1st grow


Active Member
ha are you kidding? hugeee thank you to you sampson for extending every help i could have asked. i have at least 5 more weeks left of confusion, so dont ease up on advice yet ;)


Active Member
More pre flowers turning up :) also the top cola is starting to come through looking so nice.

I LST it down a bit, the top was getting too tall.

Problem: the leaves that were crisp before have now gotten worse, turning yellow and brown in spots and the leaves themself are curved downward on all sides (not just the tip e.g. excessive nitrogen) Im thinking maybe from the lights being too close? i raised em all up an inch or two.

what say you?

pH still 7, moister at 5 today, watered it last 3 days ago



Well-Known Member
looks like shes coming along well.. looking good... should get a bunch of fat juicy top cola like buds...

so if i had to guess as of right now about the leaves i would guess a slight magnesium or iron def... when ph is high (such as yours.. 7 is high... 5.5 to 6 would be better) it can lock out both of these nutes... they both appear similar to your prob... yellowing with brown spotting... your prob isnt really a prob yet.. its very minor... it should work itself out as long as you lower you PH before watering.. ph test kits are cheap (dont get the pool kind... get ones from a gardening store)... it'd be best to check your water each time and adjust it and check your soil run off ph every couple weeks just to make sure its ok... a cheap way to lower PH is fresh lemon juice... i dont know a ratio or anything for it.. it will depend on your water and whats in it now... but like i said, as of right now its not a huge deal, but its something you should check in to....


Active Member
Allright so a little expirement in the pH field

Problem: Leaves are turning odd colors and getting crisp.

Reason: a pH of 7 is locking out magnesium and iron nutrients causing a defeciency.

Solution: going to water her tonight with normal amount of water (or should i flush out a bit?) with a few drops of lemon juice. I will use my pH meter to get the water between 6 and 6.5 before watering. Will NOT add nutes to this.

Interesting fact: We throw around the word pH a lot, but does anyone know what it means? pH actually means "potential hydrogen", that is the amount of hydrogen a certain solution attracts. When a solution has a high amount of hydroge ions, it becomes acidic (pH lowers below 7) and blocks out the potential of attracting more hydrogens. When something becomes basic or alkaline (pH above 7) the number of hydrogen atoms decrease and the number of hyrdoxide (OH-) increase, hence attracting more hydrogen with its negative charge. pH certaintly is a popular term, but in the biology world it can be exchanged for pOH (potention hydroxide) that is the exact opposite of pH. pH of 5 = pOH of 9, pH of 1 = pOH of 14, etc.

So when people say their pH is blocking out other nutrients what they are saying is that the magnesium and iron atoms are binding with the hydroxide ions instead of being absorbed by the plant. To fix this, lowering the pH will lower the number of free OH- ions that are stealing the Mg and Fe from the plant.

Sorry for the lesson, but since ive been doing all this i have noticed lots of words that get thrown around and im sure 95% of people using them have no idea what it means in the world outside of growing plants (sampson im NOT talking about you at all) After taken several years of bio/zooology classes ive learned stuff that im trying to relate back to plants. Any other bio major or anyone else who knows a lot about this correct me if im wrong. I studied people and animals much more than plants.


Active Member
Havent updated in a while, heres whats going on.

I watered her 2 days ago with water +lemon juice. I flushed it a little bit more than normal but it didnt change the pH of the soil at all =/ So those lower leaves remain crisp, curled down and have some yellow spots.

Good news is everything else seems to be going good. Check out how beautiful shes looking :) :) :)

Is there anything i need to know or do different now that im starting the 3rd week of flowering?

thx thx



Well-Known Member
shes looking good bro.. coming along... getting there for sure... the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter day by day!! nothing really to add to the mix right now.. you can get away with increasing the bloom nutes you are using a little bit... somewhere around 1/3 strength.. the little bit you add will tell you if she can handle more nutes or not... as long as she is looking good and still growing i wouldnt sweat to much about the soil ph.. if you see any other signs or the leaves start getting worse then you need to work on the soil ph.. but as long as everything is going well then keep on keepin on!!


