1st Grow


New Member
Greetings, this is my 1st grow. I put one seed in some soil and it grew. From what I can find online it looks like a Indica strain. Today 10-17-13 will be one week into flower, 12/12, it's around 21" tall. I needed to know from the photo I took today, is this male or female? From what I found online I think it's a male, I don't see any pistils, or is it still to early to tell? I took 2 photos, 1st photo is of the site I think is preflower, the 2nd photo is of the top of the plant. Could some one please help???1st Grow3 - A.jpg20131016_142038.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can't really tell what that it. You'll need to wait a little more time before you know but when the time comes you'll know


Well-Known Member
It is too early.....but I got a sneaky little hunch that its going to turn female. Its just a feel for these things.....could be wrong though.....NAH ! I'm gonna trust my first instinct its gonna be a female :)


Well-Known Member
It's rough to start with only one regular seed because you don't know what you'll get. Maybe you start with multiple regular seeds or with a feminized seed. Good luck


New Member
Let's Go!!! First grow feell pritty good about everything, have delt with a little llight leake from my veg to flower room but other than that, good 2 go. Have two that have been in flower for almost 2 weeks now and the rest are clones that have been around for almost 2 weeks, I moved the 6 biggest to flower after veg to fill up the flower room some and get a nice first harvest. Use root excel almost daily and fox farm everything else, as soon as the site lets me I"m going to start a journal, would really appreciate as many responses as possible. Flower: 2000w, sun systems hoods w/ biggest ventilation fan they had think 12'' , circulating fan installed on roof movment to all VEG: Two T5 6'' Sun Systems circulating fan. I am 10 plants under my plant count at the moment, probably buy some clones and hopefully beable to have some seedlings ready in a week or two and add them to veg, I am striving to get a very strong perpetual alive. My clones got all doubled in hieght in 10 days under t5.

