1st growroom ever ladies maybe pics!!>


New Member
K well i just started growing and finally i got some pics to show yall what my deal is ! and the constant battle of heat i face day by day....ne ways let me know if these are females? cuz im about to clone them then i bought roottech and i have grodan to put them into and a dome... Bigbud plants in there and some LR2 shots that im growing now.....

Females ^^??



Well-Known Member
you need to get your temps down like last year lol it is too early or the pictures aren't close enough to tell a girl will have one or two white hairs, usually two, coming out of her nodes the growth will look different frow what you have seen before and usually preflowers show on the eighth node


New Member
what will that kind of temp do to my plants ? Im boxing up that little area where the hps light is. im buying a 4" inline duct fan should i put that in the boxed area? or just out side pulling most of the heat out? maybe get another clip on fan for it to blow it in the direction of the inline to suck heat out i dont know im new please help need advice? they are wilting a little bit .....


New Member
Couple more pics....to maybe determine the sex of the hopefully ladies?
oh and im an idiot yall! i had my plants light running at the hottest time of the day ! so now im running them 5pm-11am then when it gets hot theres no light. fixes that issue. plus the new 4" inline fan im getting shipped to my house next week.



Well-Known Member
the last pic looks like it might be a girl the others not to sure. I could be wrong about the last pic though it isn't really close up but it looks like it


Well-Known Member
still looks like they havent shown their sex, but if you are really in time constraints just throw them on 12/12 and they will be forced to show you their sex, i usually dont flower until the plants are around 12" but its your call


Well-Known Member
non of those show sex yet. but tidalrace is right, throw them 12/12 and you will find out. you can sex them and then continue to grow them as you were before.


New Member
i just cloned them so hopefully in a few days i will be getting some material to close up my flowering area.... and mylar it. Cuz then i can throw it on 12/12 and see what they are but i thought the first 2 pics would of showed you but i dont know how large a pic i can post?



Well-Known Member
greenfuzz, from what i can see in the close up, still now preflowers, i hope you marked your clones you took so when you find out what plants are female and which are male, you know which clones you took from each plant.

refresh us again how old these plants are?


New Member
the bagseed plants are about 2.5 months old give or take a week but they should be showing there preflowers...forgot to mention i planted 3 bagseeds and the third one was pulled about 3 weeks ago cuz it was tall as hell and was showing little balls...so thATS another reason why i think these are girls but i marked the clones so will see what they are hopefully in a week or less


Well-Known Member
It is still very hard to tell i wouldnt want to say for sure you gotta girl until you can really see the hairs stickin out. How tall are your plants, you probably want to flower them soon if they are 2.5 months old, about 12 to 18 inches of growth is all you want from veg because they will doule to tripple in size when you flower and yo dont wanna run outta room


New Member
im in the process of completeing my flower area the hps light is my flower light but i still have yet to measure it up and do some construction if you will, to my grow space. I want no light to get on them at all so im using 3/4 in plywood and ill have 2-3 fans in there 1 blowing air out and the other 2 blowing air in and around to make the plants shake. this is my first time cloning and there all droopy =( but they say thats normal. but i dont know if i should keep them under light in the grotech or let them sleep for a few?


Well-Known Member
light wise you treat them like your vegging plants so either 18/6 or 24/0 they should perk up a bit just keep them humid and mist those little ones often.