to 20 + cm as the HPS are getting so hot, you could burn the leaves if keep it to low, and you'll need a fan to for cooling down the grow room. just order whatever strains you want, but killing those plants will be a big mistake.


Active Member
The main reason i'm getting rid of this strain in favor of the ww is because I don't know how good of a strain I am growing, how long to leave it in veg, and how long to let it flower. As with the ww, I will know these things and I don't have the space to grow 2 dif. strains. And, I just ordered my ww seeds and I don't want to wait a couple of months for a mystery strain to flower when it is something I got for free from a friend.


Well-Known Member
The main reason i'm getting rid of this strain in favor of the ww is because I don't know how good of a strain I am growing, how long to leave it in veg, and how long to let it flower. As with the ww, I will know these things and I don't have the space to grow 2 dif. strains. And, I just ordered my ww seeds and I don't want to wait a couple of months for a mystery strain to flower when it is something I got for free from a friend.
you could ask your friend what strain is it, walk on marks and find out what strain is it..


Active Member
Well after looking into a few things I decided to keep this strain growing but not in soil... so I need some input on the best way to transplant from soil to a Bubbler system?


Well-Known Member
Dig the plant out by the roots, and gently wash off the dirt outside water. You can do it inside as well of course, but i don't like dirt going now the drain.


Active Member
The main reason i'm getting rid of this strain in favor of the ww is because I don't know how good of a strain I am growing, how long to leave it in veg, and how long to let it flower. As with the ww, I will know these things and I don't have the space to grow 2 dif. strains. And, I just ordered my ww seeds and I don't want to wait a couple of months for a mystery strain to flower when it is something I got for free from a friend.
If you grow it right the strain can come out extremely well...also u can veg as long as u want although optimal is around 10-12 in then force it to flower...with good care those look like winners to me


Well-Known Member
Whats going on with the leaf on this plant? (circled in red)
you ahve a leaf eater bug.

as for not growing them in soil. what i did was take the plant out of the soil wash the dirt off and get ur alternate medium and i put them in 2 leader bottles cut in half with the top upside down with a wick. kinda like a miniture wick setup. you can most likely do the same thing with a bubbler setup just modify it to ur specs.