Active Member
So i was examining today and saw on one of the growths at the top node what appears to be balls growing. WTF?? do i have a duel sexed plant? this appears to be the only spot with "balls". What should i do??

Also, i LST a lot of leaves out of the way to reveal 3 or 4 more growths. am i going about this the right way or is tieing all those leaves to the side bad for the plant? cuz lots of em arent getting light since they are stacked on top of eachother.

These are the same leaves that have brown spots and are all crispy. Can anyone diagnose whats going on with them?



Well-Known Member
So i was examining today and saw on one of the growths at the top node what appears to be balls growing. WTF?? do i have a duel sexed plant? this appears to be the only spot with "balls". What should i do??

Also, i LST a lot of leaves out of the way to reveal 3 or 4 more growths. am i going about this the right way or is tieing all those leaves to the side bad for the plant? cuz lots of em arent getting light since they are stacked on top of eachother.

These are the same leaves that have brown spots and are all crispy. Can anyone diagnose whats going on with them?
first off, stop what your doing and go cut them balls off now... those are definatly male pollen sacks.. are they showing on them all or just the one?? either way, cut them off and keep a close eye on them all...

the lst you are doing is fine.. the more you can open her up the better... the light is affecting the leaves... its more than likely just a mag/cal def... its fairly common.. you should look for some stuff called "magical".. its a mag/iron/cal supplement and should clear the leaf problem right up..

sorry to see the balls.... makes my heart weep for ya


Active Member
i just cut off 5 balls off of 3 different nodes. I can already tell there are more to come at various locations around the plant. What is happening and why?

is there anything i can do or just continue to cut em off as i see them


Well-Known Member
i guess i should have asked if you saw the little white female hairs popping out at the internodes... i feel bad.. it completely slipped my mind to even ask to make sure....


Well-Known Member
Looking good for 2 week keep the fan blowing a gentle breeze over the seedling this will harden the stems.I would also up the feed but only feed once a week this will send spreder roots out to search for water thus giveing you a far better root system.Get the lighting has close has possible without burning the plants this will give you a far better yeld because the internodes will be closer and remember this is where the side buds for.Also give it a flush every so often this will stop any salt build ups from forming.But all in all this looks fine.I have a whitewidow and a a.m.h strain about the same size now.


Active Member
no sampsson its def a female. All the nodes minues 3 or 4 all have white hairs. just look at all the pictures of the colas theres white hairs everywhere. I have found 3 total pollen sac locations. I for sure have a bi-gender plant. I know they exsist, its something to do with the genetics. has this never happened before to you? Is there anything i can do?


Well-Known Member
ive had hermies before bro.. and it very well could be.. but its got a lot of pollen sacs on it for being a hermie... but.. you can still get a yield as long as you keep the pollen sacs from poopping open and pollinating the buds.. just be ever vigilant and watch carefully for them.. get them off as soon as you possibly can... if you can keep from shim from self pollinating itself you should still get a fairly similar yield to what you were going to get... maybe a little less.. but as long as the buds dont get pollinated they will continue to grow :)


Active Member
there was only 5 total pollen sacs and somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 female flowers. My friend confirmed it for me its for sure a girl.

i examined the entire thing tonight, i didnt find anymore sacs so im hoping it was just from stress and no more will grow. I noticed all the sacs were on the same node growth so something must have happened when they were just forming. Everything else is A OK, two white hairs are sticking out of every other node throughout the entire plant, including the main cola which didnt have any sacs on it, they were all on the smaller growths.

but ya, thanks simpson for the confidence boost. I was really careful in getting them off. I accidently poked one of em and it busted but i instantly smothered it with my fingers and took it out, i didnt see anything come out, but then again i have no idea what pollen looks like.